Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 32 Such a person always makes him unable to stop

When Ron broke through.

Monitoring room.

"Monsters, are all the candidates taking the hunter exam this time monsters? Their strength is no worse than that of ordinary hunters."

Watching Ron punch a big tiger, Libo looked surprised. It could be seen that he was still very surprised and stopped eating potato chips.

This had to surprise him.

The fanged flying tiger was specially sent there by him.

This fanged flying tiger is a magical beast that he specially raised here. Its combat power can be said to be intermediate among many magical beasts. Ordinary ability users will only run away when they see it.

Being killed casually with one punch and knocking off most of his body was such a strength that not even he himself could achieve.

Ron was not surprised at defeating the big tiger. From when the other party killed the human-faced bird before, he could tell that the other party was not simple.

The reason for doing this is just to make it more difficult for the other party.

However, this seems to be of no use. It is too simple and seriously underestimates the opponent's strength.

"Do you want to do something more??"

It's a bit frustrating. The carefully designed layout is completely useless. It is still solved with one punch. It is the same as the previous mechanism, no difference.

Not even as good as those human-faced birds.

At least those human-faced birds can still fly, and this big tiger can't escape at all in that place.

Depressedly, I grabbed another handful of potato chips and ate them, and the sound of swiping could be heard.

"Forget it, let's just consider you passed."

Looking deeply at the picture displayed on Ron's screen, Libo calmed down and made his choice.

At this time, Libo was also a little afraid to play around. At first, he was just interested in Ron and wanted to play with him, and did not regard Ron as a person of the same level.

But now, the strength shown by Ron made him extremely afraid. He had to be afraid. People with strength will be respected wherever they go.

After hesitating for a while, Libo gave up the idea of ​​doing anything else.

It's definitely not that he's scared, it's just that it's bad if he goes too far. He's now the examiner of the hunter test, and he's not joking.

Ordinary mechanisms are of little use to the opponent, and are no different from his previous layout, so there is no need.

"You're lucky. It's a pity that it's rare to meet such a capable person, and the other candidates don't seem to have much fun."

After giving up the choice of Ron, Libo carefully selected other targets, but unfortunately, he did not find any suitable candidates.

This time, the strong people are very strong, and the weak people are really weak.

If he didn't bother at all, he might not be able to pass the normal exam. If he really bothered, many people would probably die.

In the end, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​continuing to intervene. If too many people died, it would be difficult to explain.

I came here to take an exam, not to die.

In the trap tower.

In a very spacious stone room, Ron just walked in here, and he could tell that this place was a little different from the paths in other places before.

It was obviously a layout.

It has been more than ten hours since he came to this trap tower, and he still has some ability to distinguish traps.


The voices of several people were conveyed.

"Hehehe~~He's finally here."

"I can finally enjoy it. As the warden said, we can do whatever we want and our sentences can be reduced. You have to be careful and don't kill people so quickly."

"I know, I know, I don't need you to say more. I heard that I was still taking the hunter exam. I had the same thought when I didn't come here."

"You failed in the test. If there is a test that sells your butt, maybe you can do it."

"Stop arguing. The man is here. Let's deal with him first."

There are only five people in this very huge stone room, and apart from that, there is nothing special.

"Finally I met someone."

After hearing what the other party said, Ron also noticed them.

Looking at this rag-headed man, wearing rags and uniforms that looked like prison uniforms, Ron also knew that these guys were the so-called prisoners in this trap tower.

"Chief Warden, people are here, please help us open the handcuffs."

Seeing Ron walking toward them, the five prisoners who had been lying down all stood up. One of the prisoners couldn't wait any longer and roared loudly.

And as he spoke, their handcuffs fell off one by one. It was obvious that someone was staring at this place.

"Oh~~ I'm free, I'm free. This feels so good. I don't want to wear these handcuffs anymore."

"If you want to eat shit, let's catch this guy first. That way we can have fun for a few more days."

As soon as the handcuffs left their bodies, each of the prisoners screamed excitedly and moved their bodies, but they completely ignored Ron who was present.

In their view, Ron is just a little guy who can be played with at will.

"I didn't expect that a handsome young man would come here. Come and play with us. We will make you very comfortable. Spend these three days with us, and maybe you won't have to die."

Among the prisoners, someone was already eyeing Ron. One of them, a bald man with no hair and muscles all over his body, his eyes lit up when he saw Ron.

While speaking, he licked his tongue, as if he had encountered some delicious food.

"Hehehe, what a pity, I was expecting some women to come, but if there are no women, this little guy looks good, hahaha."

Next to the bald man, another muscular man said while laughing.

His eyes were full of desire. While talking, several people were active and alert to Ron. This alertness was not because they were worried that Ron would do something to threaten them.

But they were worried that Ron would run away.

It was rare to meet such a fun and interesting person, so they naturally couldn't let him go so easily.

Although the other party kept talking dirty and their eyes revealed greed for Ron, they were obviously a group of guys who were greedy for Ron's beauty, but Ron was used to meeting such people.

If this world dared to say where there were the most such people, Ron would definitely dare to tell others without hesitation that it was Meteor Street, and he was from Meteor Street.

Facing such guys, Ron was not timid at all. On the contrary, he liked to meet such guys very much.

Such people always make him unable to stop.

"Hey, are you prisoners here?"

Facing them with a smile, Ron was very happy to meet them here this time, and asked them simply and clearly.

Ron's idea was actually the same as theirs. In such a place, it was rare to meet someone who could be played with, so he would naturally not let it go. But who played with whom in the future was uncertain.

I feel like there are fewer people now.

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