Hunting High School

Chapter 39: The Red Card Tablet

Zheng Qing raised his head and saw a tall and thin gray-robed wizard standing behind them with folded arms, watching them busy with interest.

Sensing everyone's gaze, the gray-robed wizard gently tugged at the brim of his pointed wizard hat, and said politely, "Wandering wizard."


There was some commotion in the crowd, and the guests whispered quietly, looking at the gray-robed mage curiously.

Zheng Qing's heart suddenly dawned.

According to rumors, the owner of the homeless bar has a weird personality, his whereabouts are uncertain, and it is said that he is also involved in the Black Devil law. Although the Anti-Black Devil Association of the Wizarding Union did not issue a formal warning, it did not prevent the students of the First University from spreading some gossip about the mage in private.

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For example, wandering wizards have repeatedly helped school students lower their heads to their opponent's pets;

This bar also helps the students of the First University to purchase experimental supplies strictly restricted by the Ummeng from some unofficial laboratories, such as the imbued talismans that are valid for more than five years;

Or buy low-priced dragon liver, toad venom or dried herbal powder from the black market for students;

There are also high-quality beauty potions for young witches and cheap medicines for wizards;

Etc., etc.

Because of the colorful rumors, the school work committee of First University raided the bar several times, but all failed. This made Wandering Bar even more mysterious among the students of First University.

As a result, the bar became a symbol of rebellion against the authority of First University.

For most young people, questioning authority is the greatest authority.

If the students from First University hadn't wandered around a few times, it seemed that his college life was not perfect enough.

The onlookers parted in awe, and the wandering mage smiled and looked at the freshmen in front of the bar:

"Little girl, how much space do you need?"

As he spoke, he took out an old ochre-yellow law book from his gray robe, placed it in the air, and let the pages of the book turn slowly.

"An open space with a diameter of about three meters will do." Jiang Yu pursed her lips and began to take things out of her own bag.

"Is there anything we can help with?" Downton's voice sounded from the side.

As the monitor of Jiuyou Academy's Astronomy Class 08-1, he felt obliged to do something.

It's just that Jiang Yu didn't appreciate it.

"Just help Zheng Qing stabilize Xiaomeng's condition." She interrupted Downton's outstretched hands with some blunt movements.

Downton retracted his arms in embarrassment, and smiled at Zheng Qing.

The wandering mage also smiled and looked at Zheng Qing: "What about you? Don't you need to open an altar?"

Zheng Qing came back to her senses, glanced at the sleeping Li Meng, and shook her head.

The 'Pure Heart Talisman' just burned about six points of its strength.

"No need, sir didn't teach me those rituals." He hesitated, and added: "Just set up an altar."

For most wizards, drawing symbols means a whole set of tedious rituals.

For example, open an altar to perform sacrifices and pray to the gods;

Such as clean body, clean face, clean hands, clean mouth;

For example, prepare seasonal fruits and vegetables, rice wine vinegar, sandalwood white candle;

It even includes choosing a good day and auspicious day, and choosing a time when Spiritual Qi will be filled.

In the "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World", these rituals are called "starting hands", which is one of the very important inheritances of every talisman master with a formal inheritance.

But Zheng Qing never accepted the inheritance of these rituals.

There are only two steps in drawing symbols he knows: outline the rune and infuse inspiration.

If he wants to increase the success rate—such as now—then he will set up an altar for peace of mind. This is not a method taught to him by his husband, but a trick he found out by himself.

After cleansing his heart and hands, Zheng Qing took out a red cardboard tablet from the gray cloth bag, with a big word 'Wu' written on it. Then he placed the card behind the incense burner handed to him by the wandering mage, and lit three ordinary sticks of incense.

The wandering mage looked at the tablet suspiciously, thinking deeply.

"Which great god is this offering?" Xin Fatty also whispered in his ear curiously.

"Ahem, no." Zheng Qing coughed twice in embarrassment, blurring Fat Paper's question.

He couldn't tell others that the one on the red tablet was his husband.

This is a trick he discovered as a child.

That was the first time he discovered that his husband had some special abilities, such as being able to recruit animals from a distance and talk to cats. This had a huge impact on his young mind. At that time, "Journey to the West" was being broadcast on TV, and he once thought that his husband was a fairy formed in a deep mountain and old forest, who came to the city to look for food and confuse all living beings.

Zheng Qing wanted to tell his family about these things several times, but he never did.

On the one hand, although the symptoms of the headache have been relieved, Zheng Qing still has lingering fears; on the other hand, since he has read too many story books, Zheng Qing is always worried that he will be boiled by a goblin if he reveals his husband's secret.

Just like in "Journey to the West", it is washed clean by the little demon, pickled in a urn, and served as an appetizer when the sky is overcast.

After thinking about it a few times, Zheng Qing took it to heart.

He dug out a piece of red cardboard from his grandfather's study, made a pair of tablets, checked the perpetual calendar by himself, found an auspicious day, and wrote his husband's name on the cards. Then hide the tablet in the own desk and pray three times a day. Please have peace of mind, and pray that the husband will not eat himself.

But it is also strange to say.

Originally, he was learning talismans from his husband, but because of his stupidity, he would always get a few rulers every day. But since he began to pay homage to Mr.'s memorial tablet, he didn't know whether it was because of his enlightenment, the skill of drawing talismans has improved rapidly, and he has not been beaten a few times.

This made him even more awed.

When he grew up, he knew many taboos, so he quietly dropped this habit and stopped worshiping Mr.

But when I think about it occasionally, I finally feel a little strange.

Today, Li Meng needs to provide high-quality talisman to save his life.

This matter has a lot to do with him.

Zheng Qing felt that he had to do his best.

So he took out his dusty memories for a long time to strengthen his spirit and seek peace of mind.

He rubbed his hands, and took out his own Four Treasures of the Study from the talisman bag: turtle back inkstone, pine ink, Zihao pen and yellow paper.

"Table!" he called to the boys next to him.

Xin Fatty turned on the own watch, tapped it a few times, and pulled out a four-legged desk in a blink of an eye.

"You can adjust how high you want." Xin banged on the desk.

After Zheng Qing placed Four Treasures of the Study on the table, the desk creaked and automatically adjusted to a position suitable for Zheng Qing's height.

Sim Fatty had a smug look on his face.

Zheng Qing didn't speak, just calmed down, spread a piece of yellow paper on the table, and gently scratched the little snake coiled up in the inkstone on the back of the turtle with the tip of a pen.

The little snake raised its head and chest up, cheered up, and spit out a large puddle of clear water.

The clear water overflowed the inkstone pool, shaking slightly.

Next to him, Xiao Xiao held the ink pine, and moved his wrist slightly. The rubbing between the ink stone and the inkstone made a uniform and pleasant sound.

Zheng Qing grabbed the pen, closed his eyes and raised his breath, his knuckles turning white.

"Don't be nervous, take your time." Some comforters came from the side: "Don't rush, take your time."

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and the Zihao in his hand slowly slid into the inkstone, shaking gently.

After the brush drank enough ink, with a bulging belly, it slowly came to the sky above the yellow paper.

The surrounding students all stared at Zheng Qing nervously.

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