Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 55 An existence similar to mine? (The third update has been published, and the investment ha

Thinking of this, after analyzing and figuring out everything, Ron felt much more relaxed.

Before, he was too entangled in leaving things on him, or transferring them all to the slug.

It felt like they were the only ones in this world who could store and trust.

Now that he thinks about it, he can actually create other things and transfer them to other things.

It's not impossible.

Before, he was always entangled in the only things he had, and was unwilling to "buy" things. Now that he thinks about it, he can actually "buy" more things.

So, the final arrangement is.

An alternative storage, and it doesn't need intelligence.

According to this situation, it is estimated that the difficulty of development is much simpler than when creating the slug. It is just an ordinary computer that stores things.

It can't even be considered a computer. At most, it is a cloud storage or a hard drive.

It's simple and effortless, much better than the chicken idea before. Moreover, using chickens for storage is dangerous. Once something happens to the Undead Army, and the slugs can't read it completely, the information will definitely be missing a lot of things.

According to the current plan, even if something happens, as long as he and the slugs are fine, the things recorded before will not be lost.

As long as they exist, this "computer" information library exists.

The more he thought about it, the more Ron was inclined to this plan, which was much better than the previous plan.

This information library can not only allow the slugs to pass it to other Undead Army members for digestion and use, but also Ron himself can use the things in it when he develops his own abilities.

It can be regarded as an independent network about the ability of mind that he built by himself, and even other knowledge can be put in, as long as it is valuable, an independent world.

A world that controls thousands of people or even more.

Just one person, even if he has good talent, it is not as good as the thinking and joint research of thousands of people.

Even if it is just something that can be used as a reference, it can benefit Ron a lot.

This ability is absolutely feasible.

Studying medicine cannot save the world.

Only by mastering knowledge can we master the world, and only by mastering the world can we change the world.

"Mr. Ron, are you talking about an existence similar to me?"

The slug's ability to think is actually limited. At the beginning, it didn't understand what Ron was thinking at all, and it was a bit confused throughout the whole process.

In things that are not related to its field, the way of thinking of slugs is not as good as that of normal humans.

But later, listening to Ron's words, the slug understood it all at once.

Information library, consciousness, it understands this.

In itself, it is actually a consciousness, and it is no problem to say that it is an information library, but it also has a brain, which is a low-profile version of intelligent information storage.

But it has other functions, and even the ability of other functions exceeds its ability to store information. .

Its main ability is not to store information, but to control its own body split, as well as those undead soldiers. .

Large-scale long-distance control, and the ability to store healing and attacking materials.

Storing information is not impossible, but there is a limit.

There are too many other things to do, which consumes a lot of its energy. It has to know everything, and the pressure is also very high.

Its split body, no matter where it runs to, dies or something, the slug itself can actually receive information, and the undead soldiers are also. As long as it wants, it can control their life and death at any time and control them.

The relationship between the slug and the split body is that they are a community main consciousness, that is, an information database.

In simple terms, it is also a networked and mutually aware existence.

As long as there are split bodies, the main consciousness of the slug cannot be eliminated.

Of course, this is only this part. As for other related knowledge or abilities, it can only know a limited amount, and the slug itself will not remember those messy things.

For Ron's useless things and things that are not related to its own abilities, it almost never goes back to store records.

"Yes, but it doesn't need intelligence. It's just a simple information storage library that can be used by the two of us."

"And this information storage library can be used with your Nen ability transmission, and some of the information in the storage library can be transmitted to the Undead Army. You don't have to keep these things yourself, so it won't be a burden on you."

When developing abilities, it is still a big project in itself, and the slug can cooperate. The slug's Nen Qi is not low. If the two of them develop abilities together, the difficulty will be lower.

Now the Undead Army is just a low-profile ordinary Nen organization.

After the emergence of the information library, with the complete information of various Nen users, this ability can be regarded as truly exerting its true value.

Although it is just a rough plan, if you can master the Nen ability development and learning information of a legion.

Then Ron will definitely have a rapid progress in training or developing abilities in the future, and reach their final limit.

Talent, the limit of a person is only an upper limit, not a lower limit.

Even if a person has only ordinary talent, as long as he obtains a complete set of knowledge on developing Nen abilities, he can even develop them in batches.

Although it is difficult, you still have to do it. If you don't do anything, nothing will change.

There is absolutely no problem with the formation of a regular telekinesis army.

Joining the army without death = legion + knowledge base + learning machine?

In fact, this idea came up when developing the Immortal Army. After experiencing a defeat, Ron also felt his own limitations. With his current ability, he was completely unable to truly do what he wanted.

Since you are limited, you should learn from others. If you are a threesome, you must have a teacher. Everyone can see something different.

What Ron needs now is his own human body to learn on its own.

That kind of different thinking, that kind of different development of uniqueness, if they are all the same and the same thinking, it would be meaningless.

What he wants is to transfer the same "wealth of knowledge" to countless different people, and see how these countless different people will use this "wealth".

Of course, to prevent some guys from messing around, he still has restrictions for people with average talents, at least in terms of ability development.

Especially when the Immortal Army was first established, this limitation was particularly important. If the so-called knowledge base didn't even have knowledge.

That's useful.

If a library does not have a single book, it is just a simple house, an empty shell, with no use at all except shelter from wind and rain.

"That would be much better. I will obey your arrangement, Lord Ron."

As for Lorne's desire to build up a more conscious body, Slug had no other ideas at all and responded honestly and complied.

In its eyes, Ron is everything, and the value of everything else is determined based on Ron.

Whatever is useful to Ron is useful, and it doesn't matter if it has any impact on it, it must be obtained.

Alas~ this is all I can do in the end.

Sure enough, writing a novel still requires a bit of pressure and motivation before you can write it.

Today I spent five or six hours writing more than 10,000 words, just deleting and deleting.

More than 6,000 words, the first step of development, this ability is basically like this.

If you don't accept it, you can't beat me.

There are still 4 investments left. Friends who haven't invested yet, hurry up and invest, otherwise I will wait and urge you.

If you have investment, give me a recommendation vote, if you have recommendation votes, give me a reward, and if you have a reward, give me an investment~~

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