Hunting High School

Chapter 84: Gathering In The Gazebo

The speech in the small square in front of the library did not last too long, but after the speech, the lively discussion and noise among the students could not dissipate for a long time.

Xin Fatty, holding a quill pen and a notepad, ran around the square, interviewing every student who was willing to be interviewed by him; Xiao Xiao held his own notebook, looked at six directions, listened to all directions, and recorded everything he could record. profile.

Only Zhang Jixin and Zheng Qing had neither work needs nor related hobbies, they just joined in the fun by the side. It's just that this bustle took a little longer. When the noise in the small square stopped and Fatty and the doctor packed up their things and were about to leave, more than an hour had passed, and it was 1:10 noon.

According to the timetable of Jiuyou Academy, the afternoon class is from 14:00 to 17:00, and there are more than 40 minutes before the bell of the Fu class starts in the afternoon, and Zheng Qing and his group didn't even eat lunch.

"Didn't I ask you to go get dinner first?" Fatty was surprised when he saw Ku Li's two companions at the periphery of the crowd: "You have been standing here all this time, so what are we having for lunch?!"

"It's such an indifferent world." Zheng Qing raised his head, looked at the bare branches above his head and the gray sky, sighed a long time, and said, "Do you only think about eating and writing manuscripts? Normal People, when you see your companions waiting for you for so long, the first sentence should be touching and greetings, such as "Are you tired after standing for so long?" or "Haven't you eaten yet? I have a lot of delicious food in my watch. Let's eat together!'"

"The cafeteria is closed now." Xiao Xiao put the notebook in his arms, and added a half sentence at the right time: "So..."

Xin Fatty has no interface, just staring at the young public fee student with a blank expression.

"Your main purpose is the last sentence." He squinted his eyes, his bean-sized eyes were wrapped by the fat on his eyelids and cheeks, and he was almost invisible, but he couldn't stop the sharp eyes in the slightest: "How do you know that I Have you bought fried chicken and beer?"

Zheng Qing blinked and looked innocent: "I didn't know you bought fried chicken and beer... I just remembered that there are many delicious things in your memory card, which can be used as lunch. But I know now."

"Fried chicken is okay, but for beer, we still have classes in the afternoon, isn't it inconvenient." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses, and gave own advice very seriously: "Do you have juice or green tea in your storage card? "

"Beer? Shall we drink at noon?" Zhang Jixin had been staring at a certain direction outside the crowd just now, and did not participate in the daily exchanges between the other few people. He was only interested after hearing his companion mention beer repeatedly. Turning around, he glanced at Fatty's wrist: "Well, since you're ready, let's have fried chicken and beer."

The fat on Xin Fatty's cheeks trembled violently, he gritted his teeth hard, and spit out three words from between his teeth: "I haven't..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zheng Qing raised a finger and waved it in front of Fatty's eyes: "Can you interview some of us during the meal? As onlookers throughout the meal, we can give you the most pertinent comments."

Hearing this, Fatty's little eyes lit up suddenly.

Zheng Qing threw out another jujube at the right time: "I think the doctor must have a very professional point of view... and I, um, I am not talented, because of the world of the Grand Arcana, if I make a few comments, I think I can help Your manuscript has improved a lot."

Fatty's fat fist hit his fat palm hard and fast.

"Deal!" He dragged Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao to a gazebo not far from the lake with agility beyond a Fatty: "Let's go, let's go, class is about to start after lunch!"

Zheng Qing was staggered by him, so he didn't fall to the ground.

"What about morality?" Zhang Jixin looked at Fatty's back with a speechless face: "Have you eaten them all?"

"Otherwise, how could he be so rich." Zheng Qing reluctantly turned half of his face, and greeted with a smile: "Hurry up and catch up, now there is not much time to play Fatty's autumn wind."

There are many large and small gazebos dotted in the promenade around Linzhong Lake. In summer and autumn, there are many young wizards sitting in the gazebos chatting and dating, but there are very few in winter.

After all, it is not a dormitory or a study room, and it is impossible for the school to engrave warm charms for everyone in the gazebo.

However, this shortcoming is not a problem in front of Zheng Qing, a great talisman master. He just took out a few low-quality warm charms from the gray cloth bag, and he solved the biggest problem of the gazebo lunch.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Soon, several people sat around the small stone table, watching Xin Fatty pull out the tablecloth, tableware, and the long-awaited fried chicken and beer from the watch. Finally, the host was a little more generous and gave everyone a gift A plate of croissants, a small dish of applesauce.

"Speaking of which, I was curious just now, what are you looking at in a certain direction by the lake?" Before eating, Fatty looked at Zhang Jixin curiously: "I know you are not such a boring guy."

"Didn't you see it?" Zhang Jixin raised his eyebrows and shook his head again and again: "It's really big hearted... I'm looking at the people from the Hemophiliac. You are jumping around like rabbits in the venue, and someone has to help you." You watch your back. Who knows if those Hemophilia guys will suddenly go crazy and throw a bunch of jinxes into the venue."

"Hemophilia?!" Fatty gasped, "They're here too? Why didn't I see it?!"

Zhang Jixin added: "Suprano and Friedman are all here, but they are standing in a relatively biased position, not far from those murlocs..."

"I think they came here to find the murlocs," Zheng Qing interjected, "It doesn't make sense that a small meeting here would disturb the only two heirs of the Hemophilia. They are not so idle."

While speaking, the young public fee student suddenly recalled the scene of the trade between the murloc Iseni and Soprano he saw in the glade during a night patrol a long time ago. Intuition told him that there was an inevitable connection between these things.

"This possibility is not ruled out." Zhang Jixin shrugged: "But we always have to prepare for the worst... Excuse me, give me a glass of butter beer, Amber light is even better... I don't want to drink Green Bee today."

"I want green tea." Xiao Xiao then raised his hand.

"I want juice." Considering that there are still classes in the afternoon, Zheng Qing also did not choose beer.

With a stinking face, Xin Fatty took out corresponding drinks for several companions.

"I wish Banner good health!" The young public fee student raised the cup in his hand and wished loudly. Behind him, wisps of smoke were emitting from those poor-quality thermal talismans, supporting a pale yellow magic barrier.

"This is not what I want." Xin Fatty's mouth was already stuffed with fried chicken, and while chewing, he turned his head to look at Xiao Xiao: "As for today's speech, I want to hear the doctor's opinion."

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