The water friends in the live broadcast room, when they heard the anchor's words, all felt a little senseless for a while, and they didn't know why.

What inside information? What bug? What surprise?

Seeing the countless question marks being swept up, Lin Xiao could only pretend to be confused.

"I don't know, I just received an inexplicable message all of a sudden.

Lin Xiao said, put the phone in front of the camera, and showed the information to all the water friends.

In fact, this is just what he just sent to himself through a transfer base station.

The sender is five 00000, and the content of the message is the same as what he said.

Even the receipt time was just a minute ago.

You know, a minute ago, he didn't move his phone.

Millions of water friends can attest to that.

"Five zeros? What kind of number is this?

"It seems that the person who sent it to the anchor has some skills.

"That made me wonder, what exactly will happen in ten minutes?"

"Hahaha, I have a hunch that there will be a big melon to eat today."

When the water friends are about to start a discussion.

A window popped up on Lin Xiao's cell phone, which was a notification that he had received an email.

Because the phone is just in front of the camera.

So this scene happened to be seen by millions of water friends.

"Huh? An email from Xixi, this is... an indictment?! Pfft-"

"Mom "807"! And Xixi's surprise didn't come, the anchor's surprise arrived first."

"My God, the anchor was sued by Yixixi?"

"I laughed, it was outrageous to open the fucking door, outrageous to get home. 35

"Anchorman, what do you say?"

"This kind of prosecution has no legal effect, and the video is not spread by the anchor, at most it is an apology afterwards, don't be afraid.

"We are all witnesses, we stand on the anchor's side, and we sculpt together. 35

The water friends in the live broadcast room are worried, onlookers, and come up with ideas.

Lin Xiao pretended to be worried and took the phone back, and said to the water friends: "Wait a minute, after all, this is the first time, I will ask my friends what to do about this."

After speaking, Lin Xiao did not leave the computer, but turned off the sound.

His hands began to tap on the keyboard rapidly, and the master hacking skills unfolded in an instant.

Lin Xiao's eyes were cold.

He was law-abiding throughout the day.

At most, it is illegal to invite some people to help cut it?

Are you going to sue him?

Then you are too overbearing.

Shop bully?

You are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

I heard that your income has skyrocketed in the past two years, and you have tens of billions of revenue every year.

That's really great.

on the domain.

At the same time, outside the base camp of Xixi, suddenly a shadow of data flow slowly emerged.

I saw that the shadow first came into contact with Xixi's defense net.

Just two seconds.

The shadow seemed to be melted, and quickly penetrated into the defense net of the base camp.

During this process, the defense network did not respond, and no alarm sounded.

After the shadow entered the defense net, it instantly turned into a hundred shunts, rushing to all directions.

About three minutes later.

Shadows regrouped.

Then he exited the Bingxixi base camp the same way.

Everything is as if nothing happened.

Back to the live room.

Lin Xiao twisted his neck, turned on the radio in the live broadcast room, and said, "I asked my friends, it should be fine, you don't have to worry.

"Right, this is to scare people.

"Xixi panicked. He was probably afraid that the anchor would make things worse."

"It's really not fun.

"Jianxixi is this virtue.

"Stop talking about this, there are still two minutes before the BUG surprise that the mysterious man told the anchor."

"Hahaha, I don't know what will happen."

"Wait online, I'm really curious.

"At 1 minute and 54 seconds, I started the countdown.

"1 minute and 10 seconds, follow up downstairs."

The barrage in the live broadcast room is now a countdown in addition to a countdown.

Everyone wants to know if what the mysterious man is saying is true or not.

This minute or so seemed so long to everyone.


The countdown is over.

The time that the mysterious man said has come.

Lin Xiao has also opened the homepage of Bing Xixi in the live broadcast room, pretending to wait for a surprise with millions of water friends.

But a few seconds passed.

Nothing happened.

The homepage of Bianxixi was the same as before, Lin Xiao opened several pages of Bianxixi again, and there was no abnormality.


"Good guy, anchor, you are being teased by mysterious people. 35

"I'll just say, how can there be a bug, and Xixi has been driving for so many years, and I have never heard of a bug. 35

"Slip off, get ready to eat.

"What should I eat at night, I don't even know what to eat, I'm tired of eating all the takeaways around."

"Instant noodles start, Laotan pickled cabbage and Shuanghui, it's a golden partner!"

Lin Xiao looked at the time and felt that it was almost time to 'uncover the bug'.

At this time, a senior water friend in the live broadcast room issued a series of exclamation marks.

"Fuck!!!!! I slashed an alien laptop with one slash!!!!"


