Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 423 World Unification

Seeing that no one explained.

Huiguorou also quieted down.

Now looking at the people here, he was full of hatred, they were clearly ready.

Even if it was completed, he could live another life.

In the end, he was destroyed.

He was the king of the Kajin Empire, who was above everyone else.

Even in the past.

At most, some people had similar power to him, but that was all.

And just like that, was he really going to stay here like this?

‘Is it over like this? ’

The battle did not stop.

Huiguorou was very dissatisfied, but watching his mind beast, watching his pot beast being knocked down again and again, beaten half to death.

He also knew that he was going to be finished now.

And if he was finished, the Kajin Empire would also be finished.

Accompanied by anger, hatred, and mind attacks.

Even if Huiguorou didn't want to, he had to disappear in the end.

One by one, the pot beasts disappeared, and one by one, the mind beasts disappeared.

Looking at this angry Huiguorou.

"Let me purify him."

Netero's ability was full of faith.

What oaths and restrictions, what resentments to restrain, it is not easy.

Just before he sealed his old friend, all of this...

If there is no outsider, even if the other party has superb abilities and has made many arrangements, there is no way to come back.

And this twice-cooked pork, naturally, is the same.

As the golden light burst out.

The twice-cooked pork could not even see anything, could not say anything.

In an instant, it began to disappear.

Without the mind beast, even the mind energy has begun to disappear.

He was reduced to ashes in just an instant.

As the twice-cooked pork was killed.

The small pot behind him did not disappear, but it was not much better now.

And other areas.

The first prince Benjamin had already been a little bit overwhelmed.

His guards have died one after another.

He also got their abilities one after another.

Even so.

It is almost impossible to hold on until now.

It could have held on for a while, but with the death of the twice-cooked pork.

The beast in the pot on Benjamin's side also disappeared directly.

Without the beast in the pot, Benjamin couldn't hold on. He was killed before he could do anything.

He couldn't even say anything.

The battle was very chaotic.

But now, it was already a clear crush.

No matter what kind of prince or guard.

Now there was no other option except surrender or death.

"How cruel, he died so soon."

In the ruins of the palace, Ron looked at the dead twice-cooked meat and the small pot. He also knew that the small pot was quite capable and could produce many beasts in the pot.

As for the specific side effects, he didn't know yet.

"Have you dealt with the other things?"

Netero didn't care whether Ron said it was cruel or not.

Turned to look at him.

"Don't worry, as long as they disappear, I will settle down the people of this country as soon as possible." Ron said casually.

Of course, there is no limit to the means.

The thing that can make people calm and quiet the most.

Is physical suppression.

Conquer people with force.

To be reasonable, it is useless at this time.

If there is something that cannot be solved with one punch, then use countless punches.

Beat until you are convinced.

If you are not convinced by this, then beat others, it is the same anyway. .

"Stabilize it in the first place, can you tell me what means you used?"

Jin, who returned from the other side, looked at Ron and felt that Ron did not use any good tricks. As for the others, they were not interested in returning to this.

"Of course it is suppressed, as long as all the troublemakers are killed." Ron said casually.

This made the people here a little uncomfortable.

However, some people still did not say anything.

"There are ordinary people in this world, and there are extraordinary people. Extraordinary people make rules and guarantee rules, while ordinary people just need to abide by them."

"Those who break the rules are extraordinary people. If they are extraordinary, I will treat them as the same kind of people."

"Like everyone present, they are not the same kind of people as ordinary people in my eyes."

Ron said casually to himself.

He had said similar remarks to Netero a long time ago.

Some people like excitement, adventure, and all kinds of things, while most ordinary people like peace.

Follow the rules, don't be oppressed too badly, and then don't be killed by other people who don't follow the rules.

Others looked at Ron.

As if they heard something behind his words.

Ron waved his hand casually.

He didn't say much.

What he said now was nonsense, and he planned to specify the rules later.

He had already thought about it before, there is a world for ordinary people and a world for extraordinary people.

People who subjectively break the rules will not be protected, even if they are killed miserably.

As for ordinary people, if someone messes up, he will not be polite.

He is not a great man or saint.

Ron just wants to make this world follow his own rules.

At least the place where he stayed before should not appear again.

Although living in that place.

But it is really disgusting.

Some people may thank the garbage on Meteor Street for giving him a living space.

But Ron didn't, he just felt disgusted.

Some people will hate and hate other people, this depends on the person.

At least Ron didn't hate ordinary people.

The battle is over.

After Biyangde talked to Netero.

He walked towards Ron.

"Maybe you will be the biggest force in the world in the future, but we are going to the Dark Continent..."

"Don't worry, I won't stop you. I have thought about the Dark Continent. I will set up an isolation zone for you. You can leave through the regular channels. You will be checked when you enter and leave. You will be isolated for a period of time. After that, as long as there is no problem, you can do whatever you want..."

"Of course, I mean your world is free. As for ordinary people, ordinary people who abide by the rules, I don't want anyone to mess around."

Looking at Biyangde.

Ron said casually.

He originally came here to oppress them.

And the people here don't seem to be interested in power.

Ron was not interested in discussing with them who is the world's number one.

"As soon as possible, we can't wait." Biyangde looked at Ron, then looked at Netero, who didn't say anything.

He left after leaving a word.

Many people around him were obviously his people, and they left quickly.

Even Jin just said hello and left.

He was obviously mixed with them now.

He was going to play over there.

"Hey, old man."

"Don't be so arrogant. Since you have so much power, let me see what you call the world..."

Netero looked at Ron, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

He had seen too many people change after gaining power.

Cold-blooded, callous.

Ron had this method, and what would such a person become in the future.

