Hunting High School

Chapter 128: Painted Skin

"Do you know this black cat?"

Nicholas finally set his sights on a seemingly innocent black cat, and his tone was a little more curious.

"I've seen it!"


This time, Xiao Xiao and Li Meng spoke in unison again. The black cat couldn't help pressing its paw on his forehead.

Li Meng glanced at the black cat, hugged the little white cat in her arms a little tighter, and replied in a muffled voice: "Once I was attacked by a group of wild cats in the woods, and it was this black cat who helped me fight." Run away those stray cats..."

"Those cats are not wild cats, some of them are civet cats of the school, some of them are pet cats of students." Xiao Xiao corrected the little witch's erroneous views in time.

Li Meng ignored him, and continued: "...I still remember that this black cat can grow bigger and smaller, it's super fierce!"

Are you fierce? Zheng Qing poked his head forward, and his head suddenly swelled several times, staring at the two yellow eyes, staring at the little witch motionlessly, his eyes full of anger.

Li Meng was startled and couldn't help hiccupping.

Dr. Xiao pressed the top of the black cat's head, pushed his head back behind him, and then explained with a smile: "This cat comes from Professor Monterey's also know that Monterey Professor Ya's research direction."

"Then how do you know each other?" Nicholas raised his eyebrows: "If I remember correctly, Professor Montelia doesn't have a first-year course schedule."

Xiao Xiao didn't even blink his eyes, and immediately gave an appropriate answer: "Brother Qing has been working as an assistant in the Monteria Laboratory recently, and occasionally brings this cat back to the dormitory... There is also a civet in our dormitory, It’s called Tuantuan, and I’m very familiar with it.”

The black cat let out an 'ow' in a timely manner, indicating that what the doctor said was correct, just for show.

Nicholas finally no longer entangled in the origin of the two cats.

Although tonight's search team consisted of him, Xiao Xiao, and Li Meng, but according to Li Meng's style of work, it can be regarded as a purely make-up, and the real search team is only him and the doctor. But the scope of the search was not much smaller than before. So tonight's task is still very difficult, and there is no time to waste on cats and dogs.

Nicholas doesn't intend to waste energy on cats and dogs, but the two cats don't think so.

After experiencing the third stage song of being irritable, running wild, and beating violently, Kitten Jiang finally remembered the purpose of owning, popped out his claws, hooked Li Meng's collar, and pulled it carefully.

Li Meng is looking down at the plush bear. After she lost the plush bear just now, it has staggered back and is climbing up her legs. Li Meng needs to be careful if he wants to get back into the arms of the hostess. The stuffed bear ripped his robes.

Feeling the pulling force of the collar, the little witch lowered her head, just in time to see the anxious eyes of the little white cat.

"Meow!" The little white cat yelled firmly, flicked its tail, and signaled Li Meng to let her down.

The little witch hesitated for a few seconds, finally compromised, and put the little white cat back on the ground.

As soon as it landed on the ground, the little white cat arched its back and cocked its tail, and ran quickly to the grass outside the gazebo. After running a few steps, it turned back to look at Li Meng, and at the same time tilted its head, motioning for her to follow .

Without hesitation, Li Meng climbed over the guardrail of the corridor and followed.

Xiao Xiao was stunned, but was surprised to find that a certain black cat flicked its tail and ran towards the direction where the little white cat was going, while beckoning him to follow. Dr. Xiao Da was thoughtful and realized that Zheng Qing should have discovered something.

"What are you doing?" Nicholas came back to his senses and found that his own teammates had jumped over the guardrail and ran to the depths of the lawn. He couldn't help shouting: "That's not the direction we are searching for today!"

"I think they should have discovered something. Maybe we did something wrong at the beginning." Xiao Xiao turned his head, his tone full of ridicule: "Professional things must be done by professional people... I think that on campus Hunting small animals, these cats and dogs are a little more professional than us."

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Nicholas was stunned, watching the two companions run farther and farther away, he had no choice but to follow the notebook in his hand, sighing.

Soon, the group arrived at the place where Zheng Qing hid the snake.

The snake slough was turned out again by Zheng Qing.

Li Meng held the little white cat in her arms, jumping up and down excitedly; Zheng Qing had reason to believe that if it wasn't for fear of attracting patrols or strange figures, the little witch would definitely scream.

Xiao Xiao frowned, squatting in front of the buried snake, not in a hurry to dig it out.

Zheng Heimao followed Xiao Xiao's back and climbed onto his shoulders. Because Xiao Xiao's body was relatively small, Zheng Qing had to compress his own body a little bit, making it about the size of a certain white cat. Then he used two With one front paw grasping Xiao Xiao's shoulder, he poked his head and looked down. The cat's face was also very serious.

Nicholas also squatted beside Xiao Xiao, wearing silkworm leather gloves, carefully rubbing the snake's sloughed scales.

The gloves were stained with a fine layer of scale gray.

"It's unmistakable, it's it." Nicholas finally let go of the burden on his heart, let out a long breath, and when he looked at the black cat again, his eyes did not hide his admiration: "The cat you raise is really nice what!"

Zheng Qing lifted his chin and shook his beard proudly.

Then he suddenly realized something, and turned to look at the little white cat in Li Meng's arms.

The little white cat happened to be staring at him too.

The eyes of the two cats were full of suspicion.

No matter how Zheng Qing broke through the Mundell Paradox, and regardless of what Xiao Xiao said just now, Jiang Yu can be 100% sure that Zheng Qing is the black cat !

Because the black cat made eye contact with Xiao Xiao just now, she had seen it between Zheng Qing and Xiao Xiao before!

And Zheng Qing began to deeply doubt the relationship between Jiang Yu and the little white cat.

He clearly remembered that because of the murder case by the lake that occurred last semester, Jiang Yu told him more than once that he would not adopt a new cat until the murderer was caught; plus the shape of the little white cat; plus With Li Meng's cowardly look when facing the little white cat, Zheng Qing suddenly had a bad deduction that Jiang Yu was the little white cat.

After this idea popped into his head, Zheng Qing was taken aback by his own idea.

What scares the cat even more is that when they were chasing and fighting with the little white cat, the two cats had a 'subconscious' behavior of licking each other's ears. If the little white cat was just a cat, although Zheng Qing had a bit of a heart, it would not be difficult to accept it.

But if the little white cat is Jiang Yu.

Zheng Qing couldn't help shivering. No, there must be some misunderstanding here. The black cat comforted him in his heart, he is a cat now, and his logical thinking ability is inevitably lacking. There must be something wrong!

When the two cats were struggling, Xiao Xiao finally checked the snake's slough, stood up, and sighed deeply.

"It is indeed a snake slough."

Xiao Xiao stood up and looked at his companions, but there was no trace of joy in his eyes, instead he looked very serious: "But this is also a painted skin."

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