Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 365 Auction (4000)

Although I wanted to beat Ron when I saw him.

But now they were still looking for a mind-eliminating master, and it was still up to him.

Naturally, no one really took action to beat him.

Nobunaga could only be upset, but in the end he ate obediently.

He was very upset about the breakfast.

It was like he was eating Ron's flesh and blood.

"You want to bite me~~"

"Come on, come on..."

"Shut up, eat quickly..."

Originally, Ron wanted to tease Nobunaga, but was beaten by Maggie who was sitting next to him.

This made Ron smile and be honest.

In short, he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't get beaten for a day.

Now he felt comfortable after being beaten.

"Where is our destination?"

After finishing breakfast, Maggie looked at Nobunaga who was angry on the other side, and Pike looked like he wanted to ask but didn't ask. They all looked at her, so she had to speak.

"Dress up well, auction house..."

Ron said hello.

Then he changed his clothes.

"Forget it, let's go out and buy it."

After trying it for a while, Ron gave up and took Maggie to move.

"Are you sure about the auction house?"

"Is there a mind remover at the auction house?"

Nobunaga couldn't help but speak.

"Just follow me, idiot. Don't you know you are a laborer?"

Ron shook his head to move his head, which was a little awkward when he got up in the morning.

"A laborer..."

"Isn't it?"


Ron was stopped when he started to argue with Nobunaga. Maggie was too lazy to say anything and just took him away. She knew that Ron would not play around with such things.

In addition, she didn't want to satisfy Ron's perverted mind of liking to be beaten.

On the other side, Nobunaga, who was said a few words by Pike, calmed down and looked taciturn.

Be a laborer honestly.

In the end, each of them chose a formal suit, but there was nothing fancy.

"Little Maggie looks good in anything. In fact, you can try changing all those clothes to see if you want." Ron said while leaning against Maggie while walking on the road.

He looked at Parker Noda, who was serious and secretary-like, and said, "Of course, Parker is not bad either..."

He wanted to say something, but it was a pity that Parker was serious and only forced a little smile. If he didn't have something to do now, he probably wouldn't even smile at all.

"If you don't do your job, we will act on our own."

"Ron, it's time to do your job."

"Bodyguards should be honest. Really, I said it, it's all arranged." Maggie wanted to speak, but Nobunaga next to her spoke in advance.

This made Ron continue to make trouble for Nobunaga's bodyguard.

He looked at Nobunaga who had changed his clothes and spoke as if he had just discovered something. .

"Clothes really make the man. You look more like a bodyguard in this outfit."

"You guy, I'm going to chop you to death..." Nobunaga was so angry that he wanted to take off his clothes on the spot.

Later, thinking about the main road here, I can only show that I am going to draw my sword and chop someone.

"You can't chop him, he is still useful now, calm down..." Pike has been accustomed to Ron's completely frivolous appearance. For frivolous people, she can only make herself serious.

"Come on, come on..."

"Damn it, after the matter is resolved, I must chop you to death..." No one stopped him, and Nobunaga was embarrassed.

Later, he could only speak with gritted teeth.

Before Ron could continue to say anything, he was strangled by fate's neck.

"Do business first!!"

Hearing Maggie's reminder, Ron became honest.

Youkexin Nanpis Auction.

This auction lasted for many days.

Ron didn't know how long it would last.

Anyway, it started a long time ago.

It was a warm-up some time ago.

And now.

It seems to have just started.

After searching the map, Ron found the place and came here.

"I spent a lot of money on Kuroro, and I'll have to ask Kuroro to reimburse me later..." Ron muttered as he entered the venue.

"You can die after you find someone, bastard..." Nobunaga, who was standing behind Ron, couldn't help but scold him when he heard this.

"Send me the money later, and I'll find a way." Paknoda added on the side.

Ron smiled proudly.

"Look, look, this is the difference between people, no wonder you can only be a bodyguard..."


"Okay, is your goal to auction items? Isn't it to find someone?" Seeing Ron find a place to sit down casually, Maggie also sat next to him.

She was very uncomfortable here.

But she still endured it.

"I guess so, in fact, it's just an attempt. It's not a troublesome thing to be a mind remover, and you will always find it..." Ron recalled his memory.

This is not very important.

He basically forgot everything.

He only remembered the game here and a rich man.

Also, there was the matter of Kuroro finding someone in the game.

Although the world has changed a lot now, Pike is not dead, Gon and Killua are stronger than before, and Biji was driven away by him. The period when Gon and the others discovered things here seems to have changed.

But this shouldn't make any big changes to other things.

As things stand now, they can find people just by entering the game.

You don't even need to enter the game.

"A rich man?"

Ron recalled while looking for people at the scene.

The others saw Ron becoming more serious and did not interrupt.

Just waiting nearby. .




While Ron was thinking about the situation of the characters, two voices came from the side.


You didn't have to turn your head to know that it was the two brats. Seeing their alert looks, Ron happily greeted them.

"You two little guys are here, that means the chain hand..." Nobunaga looked around unhappily, trying to find someone, but unfortunately, Kurapika was not here.

"Why are you here? Do you want to take action on this auction?"

Looking at Ron, the steely straight man Xiaojie directly asked a question, which made everyone around him look this way, and also made the people at the auction wary.

Maybe it was because he was Nobunaga, he had a vicious look, and he seemed to be wanted.

Many people have silently changed their positions, and the guards have also come closer and have begun to get the news.

"Don't accuse me unfairly, I'm just a guest."

"As for the others, that's not necessarily the case. You say so, Nobunaga..." The matter had been settled before, and now Ron has no intention of causing trouble for these two little guys.

