Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 324 Condensation

Now Xiaojie's face is full of curiosity.

He stared at Ron with big black eyes, making Killua beside him look at him with a doting look.

He knew Xiaojie's "true nature" and sometimes "naturally black" personality.

He had known it for a long time and got used to it.

He could tolerate it.

Ron didn't get angry, but just looked a little disgusted.

Killua didn't stand up and say anything.

He also wanted to know, he was also curious.

"You have so many questions."

He held his forehead a little, but since he had said he would teach him, Ron still didn't refuse to answer.

"Please, Mr. Ron."

"The so-called B-level, my own standard is that it can fight for a long time, and the endurance of the Nen energy must be able to last for at least three hours, and at least the Nen ability needs to be initially perfected, no longer a half-baked Nen ability, to be called B."

"Of course, let me explain to you that everyone has their own unique ability to predict strength. This is just my way of determining it. You can refer to it."

According to my own experience, I help the ability users allocate strength and level. This is also experience. Forcibly integrating some uncertain experiences will only lead to accidents.

Consuming some things that you cannot consume will cause problems.


"Is that so."

Xiaojie's brain is already exploding.

But he still pretends to think.

And Ron also took the opportunity to speak directly without wasting time.

Anyway, it's OK if Killua understands.

"A-level, in fact, according to my opinion, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, there are very few people who have reached this level. Basically, you can tell whether the other person is good or not as long as you meet. A-level strong people must practice for at least five hours, and their mental energy is definitely much higher than yours."

"In addition, the developed mental ability must also have a certain strength. Some abilities with too low upper limits, in my opinion, are completely unqualified to be the so-called A-level. This is why I told you that it is best to develop the ability after it is determined. If you want to enhance your combat effectiveness before it is determined, you might as well practice honestly."

"Don't do unnecessary things, maybe it will be the best progress for you,"

Ron's words did not deceive anyone.

When it comes to the A-level standard, he is very strict.

Many B-level mental ability users have mental energy that is not weak, and even exceed the A-level mental energy he said, especially those who have practiced for decades.

But Ron thinks that these guys are actually just average in ability. The real reason is that the developed ability is not very good, so it is not worthy of being labeled as A-level.

Such people, as long as they encounter some restraining means, will suffer a great loss if they are not careful.

Of course, Ron still did not deny their own abilities, which can be regarded as a pseudo-A stage.

If the ability of Nen is not revised and re-cultivated, it will not work at all.

"A-level, is that so?"

"Then there are no weaker combat power?"

Killua found a blind spot. After all, according to Ron, not all abilities are calculated according to combat power.

"Yes, of course there are, but there is no way to explain this in detail. If you see someone with ability, you will know it clearly."

Ron just answered the question casually.

"What level is Mr. Ron? Also A-level?"

"You said that your judgment is based on your own evaluation."

Xiaojie spoke very normally, but Killua was a little disgusted, as if you set yourself at the highest level.

"Yes, I evaluate myself, because I have rarely met people who are stronger than me in terms of mental energy. I can't find many."

"As for my own situation, I should be considered a pseudo-S at present, and I can't reach the next stage in my mind."


"S-level, in terms of combat power, should be the level of humanoid weapons, which can slaughter an entire city by oneself. In addition, the amount of mental energy must be maintained, and at least the continuous fighting for a day without stopping..."

Ron said directly.

It can be regarded as satisfying the curiosity of the two guys.

It also makes the two guys not feel at a loss.

"In general, you are still far away~~"

By the way, I also hit these two guys a little, so that they will practice well later.


Kiya didn't know what to say after hearing this.

He just listened to Ron's judgment.

However, he also felt how huge the gap between the two sides was.

Although Ron's narcissism is not excluded, the gap between the two sides is still very obvious.

E-level and S-level

Although they are far from D-class.

But this, the gap is still obvious.

Destroying a city, such a thing, maybe even his father can't do it.

As for his grandfather, Killua has never seen him take a serious action.

Unsure. .

Weak strength, uncertain about many current situations.

Killua can't judge.

"It seems that you have finished asking questions, so let's talk about business, you should enter the next stage."

"I have two things to tell you."

"One is related to what I said before, the matter of mind energy. Why can I see your mind energy and your level at a glance?"

"Real masters have their own experience, and for situations that cannot be judged, there are some special hidden situations, and mind power users also have their own application methods to discover other people's mind energy."

Ron said directly.

When he started to explain, he had already asked the two little guys to concentrate and listen.

"You go into the stage of releasing mind energy just now and see."

"Is that so?"

After hearing this, Xiaojie and Killua followed Ron's words and entered the stage of releasing mind energy.

"Next, try to mobilize the mind energy to the eyes and concentrate it."

"Concentrate, concentrate." Although a little confused, Xiaojie and Killua still used it directly.

And this situation, which they could not really observe and confirm at ordinary times.

It was also presented in front of them.

The mind energy was truly collected in their eyes, although it was very reluctant, but they still did it.

Gon and Killua looked at Ron in front of them, feeling his surging mental energy, and were somewhat certain of the difference he had mentioned before.

This was still the normal state, and they couldn't even imagine what it would be like if Ron entered the training state.

"How is it? Did you see it? My mental energy."

"This is condensation, the application skill of "training", which concentrates the energy on a certain part of the body, and then produces an effect, such as seeing the mental energy that you can't feel at ordinary times, or seeing the mental energy that others usually hide."

Ron spoke directly.

If powerful people can see the mental energy of others without using mental energy.

But these two little guys are still a little short.

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