Hunting High School

Chapter 110 Little White Shoes And Little White Claws

"Don't call others stupid!" Jiang Yu was very dissatisfied with the words in Li Meng's answer.

"They have been on vacation for the past few days and have not gone to work, so what they do after get off work is their freedom." Zheng Qing answered Li Meng's questioning from another angle, explaining the reason why the two mice did not work in the store. .

"Is the school guarding the formation very good? Unlabeled wild monsters pop up every three days, and they are touched by the black wizards outside the island every now and then. How dare you say that the guarding of the formation is very good?!" Ding Dong's ears also spoke to Li Meng. The words are ridiculed.

There was also Jingdang ears. When the others answered Li Meng's question, it didn't speak, but stood up and drew a circle on the trunk of the old willow tree on its body.

"You asked how we escaped from that monster?" It raised its chest and looked up at the little witch with a full of aura: "That's because we have a talent who escapes! On this island, only There are very few places that can stop us from walking freely... The Rat Tribe has lived under the school for so long, have you heard that the Rat Tribe was captured?"

Hearing this, Zheng Qing couldn't help coughing softly, and reminded: "Some time ago, a certain mouse pretended to be dead..."

Ding Dang's ears gave Gong Feisheng a vicious look, signaling him to shut up, but this also made it less confident in his next sentence: "... even cats can't catch us, let alone a face monster."

As if to increase the persuasiveness of its words, Dingdang turned his ears around, and pressed his two short front paws on the circle he had drawn on the tree trunk before. He didn't hear it chanting any spells, but the circle suddenly lit up , turned into a tree hole.

Ding Dong's ears didn't say anything, he jumped and got into the tree hole.

Zheng Qing was still hesitating whether to put his head into the tree hole to see what the structure of the hole was, when he heard Li Meng screamed suddenly.

Looking back, he couldn't help but laugh.

It turned out that after Dingdang's ears got into the tree hole, they didn't run far, but opened a small hole in the soil under Li Meng's feet. The opening of the hole was not big, round and round, about the size of a tree hole, and the mouse's head in blue just popped out of the hole in the earth, scaring the little witch, screaming, and jumping out far away.

After waking up, Li Meng also blushed because of the fuss over own.

After Ding Dong's ears crawled out of the small soil hole, he did not let the little witch go. Instead, he put his claws on his hips, flicked his tail in a high-spirited manner, and gave a few wild and sharp laughs, full of sarcasm.

This action made the little witch who was already blushing even more angry. She threw the plush bear in her hand to the ground, stretched out her finger, and screamed: "Li Neng! Rub it!"

The stuffed bear got up from the ground, twisted its neck, blew the fluff on its body, howled ferociously, and jumped at the little mouse. Ding Dong didn't show weakness in his ears, he took out a long and thin wooden stick from nowhere, jumped around with his tail flicked, and hit the plush bear hard.

Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu looked at each other speechlessly, and couldn't help laughing together.

But they didn't immediately stop the fight between the plush bear and the mouse in Tsing Yi. After all, they were all grown-up wizards, and the fight between the bear and the mouse was just a child's play in their eyes, as long as there was no trouble.

Moreover, taking advantage of the time when Li Meng and the mice's attention was drawn away, the two of them happened to be able to discuss some serious topics such as how to deal with the faceless monster.

"Do you want to report to the patrol team of the school work committee? They handle this kind of thing more professionally." The young public finance student stood beside the witch and suggested in a low voice.

This suggestion is quite satisfactory, especially since Zheng Qing was on duty every week in the patrol team last semester, and he knows the way it works inside, so he can ensure that his news will not be shelved after it is reported.

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"Not in a hurry." Compared with him, the witch obviously thought a little more: "We haven't confirmed this news yet, so reporting it directly may not be more efficient than looking for it ourselves... Besides, I also hope to catch it with my own hands." Stay with that guy."

Hearing this answer, Zheng Qing fell silent immediately.

He knew Jiang Yu's obsession with killing the murderer of the little white cat, so it was naturally inconvenient to stop her here. Moreover, according to the observations of the Tsing Yi mice, the faceless monster is not necessarily very powerful, even if Jiang Yu doesn't say it, Zheng Qing actually intends to let his hunting team make a plan to practice.

However, when the words "little white cat", "Jiang Yu" and "obsession" floated in Zheng Qing's mind, he couldn't help but think of the daring little white cat from the cat group who dared to kick his own.

Then he couldn't help but glance down at Jiang Yu's feet.

Perhaps it was because of the 'laughing at each other' just now, the vague estrangement between the two of them because of 'Su Shijun' seemed to have disappeared a lot, and they were no longer as divided as they were when they just started school. The distance between the stations is naturally a little closer.

So Zheng Qing saw the little white shoes Jiang Yu was wearing.

Very beautiful, very clean pair of white shoes, just like the paws of that little white cat.

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Zheng Qing immediately raised his head in horror, trying to look away, but some thoughts are not something that can be out of mind if you can't see them. Although he looked away, in Zheng Qing's mind, the pair of little white shoes and little white claws overlapped again and again, making him want to dig out his own brain and wash it with clean water.

Jiang Yu naturally didn't know the complicated and unpredictable thoughts in the heart of the wizard next to him. After hammering out the general principles of handling, she turned her attention back to the mouse and the stuffed bear.

At this moment, the battle between the stuffed bear and Ding Dong's ears has temporarily come to an end, and the result of the pecking between the two chickens is that they both lay down in the mud, wheezing and unable to get up.

The cyan vest of Ding Dang's ears was torn out several gaps by the stuffed bear; the plush bear Li Neng also had a lot of fluff pulled off by Mr. Mouse and spilled on the ground.

Li Meng jumped and yelled from the sidelines, trying to boost the morale of her stuffed bear.

But Li Neng always looked like a dead bear. Even if the little witch threatened not to bathe it and not to sleep with it, the tired teddy bear couldn't get up again.

Jiang Yu watched from the side, and suddenly frowned, remembering a question that had just been ignored.

"Almost forgot," she tilted her head, looked at the young public fee student, and said curiously, "It's still the question Mengmeng asked just now, but I was interrupted by the two of them, so I forgot... These two little brothers in Tsing Yi, why are you asking me?" Instead of having fun after vacation, catch bugs instead?"

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