Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 44 The third test is over, the candidates who were recommended (Are you embarrassed? Come he

Time flies, and the days and months pass by.

It has been 72 hours since the candidates who participated in the Hunter Test took part in the third test of the Hunter Test Trap Tower. This also means that.

If you can't pass it now, you can't be considered to have passed it.

You can only wait for the next year's exam.

"Huh~~ I'm alive. This fresh air is really comfortable. I don't have to smell the rotten smell in the tower."

After the exam time is over, the door of the bottom floor of the trap tower just opened. Now, there is no need to keep these candidates locked up.

Looking at the opened stone door, many candidates can't wait to rush out of the trap tower.

The main reason is that they have been staying in the tower for these days, without seeing the sun, and the air smells a bit bad, and there are a lot of people crowded on the bottom floor.

It's normal to have some strange smells.

"Fresh air is really refreshing."

"Finally I saw the sun and the wind."

Just after leaving the trap tower, many candidates began to sigh.

Even though everyone present was strong and could be considered a strong person, this did not prevent them from liking the trap tower inside.

"That guy doesn't seem to be here either. He boasted so much, but in the end, he couldn't even pass the third test?"

Among the candidates, Leorio, who had an uncle's face, looked left and right, and after not finding Ron, he said to his friends next to him.

He had a smile on his face. Although he was not a person who liked to gloat over others' misfortunes, his current behavior was not called gloating over others' misfortunes, but just his true nature.

When facing someone you hate, you should smile at them, especially when you think that they had been laughing at him before, Leorio laughed even happier.


This carefree smile made Xiaojie on the side a little bit unable to bear it. He reached out and pulled Leorio, signaling him to forget it and follow his idea.

If there was really an accident in this tower, it was very likely that he would have died. The dead are the greatest, and laughing at a dead person was a bit too much in his opinion.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh at him."

Reminded by his friends, Leorio didn't care about anything anymore. Perhaps he thought of something else. He was kind-hearted and didn't continue to laugh at Ron.

"This is not right. According to the ability shown by the other party before, it is impossible that he can't reach the bottom of the tower."

Among the few people, Kurapika touched his chin and thought. He had a different opinion.

While thinking about whether there was something they didn't know about, he also thought of the vibration of the trap tower at the beginning.

There must be something they don't know about this.

"Humph, indeed, that guy is powerful, but the other party's character is too bad. Maybe he was careless, or something else, seduced or something, it's possible. Anyway, it's a fact that he didn't come to the bottom of the tower. He has been eliminated."

"Well, maybe it's true."

Seeing Leorio say this, and there was no sign of Ron here, Kurapika didn't continue to struggle. After all, the third level has ended and Ron is not here.

It is very obvious that the other party has been eliminated.

"Okay, everyone, first of all, congratulations to everyone who escaped from the trap tower."

The examinees who had just left the trap tower and were still discussing the next test were suddenly attracted by a voice, and some of them had not noticed the man with a cockscomb standing not far from them.

Wearing a pair of thin-framed glasses, his eyes narrowed, and if you didn't pay attention, you couldn't see his eyes.

"I am Li Bo, the examiner of the third test, and also the examiner of the fourth test. Now there are only the fourth test and the final test left. I hope everyone will continue to work hard."

"The third test of the hunter test has ended here. There are 25 people who have truly passed the third hunter test."

Stuck in front of all the examinees, Li Bo introduced himself. He didn't care much about what these examinees thought of him. What he needed to arrange now was the next thing.

"25 people?"

"There should be only 24 of us here, right? If you don't count those people."

When Kurapika heard Li Bo's words just now, he obviously noticed that the number was wrong. Just now, he had counted this person. .

"It seems to be 24 people..." Leorio also confirmed and nodded.

"It's not like, it's 24 people." Killua on the other side glanced around and defined it directly.

"What's the situation, Mr. Examiner, did you say it wrong? There are only 24 people here."

Looking at Liber who was obviously going to continue talking, Leorio couldn't help but interrupt and asked.

"24 people?"

"It seems so."

Leorio's words also attracted some candidates who didn't pay attention to it at first, and thought it was a trap or a test question. One by one, they began to observe the situation around them.

"No need to count, there are 24 people here, and I am not wrong to say 25 people. One candidate performed well and directly advanced to the final test. If you can pass the fourth test, you can meet him."

After hearing the question, Li Bo had already prepared himself and said directly to everyone present that it was his decision whether the performance was good or not. At the end of the sentence.

Li Bo stared at Leorio and blocked him directly.

"Do you have any other opinions? This candidate?"

"Uh~~ No opinions, I just asked."

Looking at this examiner who didn't know whether he was happy or angry, thinking of the examiners he had seen before, Leorio was still very tactful and didn't touch his eyebrows.

Kurapika next to him hesitated and asked.

"Mr. Examiner, can I ask which candidate it is?"

This sentence did attract the attention of many candidates. They were all very interested in this "recommended" candidate and wanted to find out what this guy was like.

"That's no problem. He is candidate No. 406. Now I'm going to arrange the fourth test. Do you have any questions?"

Briefly speaking, Li Bo obviously didn't want to introduce anything.

Number 406, this number was directly transmitted to the ears of every candidate. Everyone heard this number, and Liber, although he was still smiling and squinting his eyes at this time, his attitude when speaking.

It can be clearly seen that he is already impatient.

"No more, thank you Mr. Examiner."

For this already impatient examiner, no one wanted to touch this brow at this time. Kurapika finally just frowned, looked at Leorio for a while, and gave up asking anything.

"Damn, that guy, he is so lucky."

Although it is clear that Ron passed not only because of luck, Leorio is still unhappy, even if he knows the other party's strength, but this unhappiness is unhappiness, and it will not change.

"Okay, we should prepare for the fourth exam next, don't think about him, with his strength, this is normal."

Kurapika has an indescribable feeling for Ron, hate, fear, and even a little envy, but at this time he also knows that he has no time to think about so many things.

The most important thing now is to pass this hunter exam first.

"Okay, then the next thing is..."

Kurapika and Leorio are only part of the candidates, and no one is paying special attention to this side for the time being. Most of the candidates' attention is on Liber, after all, he has already started to announce the content of the fourth exam.

No one wants to miss anything.

At this time, the only candidate who passed the hunter test and is still in the trap tower is Ron.

He didn't know anything about the outside world, and he didn't even know that the third exam was over.

At this time, he was in an ordinary lounge, which was arranged by Liber. He didn't care too much about it. After all, the other party sent him hundreds of people and was responsible for cleaning.

And there are delicious food and drinks here, which is naturally better than other candidates.

And after absorbing so much life source, for the time being, there is no other life source to harvest, and Ron also plans to be quiet for a while, practice and develop his abilities well.


"Is someone thinking about me?"

"I wonder which patient is thinking about me again."

I just sneezed, but it didn't affect Ron at all. He continued to meditate and practice with the slug to accelerate its evolution and develop new abilities.

He didn't even pay attention to the next hunter test.

Anyway, Na Libo has already said that he will come to inform him after the fourth test.

I exploded today and updated 5,000 words. Do you have the nerve not to vote for me?

Those who haven't invested yet, do you have the nerve not to invest?

Tomorrow is Monday.

I need support, everyone.

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