Hunting High School

Chapter 174: Two Flowers Bloom

After leaving the Institute of Abnormal Life, Zheng Qing did not return to school directly.

Holding the cardboard box, he walked along the winding pedestrian street for a long time, and finally found a cat cafe called 'Coffee Cat'. In front of the shop, there is an Egyptian cat made of white porcelain squatting, tall and well-proportioned, with two green gemstones embedded in its eye sockets, shining charming colors under the dim street lights.

Seeing the guests coming, the Egyptian cat just shook its ears and remained motionless, not even glancing at the guests. Zheng Qing believed that if it was a Teddy or Pomeranian squatting in front of the store, they must have started shouting early.

The young public finance student carefully stepped over the alchemy cat and pushed open the glass door of the 'coffee cat'.

Behind the door is a tall cat climbing frame, with rough hemp ropes tightly bound on the wood, decorated with simple plates and branches. On the climbing frame, there are many "cat fruit" hanging in all directions, just like the cat fruit tree beside Linzhong Lake. Zheng Qing vaguely found a few old subordinates of his own on this climbing frame, but because human eyes have a bias in recognizing cat faces, and those "old subordinates" did not have any positive reaction to his arrival, so he did not I know if I read it wrong.

Taking a deep breath, a satisfied smile appeared on Zheng Qing's face.

The air in the store was very fresh, much better than the stinky feeling he had expected. Many green elves can be seen flying back and forth among the falling vines in a hurry, restraining the long and short hairs of cats left in the store, as well as the smell they scatter that may affect the feelings of customers.

The wizard stood at the door, looking around.

"Hello, who are you?" The clerk in brown trousers walked up quickly and greeted warmly.

"Ah, I'm looking for someone." Zheng Qing continued to search the store with his head poked.

"If you bring your own pet cat, we can help you take care of it." The coffee shop clerk glanced at the cardboard box in Zheng Qing's arms and said expectantly: "For example, help your cat groom, tickle, clean, and feed it." ...we can also feed it catnip if you wish."

"Oh, a cat?" Zheng Qing came to his senses, looked down at the cardboard box in his arms, then looked up at the enthusiastic clerk, and laughed: "I like cats. But my pet is a fox...and I Didn't take it with me today. There were some green elves in the box, they were sick and I took them to the doctor."

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As he spoke, he lifted a corner of the carton slightly.

A lively little elf leaned over in an instant, poked its head out of the box, stared at its two small black eyes, and curiously observed the fellows flying around in mid-air.

"That's it." The clerk nodded slightly disappointed.

Zheng Qing soon found Elena in a corner of the shop. The witch seemed to be aware of it, and raised her head at this time. After seeing Zheng Qing's figure, she waved at him.

The clerk smiled slightly, stopped disturbing, and quietly retreated.

"Jiang Yu said that you still need half an hour to come... I didn't expect to come so early." After arriving at the corner, Yi Lianna motioned for Zheng Qing to sit opposite him, then leaned over and walked from the side Pull over another chair.

The gypsy witch is wearing a red pleated skirt today, with a high waist and hips. The upper body is a black shirt with a small v-neck, adding a bit of sophistication to her charm. A bright red cloak was hung on the back of the chair behind her, on which the gypsy witch mark embroidered with gold thread could be vaguely seen.

"Jiang Yu?" Zheng Qing showed a puzzled expression.

It was already planned for him to meet Elena here. According to the gypsy witch's idea, they should choose different places for each date, so that they will have a new feeling every time. It's best to eat all the small shops in the entire Beta town.

For this slightly willful choice, Zheng Qing has nothing to do with it. Although he is not a rich man, but with the support of many bonuses and income from small shops, he still has money to invite Elena to sit in Beta town every now and then.

"Yes, Jiang Yu." Yi Lianna gathered the textbooks and homework in hand, and looked at the wizard with a smile: "You are not here today, I will ask Jiang Yu to help review the homework of the amulet class in the afternoon..."

"Jiang Yu is here too?" Zheng Qing sat on the chair, twisting his body a little uneasy. I don't know if it's because the wooden chair under him is too hard.

"She's gone to get coffee... Well, it's over there." Elena pointed to the other direction of the cafe.

Zheng Qing immediately recognized the familiar figure from the crowd.

Jiang Yu was carrying a pot of coffee and walking towards the seat.

She is wearing a beige dress today, nude fish mouth high heels, bare arms, a thin belt around her waist, and a jade pendant with a faint blue light hanging on the belt. While walking, Peiyu Mingluan, high-heeled, makes people's heart beat faster.

After seeing the figure of the public fee student, Jiang Yu seemed to hesitate a little, but soon returned to normal, and walked over with a coffee as if nothing had happened.

"Maybe I should prepare an extra cup." After she put the coffee pot in her hand on the table, she waved to the air, and an elf quickly brought a new coffee cup in her arms.

At the same time, the witch looked at the wizard with a smile: "Why is it over so early today? Doesn't it take an hour on weekdays?"

"There was no problem in the first place, so I came out earlier." Zheng Qing replied with a smile.

Elena flickered her long eyelashes, looking curiously at the wizard and wizard in front of her.

Zheng Qing immediately reacted, and lifted the cardboard box that he had been holding in his arms all the time: "It is for the elves to see a doctor. Jiang Yu introduced me to a senior alchemist before, and his skills are very superb..."

He purposely put a little emphasis on the words 'alchemist' and 'superior skill', trying to guide the gypsy witch to pay attention to one or two, so that he might find an opportunity to inadvertently leak the news of Dr. Duzem, and solve the problem The problem that plagued his mind.

It's just that Elena doesn't seem to be interested in alchemists treating elves. Or, in her opinion, alchemists who treat elves can't go anywhere even if they are skilled.

So she quickly skipped the subject.

"Oh, that's it." The gypsy witch brushed her long hair by her ears, leaned forward, sniffed the coffee in the coffee pot, and said happily, "Wow, it smells so good... I feel refreshed cheered up."

Zheng Qing felt like hitting the cotton ball with his fist.

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