"Don't worry, this world, although not very equal, will at least be very reasonable. Some extraordinary people should not enjoy the same life as ordinary people."

Ron said.

The world is now a chessboard.

It depends on how he plays later.

"Also, the Dark Continent."

"I know, I'm not interested in that for now. Wait until I get this side settled and stabilize it..."

Ron showed his impatience, Netero was laughing.

The Kakin Empire's affairs came to an end.

The other two empires.

It's not very good now, and they are basically under control.

With the disappearance of the top leaders and the complete settlement of this side, Ron directly asked someone to lead the team and replaced some of their team members.

Just break them up.

Slowly deal with them later, and then integrate them.

Become the only one in the world.

In fact, ordinary people below don't know what the people above have discovered.

Even if the people above have some policies now.

World unification or something.

As long as they are not abused too badly, or their benefits are taken away too much.

There are basically not many people making trouble.

At most, there are some people behind the scenes, brushing some conspiracy and tricks, etc. . .

If these people are ordinary people in power, they may worry about something.

And Ron.

As the slug improves, not to mention controlling the whole world, it can handle half of the human world map. There are still some people who don't die and join the army, and they are replaced in batches.

Send batches of people to various places.

There will always be some termites.

After that, other things will be easy to deal with, catch them and deal with them.

What Ron needs now is to change the division of this world.

The death of one or even two generations is inevitable.

Basically, as long as it reaches the third generation, how many people will pay attention to what happened decades ago.

That's when the world will really change.

As Ron gradually takes control.

The first thing is not to completely rectify the situation here.

But to send Biyangde and the others away. These guys are too troublesome. They keep urging here. It's much simpler to send them away.

The passages and rules have been formulated. Anyway, they will be sent out after the inspection.

For this purpose, many people with special abilities have been recruited in the Hunter Association to deal with the inspectors.

They don't have anything to do at ordinary times, but they will be asked to check when they come back.

There are also various instruments.

One month after the battle.

Biyangde and the others set off.

Heading to the so-called Dark Continent, there are quite a few people, and many of them are from the Hunter Association.

Ron even needs to provide logistics.

They copy, transport and convert by themselves.

As long as it is not too much, he still agrees to it.

After all, if they come up with something good, it is actually quite good.

The resources here are limited. With the development, we must go there to have a look.

And Biyangde and his people are now the best explorers.

It is better to go there by themselves without spending money.

These guys...

Then all kinds of things changed.

The riots of the people were suppressed, and some unnecessary rules were amended.

In addition, people were arranged to change positions everywhere, etc.

"Is this your arrangement?"

Netero is no longer the president of the Hunter Association now. Ron did not pay attention to who he was. Anyway, he stuffed a lot of people in there and someone would notify him if there was any problem.

He had no intention of abolishing the Hunter Association, so he just regarded it as a standard for extraordinary people.

It was okay to enjoy privileges, as long as it did not involve ordinary people.

And he would not care if they became extraordinary people in many cases.

Anyway, if they did something wrong, they would die.

It was that simple.

Forced suppression now caused a large number of deaths every day around the world.

Netero now suspected that Ron was taking revenge on the world.

"Some sacrifices are necessary, and we must tell everyone that as long as they abide by the rules, the rules can also protect them."

"Otherwise, who would abide by the rules."

"Even my subordinates would not be happy, and they would have to abide by them."

"In my sphere of influence, I am the only one who can break the rules."

Ron said casually.

He completely treated human lives as numbers, and he did not have to do it himself.

Perhaps human lives were just numbers in his eyes.

It was like ordinary people saw a murderer or a criminal on the Internet, and no matter what, they wanted people to live or die.

In fact, everyone had this idea, and they actually treated people as numbers.

There was no real experience, and no real experience of what it was like for people to die.

They don't feel that life is fragile, and...

"Then there's no need to keep broadcasting this on TV. Many people are panicking."

"Also, didn't you say there are some extraordinary people..."

Netero saw that Ron had made arrangements, and didn't continue.

The previous rules might leave some people alive, but now Ron basically arrests people and broadcasts killings online to intimidate some people.

There are videos everywhere, and people in this world are more or less uncomfortable now.

"They are them, and I will treat them as people from another world, provided that they don't affect this side..."

"As for the video, I will deal with it as soon as possible. As the crime rate decreases, this deterrence is no longer necessary. The ruthless action at the beginning must be corrected."

"Otherwise, there are so many petty thieves, robbers and murderers in this world, how can it be so easy to change..."

Ron said.

In fact, it's just because the source of life is needed.

These guys had been extracted before they came on stage.

Then they were just beheaded.

I can only say that it's a contribution to him.

In the end, the two did not say anything more, just watching.

According to Ron's plan, power can still change people.

At least in his generation, these people can still be suppressed.

And in the future, will it split into various organizations that are dissatisfied with each other and fight each other?

That's not certain.

The general trend of the world is that after a long period of division, there will be unity, and after a long period of unity, there will be division.

Every turmoil is accompanied by the arrival of a better era.

Maybe one day, he was killed.

Then another big boss came, and based on the experience of the predecessors, perhaps, he could make a more exciting world.

And what is Ron like himself?

In fact, I don't care much.

Contempt for life is not just for others.

There is also his.

Time flies.

After ten years of transformation.

The world where Ron is now has actually changed a lot.

Places like Meteor Street and the Republic of Emira can now be said to no longer exist.

It can't be said to be particularly perfect and complete.

But at least there are no so-called gangs rampant now that can be cleaned up by the government.

Although the Hunter Association still has some privileges, it still needs to abide by some rules.

For example, it is not allowed to break the rules of ordinary people.

In the long run, ordinary people may not be the same as extraordinary people.

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