Hunting High School

Chapter 143: A Black Cat Falls

After hearing the question from the Rat Immortal, Kerma's first reaction was to raise her head subconsciously and look up. The canopy branches above the head, the small leaves in early spring are lush, and there are no cats riding on them.

So she interpreted the word "riding" as "seven", which happened to be in line with the idea of ​​brain teaser.

The witch secretly flipped her fingers behind her back, calculated silently, and then tentatively replied: "There are 'seven' cats on the tree, and there are no cats on the ground, so there may be seven cats in total, or one cat? As for the cats? Whose family's... the cat in the Silent Forest may have been bred by nature."

This answer is quite satisfactory, but also a little clever.

"Do you think the cat's surname is Sun? It was born..." The Mouse Fairy sneered at the witch's answer, shook his head, and denied, "I'll tell you directly. There are zero cats in total, and that cat is from the Schrödinger family. of."

"Zero cats? Schrödinger?" Colma blinked.

Korma still has a little impression of this great wizard who has made outstanding contributions to the low-speed movement state of the Nianzi force field. Parallel with this impression was the great wizard's eccentric interest in felines.

Legend has it that Schrödinger once turned into a stray cat and wandered around in the wild, just to better understand the habits of cats, so as to better serve his Egyptian cat named 'Erwin'. It is said that the Egyptian cat often communicated with Schrödinger played hide-and-seek. When Schrödinger looked for it, he couldn't find it; but when he didn't look for it, it always squatted at his feet.

So when he heard that the cat belonged to Schrödinger's family, Korma could barely keep up with the rhythm, and felt that Samādhi understood the answer of the mouse fairy.

But what about 'zero cats'?

The witch raised her head in a daze, and glanced at the crown above her head again.

The branches and branches criss-crossed overhead, and indeed there was no egyptian cat hiding among them.

The Rat Immortal sighed deeply: "Sure enough, it was a huge mistake to let you enter Jiuyou Academy at the beginning, and it wiped out your spirituality a lot. So much so that you think about things so rigidly now."

Kerma curled her lips, noncommittal to Mr. Mouse's evaluation.

The Rat Immortal didn't continue to play tricks, but directly explained: "It is said that there are zero cats, because when I opened my mouth, the cat wanted to run away, so when you look up, it will naturally be zero cats." gone."

"But because I'm here, the cat is somewhere between being able to run and not being able to run away."

"If you look up, it runs away, and there is no cat on the tree. If you don't look up, it doesn't run away, and there is a cat on the tree. This is very similar to the state of the Egyptian cat of Schrödinger's family, so I say it is Schrödinger house cat."

This answer was full of the breath of "magic philosophy". The witch took a while to realize the twists and turns. She couldn't help but feel very embarrassed. Except for the eccentric mouse fairy, who would take this answer as a brain teaser!

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It's just that she doesn't have time to pay attention to this bad luck.

Because as soon as the Mouse Fairy finished speaking, the witch heard a scream of 'Aww', and a black cat suddenly appeared among the tree branches above her head. into the mud at the Witch's feet.

Of course, as a cat, it's impossible to break it, it's nothing more than the difference between graceful and graceful landing posture.

The black cat's landing posture is more ugly, because when it landed, the cat gnawed on the mud. But after gnawing, the black cat rolled on the ground, its figure suddenly swelled, and in an instant it became the size of a mouse fairy or a witch, like a little black leopard, with its back arched and its throat He whimpered, bared his teeth and made threatening sounds at them.

"Oh!" Rat Immortal raised his arm again, twitched the beard at the corner of his mouth, and made a slight addition to his answer just now: "Well, let me add again... this Schrödinger's cat is between cats and non-cats." The state between cats. If you think it is a cat, then it is a cat. If you think it is not a cat, then it is not a cat.”

Kerma's eyes narrowed, and there was a dangerous gleam in them.

"What do you mean?" the witch took out the book behind her, bent slightly, stared at the black cat in front of her, prepared to attack at any time, and at the same time said maliciously: "This is a wizard A cat transformed with polymorph? But we just saw that it can become bigger and smaller.. Is it true that a wizard chooses to become a schizophrenic patient in order to use polymorph and still have power? This is too funny !"

The Rat Immortal smiled, but did not speak.

The black cat on the opposite side couldn't hold back anymore.

The witch's tense figure and the magic book glowing with cyan magic halo told him that if he didn't plan to leave some body parts here, he'd better seize the last two moments and say something.

"Pause!" The black cat shrank back and yelled: "Today is the Arcane Festival! Wizards are not allowed to use magic! We must respect the ancient tradition!"

The witch raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Then she and the Mouse Immortal exchanged a glance, with a wicked smile on her face, and said very tactfully: "As long as I kill you, no one, no, no cat will know that I used magic today!"

Okay, okay, since she is willing to talk, it means that the situation is not so bad that it cannot be saved. The thought in the black cat's heart turned sharply, and at the same time, it put away the sharp blade protruding from the gap between its claws, and was the first to show its own kindness.

"I didn't mean anything malicious, I just happened to be passing by." The black cat tried to express its own kindness, its eyes wandered between the person and the mouse a few times, and then added: "And I didn't hear anything just now."

"It's counterproductive." The Mouse Immortal commented.

"It's superfluous," said the witch.

The black cat's face turned darker.

"If you have malicious intentions, you have already been buried under the roots of the returning soul poplar as tree fertilizer, so how can you beep here." Kerma didn't put away the book, but her tense posture slightly restrained One point: "You should find a better argument."

The black cat looked at her eagerly.

half an hour.

"If you think it's appropriate, maybe I can act as the 'guide' you just mentioned." The black cat said dryly, its ears pulled into the shape of an airplane, and it looked like it was crouching low.

The witch squinted and looked at the Mouse Immortal delicately.

"That's it." The Mouse Immortal twirled his beard in satisfaction: "Fate is so wonderful... If there is anyone in this world who can help you find that secret realm faster, then only this black cat. "

Hearing this, Zheng Qing trembled all over, and nervously looked at the fat mouse of unknown age in front of him.

He always felt that the mouse had seen through his true identity under the cat's skin.

ps1, the question in the previous chapter "Q: There is a cat riding on a tree, and there is no cat on the ground, how many cats are there in total? Whose cats belong to?" Wrongly written, it slightly affects the later.

ps2, don't worry about the homonym of Chinese, assuming they all speak Chinese.

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