Hunting High School

Chapter 37: Spirit Witch

"Li Meng!" A harsh voice sounded not far away.

Zheng Qing followed the prestige and saw Jiang Yu was trotting towards him in a hurry.

Today she is wearing a plain blue skirt with a straight collar and waist length, with two pieces of jasper tied around her waist. As she trotted all the way, the tassel hanging tassels on the forbidden step jumped happily, and the two jaspers on it also jingled into a ball.

This is not her usual reserved and arrogant appearance, Zheng Qing is a little curious.

Jiang Yu ran to the bar, reached out and snatched the wine glass from Li Meng's hand, then looked at Li Meng nervously: "Who told you to drink?! How much did you drink? Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Zheng Qing also came to his senses at this moment, breaking out in a cold sweat.

This little aunt must not have any alcoholism, if anything happens, she will never be able to eat and walk around!

Li Meng's cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were a little confused. When she heard Jiang Yu's question, she pouted and groaned, "I just took a small sip, and Li Neng will leave the rest."

Li Neng?

Zheng Qing turned his head to look at the plush bear, and saw its two glass bead eyes blinking and blinking, with a silly and cute look on its face.

"Come here?!" Jiang Yu stretched out two fingers, pinched the plush bear's ears and slipped to his eyes, sniffing its mouth.

The stuffed bear curled up its arms and legs obediently, not daring to move.

"Huh?" She lowered her face, frowned, and looked at Li Meng again.

Li Meng didn't seem to expect that own's lies would be exposed so quickly, she stuck out her tongue and fell headlong on the bar.

Jiang Yu exclaimed and rushed forward to check.

"Can't she drink?" Zheng Qing asked cautiously behind her.

This is nonsense.

As soon as the words came out, Zheng Qing wanted to slap herself.

After a brief inspection, it was found that Li Meng was just asleep. Jiang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, glanced at Zheng Qing, and explained simply: "She is a spirit witch."

There was a low whisper from the crowd of onlookers.

Zheng Qing gasped.


He is no longer a fledgling who has just stepped into the world of wizards. He still has some understanding of what a spirit witch is.

Spirit witches do not refer to clever and sensitive wizards, but to wizards with "spirituality". They can rely on their own spirituality to communicate with the 'spirits' who have disappeared in this world, so they are highly valued by the Wizards Union.

In many literatures on the level of wizards, 'spirit' is described as the end of the wizard's road.

The ancients once summed up the characteristics of the spirit in one sentence:

"I don't know its name, but the strong character is called Dao, and the strong name is called Da."

The examples listed in the "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World" under the entry of "spirits" are even more well-known:

"...there is a spirit in the turns into a fish, and its name is Kun. The size of a Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is; it turns into a bird, and its name is Peng. The back of a Peng, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is; Flying in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. It is a spirit, and the sea will migrate to Nanming... When the spirit migrates to Nanming, the water hits three thousand miles, and the one who swings up ninety thousand miles, goes to Those who rest in June also..."

In addition, there is a similar description in "Shan Hai Ling Dian": "...there is a spirit named Peng. Its back is like Mount Tai, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky, and it is ninety thousand miles upwards with its horns swung. Negative blue sky..."

Of course, Kunpeng is not the only wizard who can become a "spirit" from ancient times to the present, but he is the most famous in the wizarding world. In comparison, other spirits are not inferior. For example, in the legend, the ancestor worshiped by the monsters was an ancient true spirit.

In all the legends and records, the 'spirit' shows the power beyond the mundane world.

Similar to "Take it as day, close it as night, blow it as winter, breathe it out as summer, don't drink, don't eat, don't rest, rest it as wind."

Or "Weeping is like rivers, breath is like wind, sound is like thunder, eyes are like lightning, joy is like sunshine, anger is like cloudiness."

There are also sayings such as "eight thousand years are spring and eight thousand years are autumn", "nine changes in a day", "riding a thunder chariot, obeying a dragon, riding a green qiu, aiding Juerui" and so on.

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Because it was too powerful, the 'spirit' was rejected by heaven and earth. Their real bodies are wandering in the depths of the universe, and they can only touch this real wizarding world with extremely subtle thoughts.

And the spirit witch is the intermediary that carries their thoughts.

There has always been a saying in the wizarding world: "Spiritual and excellent is Sacred, the holy allegory witch."

It means that the powerful 'spirit' is the real Sacred; if he wants to descend into the mortal world, he needs to live in the body of a spirit witch. It can be understood in a popular way that spirit witches are to spirits, just like the relationship between the Son of God and the gods.

Only wizards with "spirituality" can receive and accommodate the arrival of "spirit".

And the way to attract the 'spirit' to descend is very simple-sacrifice.

Sandalwood, talismans, fine wine, delicacies, all of these can be offered. The bodies of spirit witches are very special, and they will fall into a deep sleep under the influence of these offerings. And the thought of "spirit" will touch the spirit witches deep in the dreamland, and descend to the mortal world under their guidance.

Therefore, unless offering sacrifices, spirit witches are strictly prohibited from touching the sacrifices, so as not to disturb those unparalleled existences.

Of course, because sandalwood has quality requirements, talismans have different types, and delicacies change from season to season, most of the time it is difficult for spirit witches to come into contact with sandalwood, talismans, and delicacies that meet the requirements.

Only good wine, no restrictions.

Therefore, any spirit witch will follow the ancient tradition and strictly prohibit alcohol under the request of the Wizards Union.

But now, Li Meng broke the rules a little bit.

Zheng Qing looked around uneasily, lest he find a group of furious old wizards rushing over with crutches and chains to lock them back to the headquarters of the Wumeng.

Under the entry about "spirit" in "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World", there is a warning in red font: Any unreported "spirit-inducing" behavior is a very serious magical accident and will be punished by the Grand Wizard Council of the Wizarding Union. question.

At that time, what Zheng Qing will face will not be the school rules and disciplines of the First University, nor just the treatment of patrolling Linzhong Lake in the middle of the weekend on weekends, but the positive admonition of all the great wizards of the Wizarding Union, and may even be punished for violating wizarding laws. go to jail!

Thinking of this, he shivered.

"This is not 'leading spirit'." Liu Feifei held the big snake in her arms, and timidly tugged on the sleeve of Nicholas beside her.

Zheng Qing glanced at them both, not in the mood to joke.

Nicholas looked at Li Meng in his sleep with a serious expression, and slowly shook his head: "The ceremony is not complete, and it will not attract their attention."

As he spoke, he stretched out his index finger and pointed upwards.

"If it is normal to say that receiving is an invitation, then this time it is at most a greeting." Xiao Xiao also explained beside him: "As long as Li Meng maintains this state, there will not even be any damage when she wakes up." .”

"Really?" Jiang Yu turned her head and looked at Xiao Xiao eagerly.

Xiao Xiao hugged his own notebook and nodded very solemnly.

Jiang Yu's originally tense expression was obviously relieved a lot.

Zheng Qing also slowly stuffed the heart that was hanging in his throat back into his chest.

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