Hunting High School

Chapter 169 Visiting Dr. Duzem

Zheng Qing went to the Institute of Abnormal Life in Beta Town to meet with Dr. Terry Duzem after the Fu class on Monday afternoon. In order to have a suitable excuse, he also packed the group of elves in the dormitory into a cardboard box and hugged them.

Zheng Qing has not been to this yard for a long time since the last physical examination for the elves.

On the one hand, it’s because Dr. Duzem’s residence is like a secluded place, and Zheng Qing always feels that it’s not good to disturb too much; After getting down, and there is no need for any special potion feeding on weekdays, you can fly around in a healthy and healthy way.

Zheng Qing is always worried that if he brings them to Dr. Duzem's laboratory two more times, these little elves will be at risk of being dissected by the doctor. Xiao Xiao is very interested, not to mention Dr. Du Zemu, who is a researcher.

Originally, he planned to come with Jiang Yu today, but for some reason, recently Jiang Yu saw that he seemed to be avoiding him, and always used various excuses to shirk. Fortunately, the witch did not completely reject the request of the young public servant, and still signed a note to him.

Although Zheng Qing had long realized that he could find Dr. Duzem's residence even without the note signed by Jiang Yu, he did not reject the witch's kindness. Every time he came to the Institute of Abnormal Life, he would report to the witch .

This is both for safety and peace of mind.

When we met, it was already dark.

Dr. Duzem was reading the experiment report in the study.

After the old servant Constantine served tea to the two young Masters, he closed the door and quietly retreated.

It was quiet in the study, and the light was a little dark.

Dr. Duzem, who was sitting behind the desk, looked a bit gloomy. After Zheng Qing invited out the elves, the doctor didn't dig out his instrument box, but just glanced around, seeing the lively appearance of the group of elves flying around the room, he nodded affirmatively: "It's healthy...there's nothing else I can do."

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It seems a bit perfunctory, but it is the truth, and Zheng Qing actually knows it. Dr. Duzem is not the type to like red tape or to beat around the bush.

The young public finance student held the cardboard box and greeted the elves to come down one by one. After hesitating for a long while, he finally expressed his intention of coming: "Doctor, someone wants to see you, can I tell him where you live?"

He hesitated all day before finally deciding to make the request straightforward.

It turns out that this is indeed the quickest and easiest way.

"If you can tell other people, just say it. Although I doubt it." Unlike Zheng Qing's imagination, Dr. Duzem doesn't seem to care so much about the location of his hermitage: "This courtyard It's been too quiet all the time... Sometimes, I even forget that I'm still alive."

It sounds inexplicably sad.

"You don't mind... being known?" Zheng Qing couldn't help asking.

"Do you mind? Being known?" Dr. Duzem laughed, and the wrinkles on his face bloomed: "It's not me who cares, but some guys from the school, or the Wizards Union...they are in my school. The place and the name are cast with such powerful spells that unless it is someone who has permission, or someone with very powerful magic, I can't even remember my name."

Zheng Qing raised his eyebrows.

Obtaining permission should be the experience of Jiang Yu and himself.

And the magic power is very powerful, it is probably the guys like Rat Immortal and Hamster Feirui. They are the only ones who can break through the shackles of some ancient magic, and hand the threads hidden behind the mist to the hands of several young wizards.

But at the same time, Zheng Qing vaguely remembered that he had mentioned Dr. Duzem to others, but he was not bound by magic. This sense of deja vu that broke the rules made him involuntarily think of his deformed black cat and the descendant of Satogua who exploded with a single shot, and he couldn't help but feel a little hazy in his heart.

"Oh, that's right... If you can really tell other people about me, you can go to the Wandering Bar to get some rewards." Dr. Duzem said jokingly: "If I remember correctly, Constantine once told me , The news of Terry Duzem has been hanging several bounties on the black market of the Wandering Bar. It is enough bounty for you to complete the ritual of registering a wizard."

Zheng Qing laughed dryly, respectful and grateful for this suggestion.

He would rather slowly accumulate copper by copper than risk being sold out and have too much dealings with those dark wizards.

Revealing some information about Dr. Duzem as a black cat can also be sloppy, making people confused and afraid to act rashly. But if he was really stupid and ran into the territory of a wandering wizard to receive the reward, even if the black cat turned into a black tiger, he would have his penis chopped off and soaked in wine, and then he would give the disabled black tiger to the school or Wizards League, make a good relationship.

Although the smiling wandering wizard was walking in a gray area, he knew the seriousness, and he was determined not to confront the master of Phuket Island on such a matter that involved the school's focus.

This is like someone buying and selling the personal details of biochemical weapons experts on the black market in the white world. If the owner of the black market has a brain, he will honestly hand over this kind of thing to the Wuchang, instead of turning a blind eye or listening to it. At best, it gets stuck when passing the hand.

"Will Jiang Yu be in trouble?" Now that the doctor has agreed, Zheng Qing immediately cared about another question: "If I reveal your information..."

Dr. Duzem rarely showed a mocking smile on his face.

"Oh, what an enviable age." His tone was full of nostalgia: "I think back then, I also had many confidante in school, but the world is unpredictable..."

Zheng Qing felt a little hot on his cheeks. After more than half a year of college career, he rarely felt this way now.

"No, we're not that..." The young Gong Feisheng muttered, but he didn't say the last word for a long time, he just waved his hands in a panic, and foolishly denied it.

An elf poked its head out of the cardboard box, and hugged the wizard's fingers worriedly. She keenly sensed some uneasy fluctuations in the spirit of the wizard.

Zheng Qing took a deep breath and recited the Heart Sutra silently. After a while, he calmed down.

Then he rubbed the elf's cheek, signaling to her that she was fine. The little elf whispered twice, and finally obediently returned to the box.

Dr. Du Zemu quietly watched the interaction between the wizard and the elf, and after a while, he replied in a low voice: "As long as you don't give the note Jiang Yu gave you to others, or leak my news through her, Then she'll be out of trouble."

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