Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 81 Phantom Troupe

This was unexpected and didn't make Chrollo feel anything bad or anything else.

On the contrary, all this also made Chrollo feel a little interesting.

It was originally according to his idea.

When Maggie talks, Ron will probably be convinced.

But it's obviously not the case now, and it's even a bit beyond Chrollo's thoughts.

As for Ron's thoughts.

There was also the situation and things behind Meteor Street, which actually made him very interested.

I'm a little curious about what will happen next.

Will it really become the world that Ron said?

Listening to Ron's words, Chrollo remained silent.

Just listen, as if you were a listener.

In fact, I am also thinking about what happens next.

Now Ron's attitude was clearly received by him.

It was impossible to change what he did next.

The ones who really want to do something are them.

"What? Are you suddenly mute? Chrollo."

No response was received. There was no response at all from the other end of the phone, and Ron's words were not polite at all.

Then, without giving the other party a chance to say anything more, he directly explained how to correct his posture.

"I've said it from the beginning, Chrollo, you are the one who should decide what to do, not me. Don't think about using your eloquence to convince others."

The other party's eloquence was good, and Ron knew it.

In Meteor Street, Chrollo is one of the few people who can "persuade" others with words.

But now, being eloquent is not important.

Ron wasn't going to listen to what Chrollo had to say anyway.

This conversation with the other party is just to let the other party know his determination.

As for how to choose after that, it is their business.

Ron's stance is firm and will not change.

This is what happened, it was never him who should make the decision.

"I know what you mean."

Listening to Ron's rude words, Chrollo also began to respond.

Just these words, there is no more details.

These ambiguous words made people unsure of what he was thinking now.

As for the other party's thoughts, Ron actually didn't worry too much about it.

"Then there's no need to meet."

Now, it was impossible for the other party to decide so quickly. Ron knew Chrollo's character very well.

According to the character of the other party, at least based on the subsequent situation of the matter, he will make a judgment and choose something that is beneficial to him or them.

Chrollo, who is rational, will never lose his mind because of the smallest things.

Unless the Presbyterian Council and the others have given Chrollo a benefit that he cannot refuse. . .

"Well, no need. You should be able to guess what will happen next. I wish you good luck, Ron."

Now that Ron has decided, Chrollo also knows that there is no choice he can make for him.

In the end, I just gave up.

As for this phone call, Chrollo's tone had not changed at all.

Like an old friend, elegant and easy-going, like an elegant gentleman.

After finally making sure that there was nothing else to do, I had no choice but to hang up the phone.

And when hanging up the phone.

Chrollo's location was in a small ruined building.

Seeing Chrollo finish his words, Maggie directly turned her attention to him.

Chrollo's expression didn't change at all.

And the distance behind Maggie is a bit far away from the other party. In fact, for the phone call just now.

Didn't hear it completely.

I just vaguely heard that Ron was there and there must have been a quarrel.

Moreover, he looked a little excited.

"Unfortunately, he declined."

Looking at Maggie's gaze, Chrollo wondered what she meant.

Without waiting for the other party to speak and ask, he waved his hand directly to show that he had no choice about the matter.

"I see."

Listening to Chrollo's words, Maggie paused, as if thinking about something.

Finally accepted this fact.

As for what happens next.

As long as Chrollo reports the situation here to the Presbyterian Council, the people on the Presbyterian Council will definitely take action.

This matter. . .

"Captain, please wait until tomorrow to give them an answer."

There was no deceit or anything to hide. When she found a random place to sit down, Maggie thought for a moment and then said to Chrollo.

Chrollo had negotiated with the people from the Presbyterian Church before.

Try to convince Ron to be honest, and the Presbyterian Council can make certain steps back.

At the same time, he also told Chrollo that if Ron refused, he would reply and contact them as soon as possible.

After listening to Maggie's words, Chrollo hasn't answered yet.

"Maggie, if you care about him so much, that guy can't really be your little lover."

To Chrollo's left, a tall blond man wearing sportswear and a fierce look said jokingly.

This man is Finks, one of the combat members of the Phantom Troupe. In terms of bowl power alone, he ranks second.

But what the other party said suddenly attracted the attention of others.

Next to him, there was a mummy-shaped person wearing a full red suit who also looked at Maggie. He didn't say anything, just stared.

In addition to them, there were two other people present.

One was a blonde, blue-eyed, high-nosed woman with long legs.

She was wearing a burgundy white-collar uniform that was split in the middle, revealing most of her evil side, which made people unable to help but stare.

This person was Paknotan, the 9th member of the Phantom Troupe.

Paknotan was a tall woman, and even if she was standing in simple flat shoes, she was at least 1.8 meters tall.

And next to her.

was a short, small person with long hair draped over her shoulders to her waist and even to her buttocks, barefoot, not disdainful of anything at all, and her long hair covered her face so that her appearance and age could not be seen, like a child.

Now only one eye was exposed, and it was also looking at Maggie.

As if looking at something interesting.

The two of them were one tall and one short, and this match was really a bit of a contrast.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Hearing Finks' words, Maggie had to turn her head and look at the other person.

The frosty face did not change much, but she was used to being stiff.

As for Finks' words, Maggie actually wanted to hit someone.

When she was in the Phantom Troupe, she would occasionally be teased.

Especially those who knew Ron when they first joined the group.

She didn't like this feeling.

Because it would make her not know what to say.

After all, some things are actually far away from them.

"Finks, do you have any ideas?"

Hearing someone talking, Kuroro didn't show any emotion and turned to look at Finks directly.

Kuroro actually didn't know what to do this time.

It was actually a good choice to listen to the ideas of his own members.

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