Hunting High School

Chapter 183 Ghost

"This talisman is almost burnt out!"

When checking the fourth piece of talisman paper, Xin Fatty seemed to find something terrible, yelled and waved back, reminding Zheng Qing to pay attention to the warm talisman in front of him.

Zheng Qing pulled his face, and moved to Fatty's side to take a look. Sure enough, the three-inch-long yellow paper had burned down to less than a finger's width, and the originally clear smoke began to become cloudy.

"It's just you who have a lot of things to do." The young public fee student muttered, but he didn't turn around and walk away. Instead, he slowly took out a new low-quality talisman from the gray cloth bag, and hung it on the pavilion post again.

After only a moment, the one-finger-wide remnant talisman finally struggled, burst out a few sparks, and then died. And the new warm talisman, with the help of those sparks, released a faint but firm blue smoke.

Zheng Qing nodded in satisfaction. Just as he was about to stand up straight, he felt a strong force coming straight from behind, knocking him staggering, so that he didn't fall to the ground, and almost hit his head on the pavilion pillar. .

The wizard turned his head angrily, wanting to see who was hitting the tiger's ass.

But Su Ya was chasing after Poseidon, running all over the pavilion, trying to catch it. The little fox, on the other hand, flicked its big tail, laughed shrilly, and ran around, teasing the little fox girl. The brats who had just woken up were all of this kind of virtue, energetic and bold, never afraid to stroke the tiger's beard, Or touch a tiger's butt.

"Quiet! What are you doing?!"

The young public finance student yelled angrily, trying to stop the two foxes who were disturbing the order of the scene. Unexpectedly, his angry shout had no deterrent effect on the two foxes. Instead, it startled Li Meng who had been dozing on the bench and woke up.

"What? The patrol is over?" The little witch hugged the little white cat, stood up in a jerk, and asked in a daze, "What time is it? Can I go back?"

Zheng Qing gave her a rather speechless look.

The white cat in the little witch's arms also covered its eyes with its paws.

"If you feel sleepy, you can go back first. We will help you look after this cat." Zheng Qing kindly stretched out his hand, intending to take the little white cat, and added: "You still have to sleep on the bed.'s cold at night, what's the point of you sitting on a hard bench and taking a nap?"

The little white cat stuck its paw on the back of Zheng Qing's outstretched hand.

Li Meng also screamed as if she had been stung by a wasp, and jumped back and forth, hugging the little white cat. Their violent action made Zheng Qing feel embarrassed, and he neither stretched nor retracted his hands, as if he was a bad person.

"Does it need to be so scary?" The wizard finally retracted his arm, touched the red and swollen back of his hand that was slapped by the little white cat, muttered, looked back at his own companion, and explained: "I just don't think it's okay for her to sleep here. Well, let her go home and go to sleep..."

"So you just messed around?" Xin Fatty had a bad look on his face.

"Who's touching!" Zheng Qing's eyes widened immediately, and he said angrily, "I'm just going to hug that cat!"

"That's a female cat." Xiao Xiao calmly reminded.

"Not even a cat will be spared." Zhang Jixin was heartbroken and shook his head again and again: "Sure enough, as my brother often said, in this society, the morals of the world are declining, and people's hearts are not old!"

Zheng Qing was tongue-tied, but he didn't know how to refute these indignities.

The night is dark and the clouds are light, the lake is quiet, and the cold wind is blowing. In the late spring, the branches have just twitched, and the green branches are trembling in the cold wind, just like the mood of a young public fee student.

Poseidon was still running around in the pavilion, and the little fox girl was still yelling and chasing after it; Li Meng was holding the little white cat, watching the young public servant vigilantly; Eyes looked at their captain.

What the hell are those eyes! What the hell idea!

For a second, Zheng Qing wanted to drown all these guys in the pavilion in the lake, or feed them a handful of murloc feces.

Until Poseidon's cheerful cry turned into a scream.

The little fox girl's shocked voice pierced the night sky and hurt the eardrums of the witches and wizards.

"There's a ghost!!!" Su Ya didn't have the composure and composure she had when she was a maid from a rich family, she screamed like a little girl from Baiding who saw a ghost for the first time: "Big big big ghost! !!"

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

The little white cat broke free from Li Meng's embrace, climbed two steps along the little witch's arm, turned around and put it on her shoulder, then jumped up onto the little fox girl's shoulder, hooked her neck with its tail, and then stretched out its paws. Lifting, he closed the little fox girl's jaw that was about to fall in fright, and also blocked her subsequent screams back into her throat.

Only then did the pavilion seem a little quieter.

Zheng Qing didn't notice these details at all. After Poseidon screamed, he turned his head back in fright, and looked in the direction of Poseidon's scream in panic.

Perhaps because it jumped so happily, the little fox jumped out of the border of the gazebo unknowingly, and ran out of the range covered by the talisman array. Then before Su Ya could catch it, it crashed into a black shadow.

Because it was night and there were overgrown bushes around the gazebo, the black shadow was originally inconspicuous, like a clump of holly that had been pruned. This is why the little fox bumped into it in a daze, maybe it just wanted to hide in the bushes Cong Li and Su Ya played hide and seek.

In short, after bumping into the black shadow, Poseidon found sadly that it was a wizard under an invisibility cloak, with leather armguards hanging on his arms. The little fox bumped into his armguard, screaming in pain on the spot.

And after the black shadow was hit hard by the little fox, his body was crooked, and he couldn't hide his body anymore. Wearing a black cloak, he stood up crookedly, like an earth-bound spirit that had just awakened.

That's how the whole thing went.

The patrolling stick in Zheng Qing's hand thumped heavily on the bluestone floor of the gazebo, and a circle of pale yellow detection light rippled along with it, swiftly passing over the black shadow.

There was no disturbance.

Not a monster, not a ghost, nor a murloc or kappa in Linzhong Lake.

According to the reaction of the detection halo, Zheng Qing immediately judged that the black shadow was just a wizard wearing an invisibility cloak. To be more precise, it was a wizard who belonged to the First University.

If a wizard from outside, under the detection halo, there will definitely be a red warning halo flashing. Only in the face of the wizards of the First University, this magic can be so calm.

"Who's there?!"

Zheng Qing asked sharply.

At the same time, holding the wooden staff in one hand, he reached into the gray cloth bag with the other hand, found out his own Colt silver python, and removed the trigger safety. The muzzle of the gun was aimed obliquely at the strange wizard.

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