"Old iron, what are you bragging about!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, continue editing. 35

'The anchor didn't cut it with thousands of knives, but you cut it with one stroke. ""

"Wait, I suddenly have an idea."

"Fuck, BUG, ​​surprise, I have a flash of inspiration.

"Old Iron Gate, wait a minute for me.

"???what's the situation?

"Why I don't understand what you are talking about.

"Explain, explain, what do you mean??"

"Do not understand.


Some people in the live broadcast room understood something, some were still puzzled, and more were confused and didn't understand what was going on.

But after a minute.

The barrage exploded directly.

"My God!!! Anchor, just chop something at will, hurry up!!"

"Anchor, cut things quickly, anything will do!

"Chop chop chop!! Hurry, hurry, hurry!

"Damn it, it's too awesome, it's really a bug, but this bug is too terrifying.""


"What are you crazy about?"

"You are sick?? 35

When Lin Xiao saw that someone finally found a surprise, a smile flashed in his eyes.

Then you don't have to expose it yourself, that's better.

He put on a bewildered look, and then according to a lot of barrage, he found a baby who got a mobile phone for free, and clicked 'confirm to take home'


Then, just follow the prompts, next step, next step, and then chop down.


The page glitters.

'Congratulations, you got the fruit mobile phone 15, please fill in the delivery address, and the warehouse will deliver the goods for you immediately.


One cut!


"I Nima!!

"Dog care, anchor."

"What's the situation? It didn't work with a thousand knives just now, and now it hits with one knife??"

"Fuck, brothers, I tried it too. A bug appeared, I cut it into a bicycle, and the brothers rushed to cut it.

"Really, don't lie, I bought a set of microscopes for 9.9 yuan, it's amazing!

"What, true or false, this is an exaggeration..."

"Oh my god, really, really! I have become too, and I continue."

"It's useless to hack this kind of bug, you'll be happy if they don't ship it.

"Yeah, it's boring.

"I'm betting that the bug will be fixed in ten minutes."

"I'll bet five minutes."

Lin Xiao smiled when he saw these barrages.

He was about to strike.

next second.

He used the mouse to click on a '100 yuan cash red envelope' on the page of Qixixi, and click to receive it immediately. activity.


The page shines brightly.

'Congratulations, you got a 100 cash red envelope, which has been distributed to your prestige.

"Fuck!! Water friends, see for yourself!"

After Lin Xiao exclaimed, he put his phone in front of the live broadcast room.

His prestige shows that he has just received 100 yuan.


The live room was quiet.

It was as if the mute switch was pressed.

But the next moment, everyone went crazy.

"Lying, lying, lying, lying!

"Stealing money, are you sure it's alright?"

"Damn it, that's fine too?""

"I was stunned.""

"Okay, I've also succeeded, this... it's too awesome!

"Nima, pick up the money for nothing, that old man is gone."

"Come on, I've called our family together."

For a time, there were only a few barrages on the public screen of the live broadcast room.

Millions of water friends started to cut money like crazy.

Cut baby may not be shipped, but the money will arrive instantly.

This is too cool.

Wouldn't that have been chopped all the time?!


Soon, they found helplessly that the cash red envelopes could indeed arrive in seconds.

But a mobile phone can only be cut once, and only 100 yuan of cash red envelopes can be cut.

Red envelopes of other amounts are useless even if they are cut.

It will only be written, please wait.

But even so, it can't stop the crazy netizens.

One mobile phone once, who has no relatives or friends yet.

A hundred bucks more is a hundred bucks.

All of a sudden, all the netizens began to call friends and participate together.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime 2.0 thing, the ghost knows if this bug will be fixed in the next second.

For a time, countless people found this bug all over the country.

Even Lin Xiao's live broadcast room was not the first to discover.

At this moment, the whole people began to chop chop chop.

People who don't find cash red envelopes are constantly cutting treasures.

Regardless of whether Xixi will actually ship it or not.

But what if.

These are thousands, tens of thousands of things.

In case of delivery, that is blood earned.

If you don't ship it, just join in the fun.

Not a loss.

Maybe, you can get some coupons or compensation at that time.

Moreover, if this matter is not shipped overnight, it will definitely lose its reputation.

Who knows, among them, is there any person who has gone to great lengths to invite enough people and is just short of the last step.

If you don't deliver the goods, people will definitely complain.

Don't say it yet.

The feeling of being cut with a knife is so cool!

Even if you don't give something, it's worth having fun.

If you want to say who is the most uneasy at this time.

That is undoubtedly the headquarters of Xixixi.

It's already in a mess, like ants on a pot.

They found the bug in the first place.

But to everyone's desperation, they tried all kinds of methods, but they couldn't fix it.

This made the entire Bingxixi headquarters completely bewildered.

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