Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 369 Find the mind remover and snatch the game (4000)

At the dinner table.

Basically, everyone was a little curious about what Ron wanted to do.

Including Nobunaga and the others, now they also knew that Ron wanted to find someone, but the specific method and way had not been determined.

"I'm not very interested in that thing. I'm just looking for someone, looking for someone, and asking you to cooperate." Ron ate his food while speaking without raising his head.

His purpose was very clear.

It was that little black brother.

He didn't care about the game, not to mention that the thing itself might be made by a proud father to educate his son. As for the things in it, except for the ability and knowledge, he didn't want anything.

During this period of time, Ron recalled a lot of things, and he naturally knew about this game.

If he really mastered the knowledge of this game, maybe he could also make a game to play.

It can also improve abilities and so on.

This is possible. .

"Looking for someone? If you need, I can help you find it now." Hearing this, Bartra had no problem.

Finding someone was too simple for him.

"I'm looking for a mind exorcist, and I need a mind exorcist with sufficient strength..." Ron spoke directly and looked at Bartra.

"Mind exorcist?" Bartra turned his head and looked at Juezijela.

"Mind exorcists are very difficult to find. Basically, only people with special characteristics can become mind exorcists. There are only a few people with special characteristics, and there are even fewer mind exorcists."

Juezijela spoke rarely, and it was also to tell Bartra how difficult this matter was.

"There are mind exorcists in the association, but if you don't know anyone, it's a bit difficult to get them to take action."

"Mr. Juezijela doesn't know anyone? After all, they are all one-star hunters." Ron looked at Juezijela. Anyway, he should know some people.

"Whatever the other party offers, it's fine. Money is the best. If it's murder or arson, the few people here are also happy to help..."

Ron said indifferently.

And this made several people at the table feel a little stressed.

They all knew that Ron and the others were not good people, but now they were casually talking about murder and arson.

It was still a bit...

"I can only try to contact them, try, they usually won't do anything for ordinary things..." Jue Zi Jue had a dark face.

I didn't expect that he had been silent and said nothing, and he had something to do.

"Then it's hard work."

Ron nodded, smiling, very harmonious.

But this smile was not like that in the eyes of the people around.

Bartra's girlfriend had fallen silent, and there was no smile on her face. Obviously, this topic was a bit unacceptable to her.

Although she didn't know what was going on, but for murder and arson.

"Let's talk about how you need to cooperate, continue to recruit people, let them enter the game? Do you think there will be, elimination, elimination of mind masters among the people who come to help?"

Bartra glanced at his girlfriend.

Then he spoke.

He was naturally not a fool to be able to make so much money.

On the contrary, he was very smart.

"That's about right. During the test, you just need to test it. It shouldn't be difficult." Ron pointed at Juezi Juela.

"As long as you confirm the personnel, leave it to us."

"Are you so sure there will be a mind-eliminating master?" Juezi Juela frowned.

If it is, it will be easy to find. If the other party wants to hide it, the chance of finding it will be small.

"It's basically confirmed, but it can't be said that there are no accidents." Ron waved his hand. If he can't find the person, he will offer a reward. If it weren't for their unfriendly reputation, he would want to offer a reward now.

Now he wants to confirm the good person first.

"This process may cost you a lot of money, Mr. Bartra..."

"Money is all external things. It's okay, it's okay. As long as we can complete this transaction, that's fine." Bartra emphasized it very much.

Perhaps he has already felt that his three views are completely different from Ron's.

So now it seems that the relationship between the two sides is a bit isolated, but he did not choose to deny it.

"That's good. Please give me more advice in the next few days. By the way, there are also rejuvenation drugs in the game. Mr. Bartra needs it now."

"I just want to find someone. You can still do other things, right?" Although the other party was very active, Ron still gave a piece of news that everyone knew.

Let the other party be more active.

"I know."

After a dinner, the matter was settled.

In the following days, Ron followed the rich man.

If he found the little black brother, the matter would be solved. If he couldn't find him, he would offer a reward, find an intelligence organization, or find Lulus.

You can try.

It's not the only option.

It's just that this is the fastest for Ron.

"Will he really cooperate?"

After leaving the table, Nobunaga couldn't help but speak.

"Or, I'll catch that woman and threaten him?"

"No need. People should be trustworthy and honest. How can they do such a thing?" Ron waved his hand. How could he do such a thing?

If the other party doesn't cooperate and plays tricks on him, he will naturally give the other party a life-or-death experience.

He is not someone who is easily deceived.

"You? Trust?"

Nobunaga looked at Ron and fell silent for a moment without speaking.

If Nobunaga and Pike were still a little unsure and didn't speak, then Maggie just rolled her eyes.

Little did she know that Ron didn't trust people at all.

Even she will be suspected in some things.

Especially after the Meteor Street incident, I started to think more and more.

The so-called trust, Ron would only show in things that he didn't think mattered.

For example, for some, even if there is an accident, you can still start over, or for some, there is no other way and there is no other state.

Only then can such a thing exist.

In fact, this situation is no longer a matter of trust or distrust.

I just don’t believe it at all, I just have no choice.

A few people didn't say much on the matter of trust.

Time quickly came to the next day.

Ron and the others are now following Batra and the others.

By the way, take a look at the people who applied earlier.

Batra has already announced that he will hire someone to clear the game.

And Ron also directly screened people here.

I want to find that little black guy.

There were indeed many people coming, and some people did bring back Ron's memories.

But that little black guy is still not sure.

"How's it going? Did you find the person you were looking for?" Batra successfully took pictures of the game console again today, and also took pictures of a few things for his little girlfriend.

Now that his little girlfriend is awake, he looks much better.

"It hasn't been found yet."

