Hunting High School

Chapter 100 The Professor's Laboratory

The First University has four colleges and four research institutes.

These eight academies are located in every corner of Phuket Island, with hidden locations and mutual horns, forming a huge guardian circle. What connects them is a long corridor with different shapes and styles.

It's just that when students of First University go to other colleges or research institutes, most of the time they don't choose to walk through these corridors. Not only because they are tortuous and long, but also because there are often hunting teams training in these corridors. If you are not careful, ordinary passers-by will be involved in right and wrong.

Except for the school holding events such as hunting competitions, these corridors will be fully used when there is a need to withstand a large-scale passenger flow, and few people use them on weekdays.

More importantly, there are other channels for students to travel between different institutions.

For example, the unnamed passages hidden in every corner of the school, or those 'gates' located in the first hall.

The first hall is the first formal building Zheng Qing came into contact with after entering the school. The murals in the hall, the star lights cruising in mid-air, and tall columns all left a deep impression on him.

But these are not the most important components of the first hall.

The most important part of the first hall is the nine gates surrounding the first floor of the entire hall, leading to the school's four colleges and four research institutes, as well as the first gate leading to the outside of the school. These gates are shortcuts to communicate with different colleges or research institutes.

Of course, using these gates also requires certain procedures.

For example, the school approved and recorded the onshore schedule, the temporary pass issued by the school working committee or the student union, and the approval slips of the professors, etc.

The note that Zheng Qing was holding in his hand from Professor Montelia just met this requirement.

Like Su Shijun's two-dimensional evolution laboratory, Professor Montelia's laboratory belongs to the Institute of Applied Magic. Zheng Qing had gone to this research institute through the Huanfu Promenade before, but it was the first time for him to take the convenient passage of the first hall with a approval slip in his hand.

The situation behind the gate of the Institute of Applied Magic is completely different from that of Jiuyou Academy.

The gate of Jiuyou Academy is directly attached to the side entrance of the school, and after passing through the gate, there is the screen wall of the front yard of the school. And behind the gate of the Institute of Applied Magic is a white corridor that seems to have no end.

Along both sides of the corridor, there are many small doors of different materials and shapes, leading to different laboratories or research institutes of the research institute. Zheng Qing grabbed the note that Professor Monteria gave him, walked in this long corridor, looked at the huge locks on those small doors, and suddenly realized that if he did not have the corresponding authority, he would definitely not be able to enter those small gate.

Along the way, the names of all kinds of applied magic laboratories are dazzling.

For example, the "Druidt Laboratory" that studies the role of magic in promoting agriculture; the "Classical Element Analysis Laboratory" that studies traditional magic; the "Equivalent Summoning Laboratory" that studies communication between different planes; 'Spell Equation Construction Laboratory'; 'Totem and Spiritual Field Theory Laboratory' to study the spiritual world under the dimensional world view, etc.

Originally, Zheng Qing planned to look for Su Shijun's 'two-dimensional evolution laboratory', but after searching for a long time, until he found Professor Monteria's laboratory, he still couldn't find it, so he finally had to give up.

The small door of Professor Monteria's laboratory is made of bronze, and many mysterious patterns and patterns are engraved on the door.

Above the door, there is a brass plaque with the inscription 'Montria Laboratory', which is quite different from the names of other laboratories and has a very individual character. However, there is still a row of small characters under the name of the laboratory, which says 'bloodline research and high rank rune analysis', which explains to the visitors the scope of the laboratory's main research.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

There is no guard at the door.

There are no door gods or peach charms hanging on the door, only a suspected bull head with a copper ring biting it.

Zheng Qing grabbed the brass ring nervously and knocked it hard.

After a while, Tong Niu struggled to open his eyes, and glanced at the young wizard. What was the obvious meaning?

Zheng Qing hesitated whether to bow to the copper bull's head before speaking.

But soon, he remembered an old saying in "The Appearance of Officialdom", "It's not strange to be courteous", clasped his fists, and sang a fat song to Niutou: "I met senior. Professor Monteria asked me to do it at one o'clock in the afternoon Come to the laboratory to look for him, please report, thank you!"

The bull head blinked and opened his mouth wide.

A blue tongue sticks out from behind the door knocker, reaching in front of Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing immediately put the note that Professor Montelia gave him on it, and with a slight roll of the blue tongue, he rolled the note back into his mouth. But after hearing it creak and chew a few mouthfuls, the young public fee student was worried that the bull's head would chew up the paper, so the small bronze door made a soft 'creak' sound and slowly opened outwards.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath, touched the gray cloth bag on his waist, and walked into the bronze door a little nervously.

Similar to what he had envisioned.

Behind the door is a large laboratory. Dozens of figures in black robes buried their heads in front of the wide test benches, earnestly doing the experiments in front of them with the help of various exquisite alchemy tools.

Few noticed the bronze door switch, or some young wizard slinking into the lab.

A slightly thin gray-haired middle-aged man, holding a thick notebook in his arms, and holding a thick ochre-yellow writing brush in his right hand, shuttled in front of the test benches, from time to time he attached himself to check the work of the black-robed wizards , occasionally splashing ink, lowering his head to record something in the notebook.

Zheng Qing stood blankly behind the bronze door.

No one paid attention to him, and he didn't know if he could interrupt Professor Montelia's work, and he seemed a little at a loss for a while.

The gray-haired middle-aged man, that is, Professor Montelia, happened to come to the bronze door after looking around in the laboratory, and looked down at Zheng Qing.

Zheng Qing worked hard to muster up the courage, and looked up at this long-lost professor who had admired his name for a long time.

Compared with the last time we met, Professor Montelia's face looked very tired now. Although the gray hair was a little shorter than before, it looked disheveled instead of neat. There are thick bags under the deep eye sockets, and the dark yellow skin is tight on the high cheekbones. It can be seen that he has not had a good rest for a long time.

Only those blue-gray eyes were as sharp and deep as ever, forming the most dazzling part of the entire face.

Zheng Qing avoided his gaze with some anxiety, and set his gaze on the professor's cheekbones. The dark brown spots on it clearly tell everyone who sees it that this body lacks effective rest and love for a long time.

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