Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 343: Lulusi reaches the target

After finding Lulus.

Ron left the Sky Arena and found this guy who had been ignored for a long time.

Although I had been thinking about ignoring him a little more before, I didn’t completely ignore him.

Sure enough, when I saw this guy, he looked so miserable that I couldn’t help but want to act cute to get by.

For so long, Lulus has made some progress.

The changes in her body are quite big.

She is not as white as before. Although her skin color is still very white now, it is much better than before.

The whiteness before was a bit sickly.

If you don’t know, you might think she has some disease.

She was weak before, but now she is different. She still has some muscles, not like a Barbie doll.

But she is not as soft as before, like a little lamb.


“Is that enough…”

As soon as she saw Ron, Lulus made a bitter face and wanted to act cute. Seeing that Maggie was not around, her eyes were already tearful.

She was really serious these days.

Mainly because being cute was useless.

Whenever she complained of being tired, Yun Gu would take out his phone and hand it to her, asking her to contact Luo En to tell him that he was quitting.

How could she dare to do that?

So she could only continue training while cursing Yun Gu for never finding a girlfriend.

Even during this period, she didn't dare to contact Luo En at all, just because she was worried about any misunderstanding.

Until now when Luo En came, she started her business and continued to be cute.

The young lady who had never suffered any hardship had been working very hard these days.

It seemed that she could get everything done by being cute in the past, and she relied on being cute to get by.

Now she was completely carrying it hard.

After all, one person carried everything.

"Well, it's almost done."

"There's progress."

In more than a month, Lulusi had changed a lot. This was because she had activated her telepathic ability unconsciously, and Luo En had been treating them, so that they could train for a long time without side effects.

Of course, the credit still went to the other party, who had been practicing hard.

Although Lulus hasn't been able to feel the Qi yet, some of it has already come out, because she already has the ability of mind reading.

"Then when will my training end?"

Lulus has had enough of this place, and now she is thinking about when she can finish and have a good rest.

Here, not only is the body tired, but the heart is also tired, especially when she sees that she is not as good as a teenager, Lulus is resistant.

But later she had to accept it, and she had to admit that no matter from which aspect, Zhixi was much better than her.

This is also the motivation for her not to be left behind and thrown away.

However, that is too depressing.

"The training is almost done, she is already good enough."

"Activate mind reading, there is no problem now, it depends on when you are ready."

On the other side, Yun Gu also came over, making Lulus squeeze out a slightly forced smile, but when she heard this, she was a little brighter.

Although some of the words were not understood, it was good to know that it was almost time to leave.

If possible, goodbye now, oh, I should say, goodbye forever.

"Well, it's almost the same."

"Little slug."

Ron took out a slug and skillfully sent it to the other party. Soon after the slug responded, he accepted the news.

"Physically, you are qualified."

He didn't continue to embarrass Lulu. Ron also knew that the other party was not a fighter and was not suitable for fighting.

Now he has some self-protection ability and some physical strength to survive.

The main thing is that he is not lacking in combat power. Let's see what happens to the other party first.


Control, this aspect still needs to be learned.


"Yeah, I'm qualified."

"Passed, passed."

Lulu is like a very naughty child now.

It makes people want to shake their heads.

This guy is not young, but it's acceptable to say that he is a child.

The main thing is that she has experienced different things from others.

When needed, maybe she will be very mature, like a treasure girl, very well-behaved and sensible.

When it is not necessary, she also acts cute. She just likes to act cute. It has nothing to do with age.

She just wants to be loved.

"Do you have any training arrangements?"

"If not, I may take him away in the next two days."

Ron did not respond to Lulu. He did not say that you should leave immediately after passing the test.

You should start and end things.

This made Lulu stare at Yun Gu with big eyes.

"Actually, he is almost done here. There is no arrangement. I have thought that you should come these days." Yun Gu did not treat Lulu as a student.

Training is to succeed as soon as possible according to Ron's requirements.

Try to improve as much as possible, so the amount of training is also day by day, just before the other party collapses.

This collapse is mainly mental.

There is no problem with the body, and naturally there should be no problem with the mind.


The conversation between the two sides ended quickly, and Lulu was able to graduate as she wished.

However, because she was too noisy, Ron couldn't leave today, so Ron directly chose to let Yun Gu give her the last enjoyment today.

Let the other party come to him tomorrow to report.

"I don't need it."

"I really don't need it."

"No way..."

Watching Ron leave, Lulu cried a few times without tears, but no one paid attention.

"Cold-blooded, no conscience, hum."

After muttering, he looked at Yun Gu.

Yun Gu looked at her with a smile, thinking: Maybe you can know whether the other party is cold-blooded and conscienceless later.

Of course, Yun Gu didn't say much nonsense.

He still knew what to say and what not to say.

He couldn't control what happened later, and in fact, she could see that Lulu still had some feelings for Ron.

If he said more nonsense, he might become a bad person in the end, so he naturally wouldn't say it.

As for the other party's tearful cuteness.

"Let's catch up now and try to train with Zhixi."

Thinking of Ron's last words, Yun Gu didn't let Lulusi slack off.

Just let her enjoy it.


It made Lulusi want to run away.

I don't know whether Ron's coming here is good news or bad news.

I clearly heard the news that I can leave, but I was told that it's not on the same day and I have to wait.

I still have to train, and the difficulty will increase later.

Is this the life of a human being?

Is this what a human being would do?

It's torture.

The king of torture.

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