Ron simply despised Battra's dog-licking behavior, knowing clearly that the other party would not accept his gift.

That looks like him.

Maggie bought everything she liked directly and asked him to pay directly, as if she was venting her dissatisfaction. Oh, it should be said that she liked spending his money.

This is different from others.

"There are still a few days left for the auction, and the news has spread. Someone should come later. In addition, apart from the matter of the Nianshi, I have also issued a reward. If anyone is really interested in money, he should show up. "

Batra was well prepared.

Now like this, it looks like he can't wait for Ron to leave.

In fact, this is also true. It is one thing to repay the favor as soon as possible, and it is also another thing to ask him to leave quickly.

"Mr. Ron, do you know those two little guys from before?" Juezi Juela interrupted.

Regarding Gon and Killua, he thought that those two little guys were still thinking about entering the Greed Island.

"Oh, you know, I trained them for a while before, but these two guys always like to seek death and cause trouble for me." Ron said nonchalantly.

"Oh, is that so?" Juezi Juela originally wanted to ask if he should let the two little guys enter the game.

And with these words, he didn't even know that he shouldn't ask.

apprentice? And then still looking for trouble?

It seems that the relationship is not good.

"Just do whatever you have to do. I'll tell you if you need it. If I don't tell you, just do whatever you want." Ron could tell what the other person meant at a glance.

There is no cover-up in this matter.

For the other party's game of looking for daddy.

He wouldn't do anything.

Let's wait until the day comes when we need to take advantage of their favor.

Several people act together.

The third day.

No one was found.

Nobunaga was a little irritable and wanted to hit someone.

The fourth day.

Finally some news.

Batra has been contacted.

It's not about applying for a job, it's about getting rid of Nian Shi.

After hearing such good news, Ron and the others naturally showed up.

In addition, it is still necessary to determine the extent of ability.

If the guy is not strong enough, let alone eliminate Nian, it might not be good to make Nian ability more difficult to solve.

"The person has been contacted. The other party will not be able to meet until tomorrow. He is not in this area now." Batra explained directly.

In fact, I felt relieved.

As long as it can be done.

"Then it's hard on you."

Ron is naturally not dissatisfied with deciding on the candidate now.

"By the way, there is one more thing..."

I originally thought that was the case, but Batra added another sentence.

"A game console was robbed today, and the person is said to be someone from the Phantom Troupe..."

But Batra remembered that Ron and the others were talking about being from the Phantom Troupe.

"Oh, Mr. Batra misunderstood, and I didn't make it clear before. I'm not from the Phantom Troupe, it's them, they are. I'm just returning a favor, it's only relevant."

Ron directly pointed at Pike and Nobunaga and sold them both.

He looked at the already dark-faced Nobunaga with a smile on his face.

"Those guys..." Nobunaga was furious, and Pike's expression was a bit weird and unnatural.

There was news about Master Chu Nian, and it turned out that someone in the brigade was doing something like this.

How should I put it, if it is normal, they must not be unnatural at all.

But now.

It's different.

As for whether they were those guys from the brigade, Nobunaga and the others had no doubt at all.

No one would dare to impersonate them and do such a thing.

Especially when they are still around and have not left.

"Oh, so that's it..."

"It's okay, it's just a game console. I just want to say that if you want it, you can just take it and don't do anything to those bodyguards."

Batra didn't change much after hearing this.

Game consoles are nothing to him, and now their appeal to him has plummeted.

It doesn’t matter if the other party wants to take it all.

The main thing is whether you can repay the favor.

Hearing this, Nobunaga's temper was about to speak.

She was pulled back by Paknoda, and she didn't think this guy could say anything.

Looking at Ron, who had been smiling and watching the show, looking at their embarrassment, he didn't say anything at all.

Then he looked at Maggie.

Only then did Maggie take action with a clear heart.

"Okay, no one will attack you later. It's your job to get rid of the telepathic master, Mr. Batra..." Being stared at, Ron stopped watching the show.

If you continue not to speak, you will be beaten. Oh, it seems that you have already been beaten.

"I will get this done as soon as possible." Batra didn't say much.

Now that everything has been said, there is no need to stay any longer.

He still has to spend time with his little girlfriend, and he has been having troubles recently. Sometimes being rich is a sin.

"Then I won't disturb you all."

After leaving a word, Batra left without looking back, still feeling a little cheerful when he left.

"You all heard it just now."

After Bartra left, Ron spoke.

Look at Pike and Nobunaga next to them.

"Ask them what's going on, and tell them other news."

Maggie, who was next to her, also spoke, looking like a husband and wife accompanying each other.

Ron's eyes narrowed.

"I'll do it."

Nobunaga originally wanted to contact him, but Pike stopped him later and she wanted to contact him herself.


The other side.

A temporary base in a certain ruins.

The blond young vigilante.

Suddenly I got a call. .


He was also a little surprised that Parker had something to contact him now.

Although they are all in the brigade, they are basically all contacted by Chrollo. Except for a few who are very compatible and familiar with each other, the others will basically not contact each other if there is nothing to do.

For example, Pike Noda is basically by Chrollo's side, and won't contact anyone else unless she's on a mission.

"Some of you went to steal the game console?"


When I heard Pike's voice on the other side, I didn't expect it to be because of this. .

The knight looked at Finks and Feitan on the other side who were still trying to figure out how to play the game. .

"It should be Finks and Feitan. They did bring back a game. It's a white game console. It's said to be the most expensive game in the world. I just don't know if you're the one who said it."

The knight didn't hide anything.

He knew that since Pike said it, there must be something wrong.

He explained it directly and explained the game in detail.

Thanks haha ​​destiny 10000 starting coins

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