Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 49 The world is sick and needs someone to heal it

"Then what about you guys?"

Ron didn't dwell on this ability for too long. He was lucky to succeed directly for the first time. He looked up and turned his sight to the other four people.

Ron himself was not sure how many of these five prisoners would succeed in the end.


Being stared at by Ron, several prisoners also felt very stressed. They looked at Ryan who had succeeded on the other side, although they didn't know what happened to the other party.

But their years of criminal intuition told them that the other party must have gained a lot of benefits. Moreover, the other party succeeded so easily, so they might be able to do it too.

Thinking of this, these prisoners were also relieved. They were very flattering and directly addressed Ron.

"Lord Ron, I will give you everything."

At first, only one person spoke, but those present were all talents in the criminal world. How could they be so brainless? At least they knew about things like sneaking and playing tricks.

"Lord Ron, I'm willing to contribute everything to you."


The four of them said respectfully and took the eggs. Some prisoners frowned and it was obvious that they were still very afraid of this thing.

"I am willing to contribute everything I have to Lord Ron."

However, after one prisoner started to act, the other prisoners knew that there was no way out. They started to mutter and swallow the eggs that might determine their life and death.

This step is a choice that will not be regretted.

"I am willing to contribute everything I have to Lord Ron."

Learning from Ryan before, the four of them swallowed the eggs. This time, not only Ron noticed, but also Ryan, who was checking the so-called telekinesis that he didn't know before.

He also turned his head to check the situation here. He was a little curious about how many people would succeed.

But waiting is always long. Even if it is only a few seconds or a minute, it is very long in the eyes of the waiting people.

Ron noticed the time. It only took Ryan a few tens of seconds to succeed before.

And these guys.

"Lord Ron, he succeeded."

After a minute and a half, the slug spoke. As he spoke, one of the prisoners who had closed his eyes opened his eyes. Ron could see that the other person's mind energy had stabilized and entered the entanglement state.

As for other abilities, they still need to develop and practice.

"Thank you Lord Ron for giving me a new life. Thank you, Lord."

Feeling that his body had become a little different, the prisoner greeted Ron and the slug respectfully at the first moment of slightly maintaining his excitement.

"Go over there and master your abilities as soon as possible."

Without paying too much attention, Ron waved his hand and asked the other party to go to the other side. According to the current situation, the success rate is still quite high.

This made him very satisfied. If the failure rate was too high, he would hesitate whether he needed to further develop this ability or give up this ability.

After all, not to mention the life essence consumed in developing this ability, each of these insect eggs cost Ron 100 points of life essence to make.

If it really keeps failing, it will keep losing money, and these 100 points of life essence cannot be recovered.

"Lord Ron, they succeeded in two, but the last one can't be completed. The other party has too many distracting thoughts and keeps affecting me."

In a few minutes, the slug successively manipulated two more undead soldiers, but the last prisoner couldn't succeed no matter what.

Even the slug itself gave up. You know, that's 100 points of life essence. If you really calculate it, it may not be possible to squeeze out 100 points of life essence from ordinary people.

"Since it's useless, just absorb his essence and get as much back as you can."

Needless to say, the two successful prisoners were directly called to the other side by Ron. The only one left in front of him was a sweaty and black-skinned big man.

Since it was no longer useful, Ron could only make use of the other party's waste and directly ordered to absorb the other party's life source to recover.

"No, no, Lord Ron, please, let me go."

"I will try my best, I can do it."


The black man was very excited to perceive his own situation. He didn't care much at first. In his opinion, others had succeeded, so it was only a matter of time for him to succeed.

However, when he heard the subsequent conversation between Ron and the slug, he felt something was wrong, especially Ron's words, although he didn't know what Ron meant.

But this would not hinder his guess.

"Provide me your last bit of value."

He smiled at the black man and didn't have any emotion about the other party's begging for mercy. Ron had seen too many such people.

No matter how nice it sounds, it can't be trusted. No value is no value.

You can say he is insensitive or a demon.

The reality is that this world is constantly experiencing such things, and if you see them for too long, you will always become numb to them.

That's why he wants to purify this world and change it.

This world is sick, and someone needs to heal it.

And this treatment tool... . . .


"Yes, Lord Ron."

The slug will not pay attention to the thoughts of the black big man who does not accept control. Ron's order is the only one.

When Ron gave the order, it completely ignored the change in the breath and even wanted to attack and hurt the black big man before the other party reacted.

The slug directly took over the other party's body by force and forcefully squeezed out the other party's life source. This is the real squeeze.

It is not the previous medical treatment, charging medical fees and deducting the other party's natural death.


This method is extremely cruel. The slug has no intention of holding back. In less than three seconds.

The originally tall body of the black big man has become a skinny corpse.


This seems to be a warning, and this warning seems to be very successful. The four successful prisoners standing on the other side saw that their cellmates who were originally standing together had become like this.

Everyone couldn't help swallowing their saliva, a little surprised that they couldn't react.

Now they all have the ability of mind, the most basic mind power, but they don't think they can resist Ron at all.

On the contrary, after having the ability of mind, they know their situation and circumstances more clearly.

They also know the gap between the two sides more clearly. After they really have the ability, they have clearly realized that Ron is like their insurmountable mountain.

And they must honestly obey Ron's instructions for the rest of their lives in order to survive.

This book should be similar to the hegemony flow.

Governing people is only auxiliary, governing the world is the real thing.

In fact, everyone who has read Hunter should know that the world of Hunter is very dark.

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