Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 6: Psychic Ability [Medical Expenses] and Customers

"Okay, now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, I'll leave. Looking at the situation over there, the exam should be about to begin."

After getting the life source, Ron did not stay any longer. He turned his head and looked at the door that had been raised. He also knew that the first test was about to begin.

As he spoke, Ron left without looking back.

Ron had no idea that Xiaojie and the others would take action. He still had things to do. He didn't expect that a guy named Jin Fulishi would keep looking for him.

"Little slug, how much energy do we have?"

After leaving Xiaojie and the others, Ron turned his attention to the slug on his body.

"Lord Ron, there are currently 1,583 units of life source stored."

The white and blue little slug, placed on Ron's shoulder, answered the question very wittily at the first time.

"1583, if it weren't for those damn guys, my life source wouldn't be so little."

Listening to the number said by the slug, Ron muttered, showing a rare dissatisfaction in his tone.

The world where Ron lives is a very magical world, with a kind of ability called mind power. As long as the mind power is awakened, various abilities can be developed.

The first application ability is the mind beast. The slug is the mind beast created by Ron using his mind power, which has extremely powerful healing and regeneration abilities.

And this life source is a unit of measurement unique to Ron himself.

The main source is obtained by an advanced ability that he evolved from the healing ability of the slug.

[Medical expenses: For every person who seeks help and receives treatment, as long as the other party is sure that they need the help of Ron or the slug, and they do provide help, the slug can absorb their life essence. The amount depends on the energy consumed by Ron and the slug to help them, which determines the upper and lower limits of the medical expenses. ]

This ability is also limited. The first limitation is that the slug's use of healing ability actually consumes Ron's mental ability and physical strength, which limits the number of treatments Ron can receive. In any case, his energy is limited.

The second limitation is that the other party must be helped and the other party must recover from the injury. Only after the treatment is completed can the "medical expenses" be collected.

The third limitation is that if the other party does not accept his help, he cannot absorb the other party's energy. On the contrary, if the other party is willing to accept, then no matter whether it is a threat or coercion, as long as the other party accepts and the treatment is completed, Ron can collect his medical expenses, just like Dongba just now.

As long as the other party is sure to accept his help, and Ron also provides treatment as he wishes, the slug can absorb the life essence.

These more than a thousand life essences are all his "medical expenses", that is, other people's lives.

These life essences are also all used by Ron to develop other abilities.

In addition to helping him develop his abilities, the main use is to feed the slug to improve its ability and strength, or Ron himself absorbs it. Ron's own practice can also absorb this life essence to achieve the effect of increasing mental power.

It can be said that the number of life essences is his foundation.

"Lord Ron, everything will be fine. Those damn guys will eventually become your stepping stones. Lord Ron is the greatest existence in this world."

Perhaps because he felt his master's dissatisfaction, the slug comforted him very considerately, and suddenly transformed from a slug to a considerate little dog.

"You are still good at talking. Okay, while I still have the energy, let's go and earn some more energy for backup."

Ron didn't say anything else about what the slug said, but just smiled.

He knew how difficult it was to do what he was going to do.

However, this was also a challenge.

During the time when he was talking to the slug, the examiner who had just appeared in front of Ron and others seemed to be about to finish his words, so Ron took the opportunity to sneak over.

He came to the examiner's side.

"If you are unlucky in this exam, you will be injured or even die. If you don't realize it now, you can retreat from the elevator."

Looking at the examiner in front of him, the man with short light purple hair and curly beard, his temperament also has a full gentlemanly demeanor, wearing a purple suit and polite.

It's just that his appearance is a bit wrong, not like a human expression, it feels like it was painted on.

Ron didn't care too much about this. There were so many weird people in this world, and what he did was normal. Ron chuckled and raised his hand to interrupt the other party when he finished speaking.

"Um, examiner, can I say something?"

"Well? Candidate No. 406, what do you want to say?"

Originally, after speaking, he was thinking about whether there were any candidates who would withdraw. When he saw someone talking, examiner Satz looked at Ron who was speaking.

Is he going to withdraw?

"Wait, wait, nothing, wait a moment."

Ron didn't speak directly, but looked at the little slug next to him. "Little slug, give me the thing."

"Yes, Lord Ron."

As Ron's good partner and assistant, it naturally knew what Ron was going to do, and it had already said before that it was to earn the source of life.

"Mind beast?"

The candidates present might not know what Ron's slug was, but as the examiner of the first hunter test, Satz still saw it clearly.

It was a bit strange what the other party wanted to do, but he didn't intend to stop it. In his first experiment, as long as there was no large-scale killing, he would not care about other things.


Standing next to the examiner, Ron's situation naturally attracted the attention of the candidates on the scene. They were already a little stunned when they saw the talking slug before.

And then, watching the slug strangely spit out a recorder from its body, that scene made them a little doubt their eyes.

They couldn't believe it anyway, a fist-sized slug in front of them actually spit out a recorder that was more than ten centimeters long and wide.

"What's going on?"


"Smoke and mirrors?"

The candidates suddenly started to discuss. The ability to read is still a secret in this world.

At least for ordinary people, they are basically unaware of the existence of this thing.

"I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected surprise here. You actually appear here."

And among the candidates, there are actually people who have the ability to read.

There was only one person who was interested in Ron. In the crowd, a man wearing high heels, with teardrop and star-shaped makeup on his face, tall, muscular, and with a perverted smile, was staring at Ron.

This stare had actually been going on for a long time. As early as when Ron first arrived, this man had already confirmed Ron's existence and had been watching him in the crowd.

Ron didn't care about all these gazes, including a certain pervert in the crowd. In his eyes, everyone present was garbage.

Oh, no, it should be said that they were all customers.

"That's good, it will be done soon."

Holding the recorder, Ron looked at the people who were paying attention to him, smiled and said something, then operated the recorder and pressed it.

"High price to recycle old mobile phones, broken mobile phones, broken computers, and broken computers."

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