Hunting High School

Chapter 228: The Envoy

"Mia-mia is none of my business, mia-mia... Hululu."

A Fatty wearing a pig face mask was holding a plate of pastries, and was eating vigorously, when he heard Friedman's criticism, he suddenly became unhappy: "Aren't you the latest?"

"A mistake is a mistake. After making a mistake, you find all kinds of reasons to justify yourself, or even push the mistake on others... This is a very naive behavior." A witch wearing a cat face mask said in a mocking tone: " For any organization, members who do not have the courage to take responsibility have no value in nurturing."

Hearing the words, Friedman froze suddenly, but he couldn't help linking the witch's words with his encounter. It's just that he didn't feel enlightened. Instead, because the witch's words were too straightforward, he felt ashamed of being stripped naked and thrown in front of the public.

Noticing the ups and downs of Lucifer's breath, a wizard wearing a fox mask hurriedly interrupted: "The fallen angel just retorted out of habit, and didn't mean to offend..."

The level of mud and mud was so poor that Friedman couldn't help but take a closer look at Mammon wearing a fox mask, trying to judge whether his words were provocative or a slip of the tongue.

Mamen obviously realized the inappropriateness of his words just now, coughed dryly, and emphasized: "Everyone, don't waste time on such trivial matters... Time is precious. Let's talk about some serious business."

"For example, what's for lunch today." Fatty, who was wearing a pig face mask, chuckled, picked up a piece of matcha cake on the plate, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Friedman gave Beelzebub a disgusted look.

Even if he knew Beelzebub represented gluttony, and that Fatty's black robe might be an anorexic dwarf, it didn't mean he allowed someone to gluttonously at the conference table. This is the basic requirement of etiquette for a noble under the moon.

From a certain point of view, his dislike of Beelzebub is very much in line with his identity as 'Lucifer': arrogance.

"You called me over today... are you going to discuss this kind of issue?"

Friedman withdrew his disgusted gaze, dragged his heavy steps, sat heavily in the own position, and asked in a hoarse voice.

This sentence caused the other six people in the conference room to look at him in unison.

"In other words, it wasn't you who summoned us today?" Samuel, wearing a wolf-head mask, asked in a low voice.

"Huh?" Friedman frowned under Lucifer's mask.

Although he didn't like Samael's wolf-head mask very much, he didn't think Samael was a fool. Since Samael said that, and no one objected, it means that the other six people had briefly discussed this issue before he entered the door.

That is, the rally wasn't posted by any of the seven of them?

Thinking of this, Friedman felt a little depressed: "I do have some ideas, and I hope to chat here...but not today. If I called a meeting, even if it was for politeness, I would be the first to be there. "

Hearing his answer, the conference room fell into silence for a while.

Not one of the seven calling the meeting meant that the guy everyone disliked popped up.

Candles hanging upside down from the ceiling burn slowly, and the candlelight is directed downwards, outlining a beautiful spindle flame. A drop of unburned wax oil slowly seeped out of the flame along the wick, and when it was about to drop, was pulled by an invisible force and dropped back into the bottom of the wick. This caused the candlelight to flicker slightly.

At the moment when the candlelight flickered, a figure appeared silently in the center of the conference table, sitting cross-legged in front of the pot of dry stars.

This figure was wearing a clean white mask with no eyes, nose and mouth. It looked like a big duck egg that had been washed clean, except that there was a small seven-pointed star branded on a corner of the egg. The imprint looks very inconspicuous.

"Hey, everyone... is here~~"

The faceless man waved his hands around, and said in a tone that he thought was very funny: "I'm so sorry...I wasted a little time helping a baby murloc back into the water on the way here."

Friedman propped up the chin of his bat mask, looked gloomy at the figure in the center of the conference table, and said in a hoarse voice: "Get down..."

"This is not what a bat spirit should say," the faceless man said 'tsk tsk', raised a finger and shook it around his mouth, and smiled in a low voice: "So, I found you guilty... you should shut up .”

As soon as the words fell, Friedman felt an invisible bondage appear around his mouth, sealing his mouth firmly.

The young Sir of the Karen family showed an angry look in his eyes, but he didn't do anything more extreme after all. Because that guy in the duck egg mask really has the right to do it.

As a secret student organization, the Seven Deadly Sins only has seven official members, but besides the seven, there is also a "convicted envoy" who is responsible for supervising the "rules" of the Seven Deadly Sins the behavior of.

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What are the rules, Friedman is not very precise. In theory, in this secret society organized by the students, they can do anything, including trading human souls, buying and selling fox slaves-although they have never done the above transactions.

He only knew that this envoy was very powerful, able to influence the policy making of the First University and the arrangement of the student union, he could also obtain many contraband strictly restricted by the Wizarding Union from outside the campus, and he had more or less connections with many hunting teams in the New World. less contact.

At the same time, the embassy envoy has a veto right for any external actions of the Seven Deadly Sins, that is to say, without the consent of the embassy envoy, no member of the Seven Deadly Sins can act externally in the name of the organization.

This made this 'envoy of guilt' look like the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins from a certain angle.

God knows why the generation who founded the Seven Deadly Sins invited such a great Buddha outside the organization, the silenced student Lucifer thought angrily, and at the same time, a thought came to him, wondering if the sinner could help him get Augustus Location.

Satisfied to see that there were no more noisy voices in the meeting room, the embassy raised two fingers again:

"I called you here today, there are two things."

"The first thing is closely related to everyone... The murloc tribe has been fighting for too long, and the conflict between Jiuyou and Alpha has become more and more serious."

"It's bad...very bad."

"This is a school, a place where people come to learn. Magic is fun and fun... So, I think it's time to end this farce in the school."

"I know that among the students here, there are some Alphas and some Nines. And you must have some prestige and ability among the students on both sides."

"I hope you will use these abilities to maintain the stability and unity of the school...not the other way around."

Listening to what the figure said, Friedman felt a mixture of absurdity and reality for a moment.

They used the devil's name as a code name, hid in the deepest part of the campus, and always liked to beat the student union and the school work committee, how did they become the envoys to maintain campus peace?

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