Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 37 Who is the examiner?

"Damn, disgusting guy."

Faced with Ron's terrifying punch, Libo's pupils shrank a bit, his muscles tensed up, and his hair stood on end. It can be said that this was definitely one of his most terrifying punches.


There is no doubt that it is impossible to forcefully connect with this fist. Libo has no idea of ​​​​a forceful connection. At this time, Libo has no idea at all about other things.

The only thing he wanted to do was to avoid the fist and postpone other matters.

Before Ron approached with his fists waving, he had already acted in advance and was so fast that he wished he had a few more legs to speed him up.

He barely dodged the punch and let it hit the air.

And this punch.

Not hitting Libber is one thing.

This punch hit the air, but it didn't mean that this punch had no power at all. Just the wind of the punch directly caused quite a disturbance in the prison area.

Coupled with the terrifying thought that ordinary people would be crushed to death if they touched it, it directly caused a big shock in the prison area, and the entire prison area was like a large typhoon of more than ten levels suddenly appeared.

Many prisoners inside were blown away, causing injuries.

The power of this fist was so powerful that the entire trap tower felt the vibration, which made many people close to the place so scared that they squatted down with their heads in their hands, thinking that there was an earthquake or something. .

"What's going on? Earthquake?"

"It shouldn't have triggered other mechanisms."

"Such a big shock can't mean that the trap tower is about to collapse."

There are all kinds of thoughts, and most of the candidates are terrified, especially in an environment like this trap tower, except that they think it is a natural disaster.

Many people doubted whether it was some dangerous trap.

No one knew about the battle in the prisoner confinement area. Other candidates in the trap tower felt the vibration and could only make random guesses.

After all, there are not many people who can truly feel Nian Qi.

Whether among prisoners or among candidates,

There were also some beings with Nian Qi among the prisoners, but when they felt the Nian Qi here, they had no intention of resisting and were panicked.

Hisoka and Jita Laku, who had reached the bottom of the trap tower, looked up thoughtfully. Compared to Jita Laku, who just glanced at them, Hisoka showed a little more interest.

He also showed a bit of a perverted smile, but in the end he suppressed it and still didn't do anything.

"It seems like something funny happened."


“What a pity~~”


Confinement area.

At this time, a big change had taken place at the elevator entrance. Although Ron's punch didn't hit anything, the powerful punch carried the energy of thought, which was no joke.

This place has been completely transformed, as if some terrifying giant monster passed by just now. A large cave appeared in front of Ron. The elevator just now has completely disappeared, and that's not all.

Even the very hard stone wall where many prisoners were imprisoned has mostly disappeared.

The entrance to the cave was empty. Even if there was a road behind it before, it had disappeared at this time. If you really want to find the exit route, you need to move forward to find it.

"Hoo, ho..."

Now, the only person in this prison area who can still stand up, besides Ron, is Libber, the examiner of the third hunter test.

The other prisoners were either frightened by the vibration or blown away by the storm. Of course, some of them had already been disabled by the slugs. Anyway, no one could stand firm.

At this time, Libo's eyes widened, and his original intention to fight back had now dissipated. With this punch, his previous anger and other emotions had all dissipated.

He was not like other people who couldn't tell the difference between the strong and the weak. Such an obvious difference in strength made him dare not act rashly.

He swallowed, took a deep breath, recalled the punch just now in his mind, and suppressed the shock in his heart. The punch just now was completely beyond his imagination.

If you accidentally touch it, you may be punched to death.

When he thought of this, Li Bo had no time to deal with his cockscomb hair that had fallen like a flower, nor did he have time to deal with his sweaty forehead.

The power of a punch is so terrifying.

"Tsk, you can hide pretty quickly."

Looking at Libber, who was unharmed but just shocked, Ron looked a little dissatisfied with the punch, but that was all.

The Nian Qi in his body began to gather. Although his Nian Qi was now less than half of usual, it was still enough for a simple fight.

However, it was obvious that the other party was thinking of running away. Ron even suspected that as soon as he made a move, the other party would run away without looking back.

"This candidate, stop your behavior. If you continue to provoke me, then I will directly disqualify you from taking the exam and report it to the Hunter Association."

Feeling the thought energy in Ron, Libo said quickly. Although his tone was a little flustered, he was still quite strong when talking about the Hunter Association.

At this time, Libo no longer had the intention to deal with the prisoner's matters, so he brought up the name of the Hunter Association, thinking of shocking the other party first.

This situation is now a bit beyond his control.

"It's so boring."

Seeing the other party sweating, it was obvious that he had frightened him. Ron muttered with a bit of disdain. According to the other party's situation, it was obvious that he had no intention of fighting at all, so there was no point.

"Oh? Are you really the examiner? What evidence do you have?"

After hesitating for a while, Ron stopped and asked in a puzzled manner, as if he had just found out.

It was indeed a fake, and it was as fake as it could be. Especially when Ron spoke, he still had a slight smile, as if he was telling others, I knew you were the examiner, but I just wanted to beat you up on purpose.

Thinking of the hunter test and the hunter license he would use later, Ron gave up teaching the other party a lesson. He was also out of energy, and he should keep some of his mind energy.

He couldn't really kill this guy, by that time, Netero would probably come out to beat him up.

And don't even think about the life source behind him, it's all his, and the punch just now was a warning.

"I've already said it, and you don't think the examiner can dodge your attack like this? You've gone too far."

Seeing the other party's careless and even somewhat provocative look, Li Bo wanted to beat him up. He was very sure that the other party knew that he was the examiner, and he made a special move.

From the other party's performance and situation, he could conclude that the other party was also a person who liked to play tricks on others like him. The evidence was that until now, the prisoners behind them were still suffering.

Even now, he wanted to provoke him to make a move, and then he could beat him up legitimately. There was definitely such an idea, Li Bo thought secretly, and guessed Ron's thoughts.

Li Bo now doubted whether he was the examiner or the other party was the examiner. Especially when he saw the other party's scrutinizing eyes, he felt uncomfortable.

He even regretted coming here.

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