Hunting High School

Chapter 30 How Can Boys Be Described As Cute

Every year in May and June, the four academies of the First University will invite young wizards of the right age in the wizarding world to participate in the annual "Wizard College Entrance Examination".

Little wizards who pass the test can get an admission letter from the First University - which means they can go further on the road of wizards.

And wizards who fail the test will have a hard time gaining access to advanced magical knowledge in their later careers.

It is no exaggeration to say that for all wizards, this is a fate-determining exam.

But every year, some young wizards miss this exam for various reasons.

Some people are sick, some people are traveling.

There are also many people who missed the exam because First University's attracting magic couldn't reach them.

Like a gypsy witch.

As one of the oldest witch lineages in Europa, gypsy witches are very secretive. They have been wandering outside the mainstream wizarding society all year round, using various complex spell formations to cover up their own tracks.

If it hadn't been for the Wizards Council to always retain the seat of the Gypsy Witches, many wizards would have forgotten the existence of this group.

The attracting magic of the First University Admissions Committee is often blocked by the protective spells of these witches.

In view of this, after multi-party coordination, First University has implemented a make-up examination system to practice the concept of fairness to the greatest extent.

And these students who entered the first university after making up the exam are called transfer students.

Elena is a transfer student from First University.



"Wait for me!" The witch waved her hand from the other side of the street.

Zheng Qing grabbed Xin Fatty and waited obediently by the side of the road.

Elena wore a pair of beige patent leather fish mouth high heels, and jogged all the way to Zheng Qing's side.

Zheng Qing couldn't help but straightened up, trying to look more upright. But the wide red robe on his body silently concealed this effort.

Elena's wine red long wavy hair was casually scattered over her shoulders, covering her fair neck. A black chiffon dress with a red high-waist slanted skirt looks charming and charming.

At this moment, she is holding a Kun bag in her left hand, and unfolding a set of Tarot cards in her right hand as a small fan, gently fanning the wind.

Zheng Qing wrinkled his nose, and the rich and fragrant breath of violets filled his chest in an instant, making people a little intoxicated.

"Are you just wearing courtyard robes?" She turned her face sideways and looked at Zheng Qing curiously.

The orange sunset paints the streets.

The slightly drunken sunlight passed through the thin down on her cheeks, making them look softer and gentler.

Zheng Qing opened his mouth, his mind went blank.

"I said I should wear other clothes!" Xin Fatty next to me muttered.

"It's not bad to wear a courtyard robe, it looks refreshing." Yi Lianna's eyebrows and eyes were curved.

Zheng Qing chuckled and glanced at the courtyard robe on her body.

After waking up in the afternoon, the two lazy people argued for thirty seconds on their respective beds, and finally decided to wear the bright red robes issued by the courtyard to participate in the party.

But after coming to Beta Town, the two of them already regretted it a little.

As far as the eye can see, there are very few people wearing hospital uniforms on the street.

Except for the need to wear academic gowns on Mondays and Fridays and other formal occasions, First University does not have too many requirements for students' daily attire.

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Under the long-term edification and influence, each college has a different dressing style born from its own culture.

Alpha wizards prefer simple white sackcloth, while witches prefer long white dresses with fringes and pleats.

The wizards of Jiuyou College prefer dark red uniforms, while the girls prefer more gorgeous red-backed trains.

Students of Atlas often wear long golden cloaks over their clothes, while students of Star Academy prefer to use blue tight vests to show their own charm and strength.

But no matter how the costumes of the wizarding world change, they are always inextricably linked with the costumes of the Baiding world.

In the long history, although the wizards have been looking down on the white people in the world, they have never given up on this behavior. To borrow the words of a great wizard: "They don't have the talent given by God, but their creativity can stimulate our inspiration."

Although Elena is a witch, Zheng Qing feels that her figure is constantly stimulating his own inspiration.

Wonderful words and verses poured out from the bottom of my heart continuously, but they turned into a single word embarrassingly on my lips.

"It's beautiful," he murmured.

"What?" The witch who was fanning the wind raised her eyebrows and asked curiously.

"Oh, I mean, the weather is really nice today! Ah, hahaha." Zheng Qing didn't expect her hearing to be so sensitive, and she felt embarrassed that her secrets were being discovered.

Xin Fatty lowered his head, laughing muffledly.

Zheng Qing stretched out his finger and poked him several times heavily.

The three strolled down the street towards their party destination.

Zheng Qing glanced at the witch beside him, and finally couldn't help but speak.

"I think you're beautifully dressed today." He hesitated for a long time, and summoned up the courage to praise.

"Thank you. Your cufflinks are also very beautiful." Yi Lianna smiled happily and praised: "I heard from everyone that you can write all the basic talismans silently, which is amazing!"

"It's all stupid kung fu." Zheng Qing waved his hands modestly, but the smile on his face could not be stopped no matter what.

"Are those rumors true?" Yi Lianna blinked her big eyes, approached Zheng Qing, and asked in a low voice: "It's about suppressing wild monsters in Sijifang and saving a group of elves. Also, are you really Is it the descendant of the Kunlun line?"

Zheng Qing restrained his smile, hesitating how to answer.

Because of the rumors mentioned by Elena, some are true and some are false.

For example, the wild boar demon really fell asleep under the own talisman;

Another example, Own did save a group of elves - until now he is still worrying about their lives.

But anyway, rumors are rumors.

These rumors are really hateful, Zheng Qing has a troubled look on his face.

"Of course it's true!" Seeing Zheng Qing's silence for a long time, Xin Fatty, who was next to him, thought that Zheng Qing would not be able to wipe his face off, so he hugged his shoulders, stretched out his thumb and boasted: "My brother Qing doesn't like to show off, but who among the freshmen doesn't like to show off?" I know what he is capable of - those little elves are still staying in our dormitory!"

"No, no, no." Zheng Qing shook his hands in a panic, denying.

Originally looking at Elena's adoring expression, he deliberately admitted these things vaguely.

But after all, there is no way to achieve understanding.

"I don't know how to spell thunder, and the talismans I draw are not that powerful."

"I did save a group of elves, but I didn't stop the banshee. In fact, it was the result of everyone's desperate efforts."

"And I'm not a descendant of Kunlun. Of course, I do come from the same line of Taoism, but in fact I don't know which sect I belong to. I haven't formally started, and the teacher has never told me."

"As for the Eight Trigrams in the school, they are just Eight Trigrams."

Zheng Qing poured out the words that had been stagnant for a long time in one breath, and his heart relaxed a lot.

He looked at Elena sincerely, and said:

"I just hope these rumors don't affect your mood."

Xin Fatty stomped his feet and sighed, with a look of hatred on his face.

Elena smiled even brighter:

"You're so cute!"

Zheng Qing's expression froze, and his face collapsed:

"How can boys be described as cute."

he muttered.

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