Hunting High School

Chapter 186: A Blood Rune Bullet

McKinsey-Plano was very annoyed now.

Ten minutes ago, he passed by the pavilion by the lake and saw the light here, so he came over to take a look, but unexpectedly, he was hit by a 'fox bullet' flying out of the pavilion, and he was exposed on the spot.

This gave him a sense of failure, and at the same time, a feeling of shame that someone caught him when he threw a big dung bomb at someone's house and was about to throw it.

Of course, when Soprano came to Bell Lake in the middle of the night, he didn't really throw shit eggs into the lake.

He came to Zhonghu Lake at night to cheer for the murloc tribe in the lake, and by the way, to carry out the first transaction of the new semester. The chaos that occurred in Zhonghu Lake during the Temptation Festival a few days ago caused many students in the lake to fall into the water. Although they all went ashore safely, the things they carried were intercepted by the murlocs privately. As a result, the murloc tribe has accumulated a lot of good products.

These 'commodities' are of high quality and low price, and have always sold well on the black market in Beta Town. Cheung Kei Club has risen strongly in the past few years, and a lot of funds are provided by this business.

In addition, McKinsey Plano also brought those associations in the Federation of Alpha College Associations that support the just cause of the Murloc tribe. The "Justice Fund" to support the Murloc tribe includes some golden beans, stone knives, axes, Bone charms, armor plates, and many gadgets adorning fish scales and fins.

These are now tucked into the improvised mustard pouch at his waist.

In just a dozen seconds, he was able to connect with the murloc client who surfaced quietly under the cover of night, and then pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other. If time allowed, Soprano would not hesitate to wash his hands several times afterwards, and patted the murloc connector on the shoulder on the spot, telling it that Fort Alpha stood behind them and was the strongest backing for their just cause.

Anyway, it doesn’t cost money, and to say the least, it can be regarded as a hidden investment.

But now, all plans were dashed under his curious glance.

In addition to the depression that caused trouble for his unnecessary actions, Soprano's more anger was caused by the reaction of Zheng Qing and others.

Knowing his identity, this group of first-year freshmen dared to open the Dharma book in front of him, and even dared to shake their fists at themselves! If it was in the lounge of Fort Alpha right now, Soprano would definitely let these first-year brats know what it means to be angry.

Of course, as a well-bred gentleman, I swear by the reputation of Fort Alpha, Soprano will not admit that he is a man, and he will never show the depression in his heart on his face. On the surface, he is still the big brother of the Cheung Kei Club who is serious about the city and shows no signs of anger or anger.

After jumping out of the circle of absolution hunters again, Soprano did not turn around and disappear into the night, but turned to the last page of his law book with a smirk.

He intends to teach these brats in the first grade a deep lesson. As for the two little animals and the little witch who get together with these brats, they can only be considered unfortunate.

"Nanshan is fierce, and the wind is blowing!"

"Nanshan Lulu, blowing the wind!"

"The wind is blowing, and the tears are pouring!"

"Kan Han is like a small tiger, full of barbarians!"


Compared with the calm Soprano, Zheng Qing was very nervous from the beginning.

More than once, he led the companions of the Excuse Hunting Team to train with the Judgment Hunting Team, and was tortured into dogs by the opposing hunters more than once. So he knew very well that he was far inferior to Soprano in most of the basic skills, including the mastery of spells.

Even in the last Campus Cup freshman competition, if it wasn't for a big black cat that accidentally ran out of him and killed all the monsters on the hunting ground, Zheng Qing doubted whether his hunting team could be better than Matthew's. The hunting team performed a little stronger.

Therefore, the first time he attacked Soprano, he prepared for the worst.

It doesn't matter that the first talisman bullet he shot didn't work, Zheng Qing is completely acceptable. If Soprano was trapped by his first bullet, he might still wonder if he met a fake Soprano.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

Xiao Xiao and Lin Guo's 'Double Horse Curse' failed, although Zheng Qing was a little disappointed, it was acceptable.

After all, these two spells are the first spells that the students of Alpha Academy are exposed to, just like the students of Jiuyou Academy are the first to encounter binding spells. Many good students will study these basic spells carefully. Also very rich. Soprano avoided the two spells in the blink of an eye, which meant that he didn't carry any powerful amulets on his body, and he didn't dare to accept such weak curses carelessly.

Then the forgiveness hunters use their own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses that are not weaknesses.

Contrary to Zheng Qing's expectation, Soprano still didn't make a hard connection, but used the escape spell again.

This caught Zheng Qing a little off guard. In his opinion, Soprano, who is strong and full of flesh, should not be a guy who is afraid of close combat, and judging from the materials he collected before, Soprano's fighting skills are also very good. More importantly, even Zheng Qing would feel a little aggrieved after avoiding fighting many times in a row, how could the guy on the other side be so proficient in using it!

As long as he is willing to fight with Zhang Jixin and the others, Zheng Qing will be able to throw out the other backs who are ready in just ten seconds of entanglement. No matter how bad they are, they can support the other members of the patrol team to arrive.

Either way, Soprano would be arrested, the only difference was that he could do it himself for a little revenge, and when the patrol arrived, he could only do business.

It's a pity that Soprano didn't give Zheng Qing such a chance.

Soprano, who had escaped from the encirclement, opened the Dharma book, and the sound of the Fourth Stage incantation rang in Zheng Qing's ears almost at the same time: "Nanshan is fierce...the wind is blowing...the barbarians are invincible!"

Zheng Qing has never heard of this spell.

But relying on the key words in the spell and the little insight in it, and more importantly, Soprano's serious expression, Zheng Qing immediately realized that this spell was not just a small spell for attracting wind, it was very likely It is a spell involving 'wind disaster' or 'wind disaster'.

Under the night, by the Linzhong Lake, using such a spell will neither cause huge fires, explosions, nor inexplicable roars and abnormal noises. It can delay the probability of discovery by other patrols to the greatest extent. It can be said that it is very appropriate up.

I don't know the origin and specific effect of this spell, and I don't know who this spell specifically curses. Zheng Qing doubts that this is a range of spell, so there is no way to block it in a targeted manner.

Facing the sudden crisis, Zheng Qing subconsciously turned the magazine of the silver python in his hand.

Go to the last slot of the magazine.

Inside was a rune bullet wrapped in a blood rune drawn by Zheng Qing himself.

Then he aimed at Soprano and pulled the trigger.

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