But he kept causing trouble for Nobunaga.

Nobunaga's eyes widened and he wanted to hit someone.

However, I felt that the atmosphere around here had changed, and many people were already staring at this place, so I endured it and watched the surroundings.

His hands were already on the long knife.

“Guest, do you also buy things??”

Maybe because he has been cured by Gon, Killua is now more courageous.

"Wouldn't it be faster to just grab it?"

"There's no such thing as pleasure or discomfort, and money can be spent very quickly. Moreover, money is nothing if there is no trouble. After all, for me, money is just like waste paper. Spending a little can save you some trouble, isn't it great? ?”

Ron said indifferently.

Make everyone around you want to hit someone.

To say that money is like waste paper is extremely arrogant no matter where you say it.

It makes people grit their teeth and want to snatch Ron away directly.

If he hadn't seen Nobunaga who was obviously not easy to mess with next to him, someone might have already taken action.

"What is your goal?"

Xiaojie, who looked at Ron suspiciously, as if thinking that Ron might actually come to buy something, was not too hostile.

"Game console, a game called Greed Island..." Ron said casually. "How is Kurapika doing now?" He then asked casually.

It's just a pity that when he heard this, Killua had already spoken first.

"It's so good to drag you down now..."

The way he said this made people unsure whether it was good or not, mainly because there was something wrong with Killua's tone.

And Ron didn't care.

As long as they are confused enough.

"Then I'm relieved. Because I hurt you yesterday, I couldn't sleep. I had insomnia for a whole day..."

When he said these words, Nobunaga next to him widened his eyes.

Who went back to bed early yesterday and slept so comfortably?

I can't sleep here now.

Gon and Killua have known Ron's character for a long time.

Naturally, I just want to listen to these words.

Didn't say much on this matter.

"You want to buy that game too..."

"What's so strange about this? Many of the people who come here are eyeing that thing!!"

Watching Xiaojie speak, Ron naturally thought that the other person would be looking for his father or something inside.

"That's it..."

These words made Xiaojie silent for a moment, and then he had an idea.

It was not determined later.

"You can't afford it, so you want to ask me to take you in!!" Ron said as if he was sure of something.

"No, I didn't..."

"Oh, that's it. Originally, I was thinking that if you came looking for me, I would take you in or something, but they didn't have much interest anyway."

Ron spoke directly.

Said casually.

Xiaojie's entire face turned dark.

Xiaojie, who is naturally black, has really turned black now.

There is no need to say anything later, the auction time has already begun.

Xiaojie sat in front of them.

"You can tell me what you like, and I can get it all."

Not paying attention to the host's nonsense, Ron turned to look at Maggie next to him and teased.

"I want this to end as soon as possible..."

But Maggie still spoke so directly.

No idea at all about ordinary things.

"Then as you wish."

Ron snapped his fingers.

I added it later. "By the way, remember what I said before, I am not joking about this matter. I have already told Chrollo that you will have two choices when the time comes..."

Ron didn't say the choice, but Maggie already knew what it was.

She looked at him with disgust and said nothing.

One was to leave voluntarily and go with him, and the other was to be taken away by him.

Ron didn't emphasize anything. Maggie knew that no matter what choice they made, it would be useless. Even if she resisted, Ron would only find it interesting.

Things that don't matter, they don't matter no matter what.

Things that he likes, he will never give up no matter what, no matter what the reason or excuse.

The excitement of the auction drove this time.

Ron and the others just kept watching, and nothing caught their fancy.

Ron didn't, and the others didn't either.

But Xiaojie and the others in front were watching with great interest.

"Greed Island is out."

Ron's words awakened Nobunaga, who was so bored that he wanted to sleep.

Greed Island, a game exclusively for hunters.

A game that requires the ability to read to play.

And here. .

This game appeared here because the previous owner has not come out yet.

As for why they couldn't come out, the reason was that this was a game that could kill people.

Looking at the introduction of the person above, Maggie still didn't know why this thing could remove thoughts.

"You mean there is a mind remover in the game, then it should be very troublesome for us to find it."

"It's just an attempt, don't worry, it won't waste much time."

Ron didn't say much about the things in his memory.

He just explained it casually.

And just like that, it was enough to stop Maggie from asking any more questions.

She was not a person who liked to ask random questions.

As long as the ending was good, she would not ask any more questions about some unimportant things.

Just know it.

"A game worth billions, do you have enough money?"

Sitting on the other side, Paknoda, who had been silent like a secretary, also interrupted and looked at Ron and said.

These billions were a bit beyond her expectations.

She had wanted to say this a long time ago. If it was not enough now, maybe she could think of a way first.

Billions, then after the auction, it would be tens of billions.

Or even more.

They also need time to receive so much money.

Maybe Kuroro has some. Most of their money is with Kuroro. Others don't have the mind to save money.

They don't even want Kuroro's distribution.

Even she, basically all the money is given to Kuroro.

Moreover, the things they robbed were all black goods. To deal with them, they need to deduct some "handling fees" and sneak out of Meteor Street.

This money is actually not much.

They get a lot and spend a lot.

"Don't worry, I'll ask Kuroro to reimburse later."


Ron didn't care about money.

And his sight was not on the game.

When the two of them were talking, the game had already exceeded 10 billion ringgit.

And in Ron's sight, he saw a person who doubled his money.

"20 billion ringgit."

A white-haired rich man who looked majestic doubled the price, bringing the auction to a climax.

Things worth 20 billion ringgit had never appeared before.

Thanks to Haha Destiny for 10,000 starting coins

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