Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 8 Ron and Hisoka, Ron's Thoughts

"That would be too boring, wouldn't it? Besides, the main reason is because you, a pervert, are here, and I don't want to give you the chance to attack me."

Ron glanced at Hisoka casually.

Looking at the perverted man in front of him who always exuded a provocative aura and spoke unceremoniously, Ron knew that there was no need to be polite when dealing with perverts like Hisoka.

Maybe, the more you talk to him, the more excited he will be, and he might even become orgasmic. .

To be honest, if there was no guarantee that he could kill the opponent here, he would definitely kill the perverted man in front of him first.

If there was a ranking list of annoying people to choose from, this guy would definitely be at the top of the list in Ron's mind. The main reason was that he was too idle and would come here to make trouble in the past.

"Oh, ho ho ho, little Ron didn't expect you to look at me like this. It's not like I didn't know you couldn't be killed, so how could I attack you? It's really sad to say such things."

It's not that Hisoka doesn't have this idea for Ron. As a pervert who likes to challenge others, Ron is naturally one of his targets.

And he had taken action before, but unfortunately, he found that the other party was an unkillable guy, so for the time being, he gave up the idea.

After all, he was almost hammered to death the last time they met.

If he hadn't run so fast, he might not be here now.

"If you want to watch me use up my mind energy to attack me, you don't have to think about it. I won't give you this chance."

There was a pervert beside him, which forced Ron to pay attention, but it was just attention. He knew that the other person's ability could not kill him, and at most it would consume a lot of his life source.

"If nothing happens, stop bothering me and stay alone."

Seeing that all the candidates nearby had left his side, Ron had no intention of chatting with Hisoka and started to drive them away.

"It's so heartless. It's such a pity. You have to know that I helped you before. When you were being hunted by the Presbyterians, we fought side by side. I will never forget that moment."

He said words that could easily be misunderstood. There was no way around it, Hisoka's tone was just like this when he became perverted.

"Afterwards, didn't I fight with you as you wished? Now the people in the Presbyterian Church probably don't want me anymore, so you are no longer useful. Just stay away from me and find me. Go Chrollo, I don’t have time to play house with you.”

Ron had already planned to take action. Seeing Hisoka talking about the past, Ron stopped and turned to look at him. At this time, Ron's face was expressionless.

In other words, he looked at Hisoka with an indifferent expression on his face.

Just because of that battle, a lot of his life essence was consumed. After all, he "died" many times in that battle. It was also at that moment that Ron hated Hisoka very much.

"As expected of the man I fell in love with... Uh~~~OK, I won't say any more, I'm going to find my prey."

Seeing that Ron was about to turn his back on him if he didn't agree with him, Hisoka wisely closed his mouth.

Although he really wanted to have a fight with the other party, it was a pity that he did not have the time and opportunity now. He almost died in the last fight, and the other party was very angry and chased him for a long time. Later, he helped him for a few hours. It takes a lot of work to get forgiveness.

It's probably the same this time. If a fight really breaks out and Ron gets mad, he'll probably be hunted for a long time again.

While interesting, that would hurt his chances later on.

It's better to run away first.

"Bye, little Ron, see you again when we are destined."

After waving his hand, Hisoka quickly dodged and caught up with the group of candidates in front before Ron could turn his back on him.

"Disgusting guy."

Looking at Hisoka who had left and no longer harassed him, Ron returned to normal.

"Little slug, get bigger, let's go."

Looking at the candidates running in front, sweating, Ron had determined the situation of most of the candidates and decided to help them.

"Yes, Lord Ron."

The little slug crawled to the ground by itself, and then its whole body began to change and grow bigger. In a few seconds, it had surpassed Ron.

"Okay, that's enough."

Seeing that the little slug's body had surpassed his own, Ron ordered directly.

Then he jumped directly onto the opponent and moved towards the candidate in front.

The little slug's body is still integrated with thought energy. When making the opponent, Ron retained this function and ability, allowing the little slug to split and condense independently.

All these bodies are controlled by one main consciousness.

There is a limit to the number of splits and the size of the condensed self. This limit depends on Ron's mind energy and the little slug's usual accumulation.

Today's little slug, even without Ron, can grow into a big one over three meters tall and nearly ten meters long. As for the small one, it can theoretically be any smaller.

But in fact, if the slug is too small, it cannot condense at all, and the main consciousness cannot enter. 1 centimeter is its limit.

As for quantity, the main consciousness of this big slug can split into 100,000 small slugs, and can control 100,000 slugs at one time, and each slug can use telekinesis.

Healing, detoxification, restorative abilities and more.

To put it a bit exaggeratedly, a little slug is equivalent to a logistics army.

This is the basic ability of the slug developed by Ron, something related to the body.

There are actually some advanced abilities, similar to the ability to take out the recorder just now.

[Slug Space: A storage space developed using the life source. The advantage is that as long as there are enough life sources, this space can be infinite in theory. The disadvantage is that it cannot enter living things and can only be entered and exited from slugs. ]

This is a very convenient ability.

Because he wanted to fully utilize the ability of this space, Ron also chose to use the life source to create this space instead of using his own mind ability.

Because Ron is a reinforcement system, and if he wants to create a space, in theory, it must be a materialization system or a special system to be able to play its value.

Therefore, when developing this ability, Ron used the life source.

The life source has a characteristic, its energy is special, in fact, it is an energy that exceeds and is not limited by the mind ability system.

As long as Ron's strength allows, his proficiency is sufficient, and the number of life sources is sufficient.

In theory, Ron can use the life source to develop various mind ability systems.

It is precisely because of this ability that Ron no longer accepts the limitations of the six major telepathic abilities. As long as he wants, he can perfectly exert the 100% power of each system.

Of course, this is also a theoretical aspect. Just learning telepathic knowledge and proficiency directly exhausted him. He practiced telepathic abilities for more than ten years.

He only developed a few interesting abilities.

It is because of the characteristics of the origin of life that this is why Ron attaches so much importance to the origin of life.

Originally, when developing and manufacturing telepathic beast slugs, Ron found that it was a bit forced and could not exert the abilities that slugs should have.

After all, if you want to develop telepathic beasts, it is better to release telepathic ability users, or operation systems and materialization systems.

These systems have nothing to do with Ron, and are even far away, so it is difficult for the reinforcement system to exert its value.

So after developing the slug, Ron developed the ability of medical expenses to collect the origin of life as soon as possible.

After having the source of life, Ron remodeled the slug, making it a perfect mind beast that can exert 100% of its ability.

This is Ron's process and experience in developing mind abilities.

Using the healing expertise of the reinforcement system to collect the source of life, obtain another kind of energy, and 100% develop his own mind ability system, so that his ability is no longer single.

Although it is simple to say, the hardships that Ron has experienced are unimaginable for ordinary people.

From the first step, a mind power user of the reinforcement system needs extremely high talent to create a mind beast, and most people don't even think about it.

For the second step of medical expenses, Ron even set restrictions and oaths to limit it before completing it.

Others would never think of this ability development route.

[Mind beast slug: ability to heal and restore physical strength itself can be split and aggregated. The more mind power it consumes, the larger its size is. It has a certain combat power and can spray a corrosive liquid. 】

[Medical expenses: For every person who seeks help and receives treatment, as long as the other party is sure that they need the help of Ron or the slug, and they do provide help, the slug can absorb their life essence. The amount depends on the energy consumed by Ron and the slug to help them, which determines the upper and lower limits of medical expenses. 】

[[Slug space: A storage space developed using the life essence, which cannot hold living things.

Ability that has appeared.

A brief introduction to the protagonist's mind.

In addition, there are others.

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