Hunting High School

Chapter 190: Shadow

There are ghosts in the wizarding world, which Zheng Qing knows very well.

After staying in First University for more than half a year, Zheng Qing has seen a lot of ghosts, zombies, vampires, werewolves and other ghost creatures, but in the true sense, it is similar to the dark shadow ghosts in horror movies when he was a child. seen. After all, this place can be regarded as the best place in the wizarding world, and there are few weird hiding places.

But right now, he seems to have such a chance.

The black shadow reflected on the bed curtain was roughly in the shape of a beast, with a head, four limbs, and a faint tail.

Because it was night, the light from the fireflies was originally uneven, plus there was wind outside the window, and a small cold wind came in through the gaps in the window, causing the curtains to shake slightly, and the black shadow lined by it became more and more distorted. The most important thing is that the black shadow is still very clear. Even on the dark curtain, its shape can be clearly reflected.

The distorted head, distorted body, distorted limbs, distorted tail and the entire distorted black shadow distorted Zheng Qing's expression.

He stared, pointed at the black shadow, opened his mouth halfway, hissed and gasped.

Professor Yao, who was reprimanding the young public-funded student, could easily notice the abnormality of the boy. He didn't feel that Zheng Qing was joking with him, but he didn't think that Zheng Qing really saw anything terrible. At best, they scare themselves.

After all, this is the First University, and this is the office of the dean of Jiuyou College, and he is the dean of Jiuyou College, the top wizard in the wizarding world. Which monster is so bold as to dare to jump in front of him, isn't he afraid of being caught for an experiment?

Although he has such a judgment in his heart, as a wizard, Lao Yao still has the necessary caution.

He squinted his eyes, squeezed the newly bought pipe in one hand, and pressed the other on the Dharma book placed by the table, and turned his head straight.

So, he also saw the black shadow reflected on the curtain.

Professor Yao twitched the corners of his mouth, and raised his hand to greet the shadow:

"Long time no see, Mr. Huang... how is Mr.?"

The former Mr. is a respectful title to the guests, and the latter Mr. refers to the adult behind the guests.

The curtains shook slightly, and a yellow raccoon with Amber eyes came out from behind the curtains, stepped on the window sill, leaped deftly onto Professor Yao's desk, and then seemed like a nobleman who had won a battle Usually, walking around the desk for a week with small square steps.

Zheng Qing found that the cats in First University seem to have this bad habit, they always like to swear their sovereignty in enclosures in unfamiliar environments.

After a week of inspection, the yellow raccoon lay carelessly in front of Dean Yao's teacup, poked his head in, licked two mouthfuls of tea, then pouted, turned his head to look at the snack box next to the teacup, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally decided not to Claws stretched across. During the whole process, Lao Yao kept smiling and did not interrupt.

Until then, it seemed that it remembered that someone greeted it just now, and looked back at Lao Yao.

"Well, that's good." The yellow raccoon snorted, answering Lao Yao's question. It never liked the smirk on Old Yao's face, as if two more smiles could cover up his fiery temper. of.

Hearing it speak, a certain public fee student who had been sluggishly at the table came back to his senses, and stammered: "Huang, Brother Huang?! Why are you here... You scared me to death just now."

The yellow raccoon gave the boy a disdainful look: "Sesame mung bean is so courageous, and he hasn't made any progress since he was a child."

Zheng Qing lowered her head in embarrassment.

Then he realized something.

"Do you know Brother Huang?" The boy looked up at Professor Yao, his eyes widening curiously.

Before Lao Yao could answer, Huang Huali roughly interrupted Zheng Qing's question: "When I opened the bookstore, this old man often came to the store to buy books!"

Professor Yao coughed twice, put the pipe back into his mouth, and did not deny it. About even if the default.

Zheng Qing also wanted to ask Professor Yao if he knew Mr. Wu, but Huanghuali didn't intend to let him continue to ask questions. He poked his head forward and stared at the gray cloth bag hanging on Zheng Qing's waist.

"Are all your rune guns there?" it asked directly.

"Run gun?" Zheng Qing's hands subconsciously reached into the gray cloth bag, touched the cold body of the gun, and then nodded: "They are all there."

"Can it still be used? Is it not broken?" The raccoon flicked its tail and brushed the teacup on the desk. A few cat hairs seemed to fall into the cup with the flick of the tail. Lao Yao frowned unnoticed, and made up his mind to disinfect his quilt later.

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Hearing the yellow raccoon's question, Zheng Qing immediately came to his senses.

"Well... indeed, I almost forgot." He took out the Colt python that he had just used not long ago, and skillfully disassembled it. As Huang Ge said, most of the runes imprinted on the trigger, magazine, safety and other structures of the rune gun were damaged, and the most serious one was the runes on the barrel, many of which had been completely obliterated.

The young public fee student sighed deeply.

Sure enough.

The last time Remington blasted the big toad in the Silent Forest, he found that the rune was damaged afterwards, but it was a gift from the great wizard anyway. Even if there were some malfunctions, it did not affect the simple use.

At that time, Zheng Qing guessed whether his use of blood rune bullets would have any serious impact on the rune gun.

So this time, he deliberately picked a python revolver in good condition to shoot. The result was mixed happiness and injury. The 'happy' thing is that his guess has been verified. After shooting a blood rune bomb, the rune formation on the python wheel was indeed damaged.

The sad thing is that this gun is obviously not as strong as the Remington given by Su Shijun. A lot of runes on the top and bottom of the gun have been worn out, obviously losing the function of further use.

"Oh, no!" The young public fee student wailed, holding the own rune gun, a little at a loss. Most of his confidence in going to the hunting ground now is on these two rune guns. If the rune guns are all scrapped, wouldn't he have to go back to the old method of firing rune bullets with a slingshot?

"Can Green's grocery store repair rune guns?" Zheng Qing looked at Professor Yao hopefully. It's not that he has never thought about buying a new rune gun, but one is complicated and expensive to buy; the other is that it is a gift from someone else, so it is not good to throw it away casually; Good boy, save as much as you can.

Lao Yao clicked his pipe twice and shook his head: "You said that it is a grocery store, how could it be possible to repair rune guns... Martintoer Alchemy Company has this kind of business. If you are not at ease, you can also ask the school Alchemist..."

"Looking for those people in Fort Alpha?" the yellow fox sneered.

Old Yao was speechless when he heard this.

This is indeed a problem. The most advanced alchemy academy of the First University is the Alpha Academy, and correspondingly, most of the skilled alchemists are also affiliated with the Alpha Academy. Considering the current discord between the two academies, not only is it inconvenient for Zheng Qing to find a way out there, but even Lao Yao is too embarrassed to ask the other party.

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