Hunting High School

Chapter 172: Amazing Quote

After hearing that Dr. Du Zemu was doing Tai Chi, the Rat Immortal did not get angry.

He took a deep look at the old young wizard in front of him, and said directly, "We need a Philosopher's Stone, and the 'artificial god' plan that you completed twenty years ago."

Before Dr. Duzem could speak, the Rat Immortal put up a finger and quoted their price: "We can pay you everything a great wizard does to restore your broken origin... If you agree to this deal, we can even promise to pay in advance. Pay anytime."

Even though he was fully prepared, Dr. Du Zemu was still shocked by the offer from the Rat Fairy.

Everything about a great wizard naturally not only refers to the wealth, knowledge and secrets of the great wizard, but also includes the life, origin, and even soul of the great wizard. It can be said that as long as Dr. Duzem responds, at least one trace of a great wizard will be completely erased from this world.

The Great Wizard is not a cat or a dog. They are the real masters of the wizarding world. Low-level ordinary wizards and registered wizards focus on practical affairs; high-level legendary wizards or ancient wizards are more obsessed with the journey of the wizard's road. It can be said that the great wizards are the ones who truly master the wizarding union and the wizarding world.

People often say that a thousand registered wizards may not necessarily give birth to a great wizard, and this sentence is not too much. Looking at the entire wizarding world, there are less than a thousand great wizards in existence, including some great wizards who were born thousands of years ago, as well as newly promoted great wizards.

And many of these great wizards have been stationed in the New World or other civilized territories for a long time, and many great wizards have locked themselves in wizard towers for hundreds of years.

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On weekdays, when the Wizarding Union holds a great wizarding meeting, there are often only a hundred or ten figures present with thousands of chairs.

The birth or fall of any great wizard is a major event in the entire wizarding world.

At this moment, Dr. Du Zemu couldn't help but be shocked when he heard that the "quote" of the mouse fairy turned out to be "everything" from a great wizard. It is true that using the source of other great wizards to repair his own hidden wounds can make Duzem break through the current shackles and reach the realm of the great wizard, but this repair method also locks his future.

This means that his future path ends at the Grand Wizard Realm, and it is impossible to go further on the wizard's road.

Thinking of this, Terry Duzem laughed at himself, and said lightly:

"Ah... everything about a great wizard. It's pathetic."

"It's really a big deal."

"But I don't know, what kind of existences are included in the 'you' you mentioned?"

"Of course they won't be monsters, but it's impossible for us to tell you their identities." Fei Rui said with a bit of distress and impatience on his face: "If it's this problem, you don't have to worry about it. Or, We can sign a formal pact of silence on this clause, witnessing in the name of the depths of the stars."

"Second question, how do you know that I have what you want here?" Dr. Duzem continued to ask.

The wrinkles on the mouse fairy's face spread out, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

"Low-key like you, and knowing that the school sent people to visit my burrow, what's so strange that I know a little more about this town?" The mouse fairy tilted his head back, his eyes squinting Looking at the ceiling: "In this school, there are secrets everywhere, but there are no secrets everywhere. The only difference is whether you know the wizards who are in charge of the secrets."

The answer is very clear.

Dr. Duzem nodded with an unexpected expression on his face.

"One last question." He curled his fingers and tapped the desk in front of him slowly. The wooden table top made a thumping sound, as if a woodpecker was persistently chasing food: "My share of 'artificial god' The plan is not perfect, and there are huge flaws... I don’t know if you understand the accident twenty years ago.”

"Even so, are you willing to make this deal?"

The Mouse Immortal and Fei Rui fell silent at the same time.

After a while, the Rat Immortal spoke, and sighed a long sigh: "It's all about taking precautions before they happen. A god with flaws is still a god after all. I hope we will never use it."

Dr. Du Zemu silently stared at the Rat Immortal on the desk, and stopped tapping the table with his fingers: "The big business doesn't care about the details, and the big things don't care about the small things. It is worthy of the existence that once hit the legendary Realm."

"Since you have already stated your price, I will naturally quote your own price... I want a black yellow fruit. And there is no new Philosopher's Stone for you."

The Mouse Immortal's face changed slightly, his squinted eyes widened a little, and two dark lights appeared between the crevices: "I don't quite understand what you are talking about."

"Isn't that your purpose?" Dr. Duzem looked at the chunky mouse in front of him with a slight sarcasm: "Get the original plan of the 'Artificial God' from me, make a half-finished inferior product, and then Collaborate with demons to break through the black prison, and snatch the few black and yellow fruits that are about to bear."

"We will not cooperate with demons." Fei Rui interrupted Dr. Duzem roughly, and emphasized again.

"Oh, that's the Dark Council...but what's the difference?" The doctor twirled the quill between his fingers, and said disapprovingly, "There are only a few forces that can intervene. How? do it."

The Rat Immortal took a deep look at the old young wizard.

"As I said are much more informed than you seem." He did not directly veto the doctor's conditions.

Fei Rui anxiously glanced at the Mouse Immortal, but wisely kept his mouth shut and didn't say anything.

"Excessive asking price, just pay back the money when you land." Dr. Du Zemu twitched the corner of his mouth, and picked up a white quill on the table with his fingers.

The Rat Immortal nodded: "In this case, I will give you one Xuan Huang Guo. But you must provide one of the Philosopher's Stone. If there is no power source, what do we want your 'artificial god' to do?"

Dr. Duzem twirled a quill between his fingers, like a windmill, whirling and whirling, forming a white shadow.

He stared at the white shadow for a long time.

"I can help refine the Philosopher's Stone." He finally took a step back: "But you need to provide all the raw materials and auxiliary materials. And the transaction about the'Sage's Stone' requires the 'acceptance' of the Wizards Union."

"Deal." The Rat Immortal raised his arm, reaching deep into his tiny claws.

"Deal." Dr. Duzem stretched out his own finger and tapped on the little paw.

A dazzling golden light bloomed at the intersection of the fingertips of one person and one mouse.

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