Unit II, 701.

[Completion degree reaches 100%, get a set of Tangchen's detached house in the magic capital (can be withdrawn only if you are engaged)]

Lin Xiao: "..."

He's already somewhat immune.

This daily task is really full of outrageous things.

Wedding car, wedding ring, wedding room, wedding, wedding dress, wedding dowry, wedding first ceremony.

It is simply a train, neat and tidy, not a single one falls.


System, why don't you just conjure a daughter-in-law for him.

Of course, that Liu Aunt forgets it.

He will not give in.

Seeing that the system didn't respond, Lin Xiao took out his mobile phone and shivered.

Lying in this new home, the mood is still good.

At least for this mission, everything he needs to get married has been prepared for him, so he can save himself the money to buy it.

Brushed a few shakes.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Xiao's mouth.

Yesterday's annihilation of overseas organizations was already on fire.

It is known almost all over the internet.

Seeing those comments complimenting his own, Lin Xiao felt really cool.

At this time.

His phone vibrated.

It is an account information.

Lin Xiao clicked in and saw that it was his first task, Wu Donghui's case, that he had received the seven million compensation.

Plus your own quest rewards these days.

His cash balance totaled 12 million.

This is quite a sum.

After hesitating for a while.

Lin Xiao called 500,000 to his family.

two seconds.

Mom's phone call came as promised.

Lin Xiao adjusted his status and connected the phone.

"Son, tell mom, where did you get the money?" Mom's tone was not surprised, but rather frightened.

The last time I hit 50,000, my mother should still be able to accept it.

This time it was 500,000, so I must have been frightened.

However, Lin Xiao has also thought of countermeasures.

"Mom, haven't I been working on games for the past two years. After the last project was adopted by the company, they noticed a game I developed and asked me if I wanted to work together. I thought about it and agreed."

"The 500,000 is a deposit. After the game is released, it will be divided according to the download volume and revenue every month."

"I estimate that my game should have 30,000 to 50,000 yuan per month, so the 500,000 yuan will be transferred directly to you."

Lin Xiao said one by one, as if it were true.

Mom hesitated for a while, and finally heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Really?! You stinky boy, you scared your mom. How can a game make so much money? It's amazing."

"What's the matter? Games, if a hit game comes out, it will earn tens of millions of dollars. Mom, don't worry, when my son develops a tens of millions of hit games, then our family will be rich. Free." Lin Xiao struck while the iron was hot and buried a hole.

There's a reason to pay for it later.

"Don't brag, kid! It's still tens of millions. I think our family's luck has caught up with the 500,000 yuan. You should work hard. Maybe you can earn a down payment for a house in the city this year." Mom said encouragingly.

In Linxi City, where Lin Xiao lives, the house price is around 17,800.

In that case, the down payment for a larger three-bedroom apartment would be 800,000 or 900,000.

From my mother's point of view, Lin Xiao is close to the down payment.

"Mom, what's the hurry to buy a house? You guys use this money to start a small business first, don't go to work, how tired." Lin Xiao said.

"Oh, I'm still worried about your mother. Your father and I are used to it. We really don't know what to do if we do business. What if we lose money, okay, don't worry about it." Having said that, it warms my heart.

"Okay, you can figure it out for yourself. By the way, Mom, I didn't live in the rental house before, and I moved to a bigger one. When you come to the city, tell me in advance, and I'll pick you up." Lin Xiao said.

"It's time to change the house, it's time to change." Mom said, thinking of another thing, she continued: "Son, your cousin's job is assigned to the city, maybe she will contact you in the next two days. ."

"Who?! Which cousin?" Lin Xiao's expression changed slightly, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"Which cousin, isn't your cousin An Mumu?!" Mom said angrily.

"I don't know, I don't accept it." Lin Xiao refused without hesitation.

"You boy, that's all. Mumu only lived for a few days in the past, and when her unit's dormitory was allocated, she moved out." Mom immediately settled down.

"Mom, that girl is next to me—"

"Okay, come on, son, you are the best, hang up... Dududu..."

Without waiting for Lin Xiao to explain, Mom hung up the phone.

This made Lin Xiao secretly roll his eyes several times.

An Mumu.

Thinking of this cousin, he was full of helplessness.

Said to be my cousin, but she was actually half a year older than me.

The two of them have been close together since childhood.

This girl always likes to pester her.

When I was young, I used to shout every day that I would marry my cousin for the rest of my life.

This made both adults laugh non-stop.

Three generations of blood relatives, if you want to marry, the state will not let them.

Lin Xiao remembered that when he was in the first year of junior high school, he was attacked by this girl several times at night.

It's not because of his bed that he won't leave.

It seems that I don't know what it means to be a man and a woman.

After growing up, the relationship between the two is still very good.

Basically once a year.

But every time he saw this cousin, Lin Xiao was always harassed and ridiculed by her.

Saying that he can't find a company for so many years as a single dog, it's better to get together and live together.

Lin Xiao pouted.

If you don't want to pay the rent, just say it and find a reason.

Glancing at the phone, Lin Xiao decisively turned on the computer and started playing the game.

He didn't take the initiative to contact this girl.

Really find the door, then talk about it.


the other side.

Luo Xue told her cousin about making dumplings at home the day after tomorrow, and got the other party's agreement.

He returned home happily.

Mom is in the afternoon shift today, and now she doesn't know where to go.

Luo Xue turned on the computer, boarded Yuanshen, and started the live broadcast.

After practicing for a while, after drawing two rounds and ten consecutive rounds.

The live broadcast room gradually became lively.

Most of the water friends are discussing what happened last night.

Luo Xue saw the bullet screen and realized that such a big event happened last night.

It's a pity that she had already slept at that time, and she didn't know about it at all.

Girls, go to bed early and wake up late to maintain youthful vitality.

But at this time, a water friend's speech brought a wave of rhythm directly.

"Have you seen it? That Yuanshen's million-dollar anchor actually beat passers-by in the street, tsk tsk tsk, I really didn't expect it at all."

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Immediately rush to recharge (event time: October 1st to October 7th)

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