Hunting High School

Chapter 240 This Is Not A Deal

There is a small garden obliquely in front of the teaching building, with only about 300 steps in length and width.

The outermost part of the garden is a row of tall shrubs, about 1.45 meters high, trimmed into the appearance of wall piles and parapets. They are neatly taken care of by the school workers on weekdays. Occasionally, grass sperm get into the bushes Build a nest, and within a day they will be picked out by the janitors and thrown out of the garden.

The interior of the garden is mainly composed of three parts: the pavilion in the center of the garden, the pool around the pavilion, and the cobblestone path around the pool.

The pavilion has cornices and brackets, and is beautifully decorated, but because it is located in the open space, it is too conspicuous, and few people go to stay inside on weekdays.

The water in the pool is running water. It is said that there is a spring at the bottom of the pool that the school working committee moved from the Silent Forest. It is not big, but it is more than enough to fill the pool with water, and the excess water will flow along the narrow undercurrent outside the garden. Enter Linzhong Lake.

Although the culvert is narrow, there are too many strange things in Linzhong Lake, so the students visiting the garden will always see small red-tailed fish in the pool from time to time, as well as young kappa chasing them, upgraded water ghost.

The cobblestones paving the road are thin and small, very comfortable to step on. Both sides of the path are full of flowers of various colors, such as magnolia, rose, rose, lily, peony, etc. There are enough colors to bloom here in every season.

Because it was the weekend, there were almost no student unions lingering in front of the teaching building, and most of them rushed to the library to make up homework after regular meetings, so when the two witches walked around the pool, the surroundings were very quiet.

After walking around the pool, Elena finally said, "Do you know the current plight of the Gypsy Witches?"

Jiang Yu hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded: "I know."

Due to unknown reasons, fewer and fewer high-rank wizards were born in the Gypsy Witches, and even the number of registered wizards is also decreasing. The speed of decline is even catching up with the Babylonian mages. As an ancient wizarding organization, their plight is not difficult to be known by other equally ancient organizations or wizarding families.

Regarding the plight of the gypsy witches, Jiang Yu could pretend not to know, in order to protect the small self-esteem of her classmates. But it doesn't help. Since Yi Lianna spoke, she was naturally not afraid that she would find out.

The gypsy witch breathed a sigh of relief, and her tone became much lighter: "That's good... If I repeat it again, I feel embarrassed."

Having said that, her expressions and movements are not the slightest embarrassment, they are still so delicate and beautiful.

After Jiang Yu secretly admired in his heart, he carefully asked, "Is it related to this matter that you are looking for me?"

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Yi Lianna did not go around in circles, and went straight to explain the purpose of Own: "Now I have found a solution to the predicament, but I need a little blood of the spirit witch... Don't worry, it will definitely not have any impact on the spirit witch. All we need is her The active inspiration in the blood."

Jiang Yu's figure stopped suddenly, and her face sank.

For wizards, blood has the same magical power as the real name. Even if a close friend uses these two things, it may cause anger, let alone a classmate with a casual relationship.

With Yi Lianna's intelligence, she should know this kind of taboo, but she still dared to speak in front of her, there should be a reason. With these thoughts in Jiang Yu's mind, she didn't turn around and leave immediately.

A tree spirit crawled out of the bushes. Seeing the figures of the two witches, it was keenly aware of the low air pressure around it. It was taken aback. It stomped its paws hard on the ground, turned around and jumped back into the bushes. The thin layer of thin snow ten thousand year grass at the bottom of the bushes was trampled to pieces. Even if the antler crabapple it wants to eat is only one meter away from where it drilled out.

"Originally, I should have waited for a more appropriate opportunity to talk to you about this matter in a more tactful way. But on Saturday, our magic circle will be completed. I need to get the spirit witch's certificate before holding the magic ceremony. blood."

"We also planned to buy some spirit witch blood from the wandering wizard, but we have already bought too many things from that old wizard. In order to prevent him from noticing anything, we can only give up that channel."

And, my Tarot tells me, you will eventually agree to this deal, Elena added silently from the bottom of her heart.

Jiang Yu turned her body sideways, staring at the quiet pool, and Yi Lianna could only see her side face. The rockery in the pool fell like a heavy shadow on the hearts of the two witches. The water lilies and irises by the rockery all drooped their heads, looking weak. Occasionally, a few lively small fish pass by their stems, causing several layers of ripples.

The gypsy witch didn't seem to notice Jiang Yu's expression. After a few seconds of pause, she quickly added: "You can monitor the whole process of us using blood, and we won't even touch the tube from the beginning to the end. You are in charge of all the blood... You can check the principle and structure of the magic circle, and if you find any danger, you can terminate the agreement at any time."

These terms are already very loose, through these terms, Jiang Yu can fully see the sincerity of the gypsy witch. This made her look a little better.

But it was only a little bit better, and she still didn't intend to take unnecessary risks with her cousin's blood.

Elena gave the next card: "You will get the friendship of the Gypsy Witches... If you want jade coins, you can tell me a number; if you want the Manual of Tarot divination or the Gypsy Witch I can also find a way to bring you the prescription of the magic potion."

For an ancient wizarding family, the fallen gypsy witches are not very attractive; but for a young wizard in the old family, the friendship of an equally ancient wizarding organization is very attractive. . In addition, the gypsy witches have accumulated a lot in divination and magic potions, which is very attractive to any wizard.

The anger on Jiang Yu's face gradually dissipated, revealing a pensive expression.

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Elena bit her lips and threw out her last straw: "Zheng Qing, it's yours too."

After saying this, she seemed to have finally lifted a heavy burden, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not part of the deal." She worried that own's retreat would be counterproductive, and immediately added: "This is not a deal."

A thin red cloud suddenly appeared on Jiang Yu's face, showing shame, annoyance, and embarrassment. But because night fell, the red cloud was not conspicuous.

She finally raised her head, looked at the gypsy witch, and looked into her eyes seriously:

"does it worth?"

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