Hunter's Mind Slug

Chapter 86 Chris, Alien Disease

Big sun.

The boring land.

The land of the Kingdom of Emira is dry, with only some weeds and tattered small trees everywhere.

In real terms, it's just a little better than the desert.

The surrounding environment is very rough, and no one seems to have tidied it up.

The people living here are definitely not that good.



Ron and Baldreau were originally moving towards another split body target on this land.

And after traveling for more than an hour, Ron wanted to determine how far behind he was.

I heard various sounds in the distance, and the ground trembled slightly.

"There are quite a few vehicles."

Someone had a car, and the movement was so small that Baldero had already felt it.

"It seems we don't have to continue walking."

Ron was also happy to receive this good news. After walking for so long, he felt a little boring.

Something just happened to be delivered to the door now, and Ron certainly wouldn't let them leave just like that.


"Ulala, ulla."

All kinds of howling and strange sounds sounded. These were not beasts or anything like that, but people, people riding various vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, and many heavily modified vehicles.

When Ron and others saw them, they also discovered Ron and others.

And he rushed towards Ron and others without any courtesy.

"Are you outsiders?"

The motorcade came to Ron and others, and as soon as it stopped, someone who was obviously the leader appeared.

Many other people looked at Ron and others with curious eyes, and from a heavy armored vehicle, a middle-aged man wearing a dark green military uniform with various strange markings came out.

The skin on his body was very strange. It should have been yellow in color originally, but it turned out to be a bright purple-red color in many places, and the places that turned purple-red were not actually skin anymore.

Most of the places have grown what look like scales. .

Except for him, everyone else is basically the same. There are some differences, that is, the colors are different, red, blue, green, and cyan.

The colors are different, and the places are different. Some are on the body, arms, etc., and some are on the head. The hair is completely green. .

Looking at them, Ron had basically determined that these conditions were caused by the so-called alienation disease.

And the other party also determined from this symptom that Ron and others were not from the Kingdom of Emira.

After all, neither Ron nor Baldro had any symptoms of the alienation disease.

"As an outsider, speak, you should understand what I say."

Perhaps it was because Ron and I didn't reply immediately, but the man leading the team was already dissatisfied. With his dissatisfaction, the men behind him also began to react.

Dozens of people and dozens of firearms of all kinds were all set up and pointed at Ron.

"Based on your answers, I will decide what to do with you."

Although he was dissatisfied, the man leading the team was still very calm and did not launch a direct attack.

But now, in fact, in his mind, he also wanted to test the truth of Ron and others to see if he could get some benefits.

"Yes, we came in from outside just now."

Ron didn't take their threats to heart at all.

Most are handguns, with a few actual submachine guns and sniper rifles.

In fact, it’s nothing.

Even if the other party fires a gun, whether it can break through his mind energy is another matter.

While talking, Ron's attention was always on the alienation disease.

Although I have heard about it before and learned about it based on the information submitted by Slug, this is the first time I have actually seen it.

"Beast transformation?"

Seeing this thing, Ron suddenly had some idea about his abilities.

And these people suffering from alienation disease may really be able to make good use of it.

"Can I see how you are doing?"

If we can really study the reason, it should be beneficial to the development of the undead army.

Before the other party could say anything else, Ron had already asked.

"Look at our situation?"

Crete is the leader of a team.

In fact, he has seen a lot of the world and his strength is pretty good.

I have indeed met many outsiders before.

Each of them is very powerful, which is why he didn't provoke Ron immediately.

He wanted to determine what was going on with Ron. .

Mainly I am curious about what this outsider is here for and whether it can bring them any benefits.

And now, Crete heard Ron's unclear words.

Especially ignoring so many of their guns and still pointing them at him, this made Crete feel a kind of.

It felt like I had met some awesome person.

Of course, ideas are ideas, and Crete still didn't let down his guard against Ron.

He knew very well that some outsiders were very unfriendly to them, and even did not treat them as human beings at all.

Now he wanted to make sure that Ron and the others were that kind of people.

People who can bring them benefits are also people who bring disaster.

"Yes, let me introduce myself. My name is Ron. I am a professional hunter from the Hunter Association. I came here to see the situation of the mutant disease."

Looking at the suspicious eyes of the people present, Ron was not polite at all and started to introduce himself directly.

Of course, he did not say other purposes.

Now he came here, he really wanted to see the mutant disease, and to cure some people's mutant disease.

And it happened that he came in with a hunter license and the flag of the Hunter Association, so this should not be a problem.

He himself is indeed a licensed professional hunter.

"Hunter Association? Hunter..."

For this title, even if Crete and others have never left the Kingdom of Emira.

But for the Hunter Association, Crete has actually heard of it, although he has not really seen how awesome this organization is.

But he has seen many outsiders before, and they all said they were from the Hunter Association.

And, they basically came to study the virus and cured many people.

Listening to Ron's words, Chris had some ideas. If the other party is really a capable person, then he might be able to cure the current demonic disease.

After all, although he is still alive now, everyone here knows that they are actually people who may die at any time.

The only hope is that he can only hope that he will not get sick.

Infected with the alienation disease.

If you don't get sick, it's actually nothing. At most, you will feel some pain and itching sometimes.

This is actually not a problem at all. It will pass if you endure it.

The real horror of the alienation disease is other places.

Oh my~~ I am handsome again

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