Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 40 Threat, Two Hundred People, Counter-Threat

"What are you doing to them?"

After taking a deep breath and calming down, Libo did not directly answer Ron's request, but asked directly.

At this level, Libo was very clear that these prisoners were definitely dead, and it was completely impossible for him to take these prisoners away from the other party, and even other prisoners would suffer.

There is a high probability that he will not be able to stop all of this.

As for risking his life for these prisoners, Li Bo is not a fool, how could he do such a thing.

He wanted to know now why Ron was wasting his time here.

In other words, I want to try to find some way to target Ron from this.

For example, thoughts directed at the other party.

"What are you doing? I'm treating them! Can't you see? Don't you think these people need treatment?"

Seeing the other party's obviously relaxed tone, Ron didn't care whether he was voluntary or involuntary. He twisted his body slightly and turned to look at the prisoners who were no longer as ferocious as before and were kneeling down to beg for mercy.

Then ignore them.

"People in this world are all sick, ranging from mild to severe, and if they are sick, they need treatment, and they are already terminally ill. Fortunately, they met a good person like me. Otherwise, it would have been miserable."

This is terrible, I don’t know who I am talking about, it seems to be emphasized again.

Without hiding his smile, Ron's face was already covered with a pleasant smile after just glancing at the prisoners. This smile, so to speak, was even a little alarming and made people feel a little perverted.

And this smile was revealed in front of Li Bo without any concealment.

All of this, all of what Ron revealed, seemed to Lipper to be a patient with a disease. If he were a normal person, how could he have such emotions and express them like this.

"Are you just venting your anger?"

Li Bo thought to himself.

It's not that Libo can't understand this emotion. He also has this emotion himself.

Arresting criminals, imprisoning criminals, and letting these vicious criminals perform for his own entertainment. Lipper actually has this idea and performance. This is also a way to vent his anger.

Lipper himself actually hates these criminals very much. This is also related to his life experience, otherwise he would not choose to become a bounty hunter and still hold so many prisoners.

It’s not just about making money.

He imprisoned and controlled the people here because he wanted to restrain the people here and let these prisoners reflect and repent here for the rest of their lives.

In fact, this is also a bit of torture for these prisoners.

Ron, on the other hand, was even more direct. He did not hide his emotions and tortured these prisoners directly.

"What have you been through? Have you experienced oppression?"

After a pause, Libo still asked this sentence. In his opinion, people who have not experienced certain things cannot do such things.

"Huh? Oppression? There is no such thing."

Looking at the expression on the opposite side of Li Bo's face, Ron also suppressed his smile. It was very obvious that he regarded him as someone who had been persecuted and was out to seek revenge. .


Li Bo originally thought he would get a reply, but he was already prepared. He didn't expect it to be such a casual sentence.

"It's not as much as you think. For me, it's just that the environment is different, the things I've seen are different, and the things I know are different."

Libo's funny look of wanting to question something was completely in Ron's eyes. Anyway, as long as the other party didn't stop him, he didn't mind chatting with him more.

He himself talks a lot when he has nothing to do, so now he just thinks he is bored and just chats with the other party.

Listening to Ron's explanation, Libo felt that his emotions were in vain. This was really a waste of his emotions. Fortunately, he thought that something happened to Ron to create such a character.

According to the other party's current statement, in Lipper's view, Ron is just a person with a pure inner problem. Some people are born to be heroes, saving others and helping others, and he will be very happy.

And some people like to be bad guys and cause destruction. Although many of them are like this because they have influence and problems, it is not that there are no such people at all.

Ron, in Lipper's view, is a person with an S-type personality who enjoys the torture process extremely.


Now Libo didn't have any sympathy or understanding of Ron's situation. He just wanted to end the exam quickly and send him away.

As for this guy's situation, he will definitely report it to the Hunter Association later. From now on, if Ron does anything, he will definitely be hunted down by bounty hunters from the Hunter Association.

"Whatever you say, people can't understand each other. Mr. Examiner, what you should be thinking about now is not whether I am disgusting or not. What you should choose is how to deal with what I just said."

Ron naturally heard Li Bo's murmur. At this time, he was half lying on the slug and was too lazy to do anything.

Anyway, the one hundred or so prisoners have not been dealt with yet, and there is still time.

It depends on how the examiner chooses. If he can get help from the other party, then he will not be wasted during the hunter examination.

Can absorb more life essence.

"This guy."

Facing Ron, Liber really wanted to beat him up first, but thinking of the strength of both sides, he gave up this idea.

"I will send you two hundred people later. You will pass the third and fourth tests directly, so you don't need to participate."

Resisting the anger in his heart and taking several deep breaths, Liber kept telling himself not to be angry, not to be angry, and to go back to eat snacks after getting rid of this guy.

It would be great to eat potato chips, chocolate bars, and drink more Coke. Don't worry about the prisoners, they are all dead anyway.

It doesn't make any difference whether you are used to death or die here.

"Two hundred people?"

Looking at Liber, who has already revealed his change of attitude, what should Ron say about this number? Although he is not dissatisfied, he thinks he can say a little more.

"This is the bottom line. There can't be more. If you are not satisfied with this and are not honest, then I will report it directly to the Hunter Association, directly disqualify you from the competition, and drive you out of here. I mean what I say."

Liber no longer has his usual squinting eyes. He widens his small eyes, feeling a little reluctant, but the momentum of his words is very fierce, and even has the intention of threatening Ron.

"Although it is not very in line with the rules, if I must do this, no one will say anything. What did you say just now? You said that the rules are meant to be broken."

The update is a little late today, and I have revised it many times.

Alas, the writing is a little poor, and I can't write the feeling I want.

How to say it, the protagonist in my setting is not a good person.

After all, he was born in a place like Meteor Street.

Everyone think about it if you were born in such a place, can you grow into your current personality?

Most people will definitely have extremely bad personalities.

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