Hunting High School

Chapter 165 Man, Cat And Mouse

Teri Duzem.

Zheng Qing often called him Dr. Du Zemu, an old 'young' wizard who lived in the east area of ​​Beta Town. He is said to be old because his face looks like an old man in his eighties or nineties, full of wrinkles and age spots. He is said to be young because his actual age is not yet forty, and for most wizards, this is still a young wizard.

Last semester, in order to save a group of innocent elves, Zheng Qing sought medical treatment everywhere, and finally, with the help of Jiang Yu, found Dr. Du Zemu who lived in seclusion in a corner of Beta Town.

Although Dr. Duzem has a somewhat sloppy image on weekdays, he has great skills in preparing potions. With his help, the group of elves adopted by Zheng Qing finally survived safely until now.

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It is true that Jiang Yu also mentioned to Zheng Qing the madness and genius of Dr. Duzem long ago when he introduced it, but for young public finance students, it is difficult to understand the later scenery without real experience.

Zheng Qing's deepest impression on Dr. Du Zemu is not the proficiency and concentration of the doctor when dispensing the medicine, nor the sloppy appearance of the doctor, or his dilapidated small courtyard that almost no one cares about, and the trembling courtyard old servant.

Zheng Qing's deepest impression on Dr. Du Zemu was the scene where the doctor once picked out the eyeballs in front of him and soaked them in the liquid medicine to clean them.

It must be admitted that for a young man who hadn't been exposed to the wizarding world for a long time at that time, that terrifying image had deeply imprinted on his heart, and it lingered in his dreams more than once afterwards.

It scares him into a cold sweat every time.

Hearing the hamster's last name, the venue fell into an abnormal silence.

Elena and Korma were silent because the name was very unfamiliar to them. They were thinking hard about Meditation, digging out a trace of memory that might exist from the depths of their minds. And the black cat was silent because the name was beyond his expectation.

It is precisely because of this that the attitude of the black cat needs to be more cautious.

He naturally hoped to get rid of Korma's big sister as soon as possible, but at the same time, he didn't want to cause any trouble for Dr. Duzem. And Fei Rui, the fat hamster, felt like a big trouble to Zheng Qing.

The hamster naturally understood the silence of the witch and the cat. It sat on the ferret's head and replaced it with a more comfortable senior, waiting for the witch or the black cat to speak again. It caught a real caterpillar between its claws at some point, and was pulling the hairs on the caterpillar's body one by one.

"Oh, I almost forgot to remind you." Before the witch spoke, Fei Rui seemed to think of something, and added casually: "Terry Duzem, I can tell you the name, but it is difficult for you to breakthrough some magic Tell other people about the limits of know, that's the most irritating thing about those magics."

Whether Fei Rui is still a human being is a question worth discussing. But when it opened its mouth at this moment, it just rightly broke the dull atmosphere in the field.

"Since we can't tell his name, how can we find him?" Kerma asked, brows furrowed.

"Are you going to inquire one by one on the pedestrian street? Or distribute an investigation report on the entire campus?" The hamster sneered, and stuffed the plucked worm into the mouth of the ferret under him: "If it's that simple, I Why not do it yourself?!"

The ferret pouted its mouth, sucking the insect juice, which looked extraordinarily sweet.

The black cat felt the hairs on its back stand on end.

"If it's so difficult, why did you entrust us with this task?" Yi Lianna looked at the hamster seriously, and asked slowly word by word: "Although we are somewhat capable among our peers, I am not Don't think it's any better than any other wizard you've found."

"As a wizard, I always believe in the results of divination." The hamster spread its paws and made a gesture of resignation.

The atmosphere was silent again for a few seconds.

Fei Rui fished out a fresh caterpillar from the air and began to pluck the hair. The black cat watched eagerly as the caterpillar turned and struggled in the hamster's paw, dripping green sap.

Elena turned a blind eye to the poor caterpillar, and continued to ask: "Since you also mentioned that it is impossible for the school to let Dr. Duzem out of control, can I understand that you asked us to violate the law?" School ban?"

Fei Rui laughed: "Ha! Prohibition?! Do you care about this kind of thing? Does using magic on the Temptation Day count as a violation of the prohibition? Does not obey the school's requirements and sneak out of the school during the Ching Ming Festival, does it constitute a violation of the school's prohibition? Is it a violation of the school’s prohibition to use transfiguration without the school’s approval? If a student of First University does not violate a few prohibitions during school, he is not a real college student!”

"I'm approved by the school to use Transfiguration!" Black Cat interrupted and corrected.

"That's not the point!" Fei Rui became a little annoyed and shouted, waving his little paw, and the caterpillar in his paw flicked around like a rubber band: "As far as I know, the first-year public-funded student from Jiuyou College, The one named Zheng Qing, who has been in school for more than half a year, has been punished twice... Does this affect his being a public fee student? Does it affect his getting the Merlin Medal and being listed in the Grand Arcana list?"

Elena's eyes flickered, but she didn't make a sound; Kerma chuckled lightly, as if she felt that the hamster example was very interesting.

The black cat resisted, and didn't slap the little hamster into a pulp, but it also swelled up from anger.

I've never seen such a slap in the face!

"That's different." Elena shook her head quickly, disagreeing with Fei Rui's point of view: "Although student Zheng Qing violated the school's rules, they are all within the scope of permission. It's a small problem... Your current request , It’s like asking us to secretly open the gate of the black prison and help the monsters inside escape from prison.”

"This is no longer a matter of violating the ban." Korma nodded in agreement: "This is a crime. It is a terrible thing. We want to find the newly born secret realm, just to earn some benefits, not to think about it." Put your life on the line for this."

"Hey! Black Prison!" When Fei Rui chanted this word, the strength between his claws became a little stronger, and he accidentally pinched the caterpillar into two pieces. The ferret under it swung its head left and right twice quickly, and saw two red lines flashing, and the caterpillar that broke into two sections disappeared into the air before it even landed on the ground.

The black cat carefully avoided the few drops of insect juice that flashed in the air.

"Black Prison!" The hamster wiped its wet paws between the ferret's ears: "Who would let you do that kind of despicable deed... I just gave you a choice. I only want the result, not the process .”

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