Hunting High School

Chapter 246 Wreckage And Figure

"Two months ago, due to an accident, the descendants of Satogua in the depths of the Silent River were blasted into dust. At that time, the three-pointed sword's office in Beta Town and the Beta Town Public Security Office were in charge of the aftermath. Management ... and I, who happen to have a good relationship with both agencies, got a little 'booty'."

"The loot is not much. The remaining 'wreckage' of those descendants fell into my hands, a total of 750 grams, which is equivalent to 26.455 ounces, or 150 coins."

"Originally, I planned to clearly mark the price and sell it by the gram."

"However, considering that the quantity of these 'wrecks' is not much, and the quantity required for any slightly larger-scale magic ritual may not be less than 500 grams, it is better to sell it well, and this batch is sold in packages."

"You are all neighbors on the island. You can't look up and see you down. In order to avoid disputes, I plan to use the 'hidden bid' model to bid prices. One price, the highest price will get it, and friends who fail to bid can continue to visit the new shop. Into other magic materials."

"A new batch of tazo worms arrived in the store, protozoa deep in the Alps, definitely not fakes bred in the magic laboratory of Dark Blue Castle; there are also two chupacabras, a pair of male and female, for breeding Or directly dispensing medicine is very suitable..."

Colma listened to the sales pitch of the tall and thin wizard behind the bar, and at the same time multitasked, secretly weighing the quality of several other opponents in the room.

The aura of the hunchback wizard was very strange, whether it was a new visitor from outside the island, or a magic madman who had lived in the laboratory for a long time. Either way, it's very bad for Colmar. Since this strange guest came to the wandering wizard's bar to seek a deal, his desire for this material was self-evident.

In comparison, Andrew Taylor, who shot on behalf of Soprano, was the best one to deal with. Korma was confident in convincing the first-year werewolf boy to let him give up the 'wreckage'. And the new pair of chupacabras that the wandering wizards got here should be very helpful to Korma's persuasion work.

As for the guests from the Murloc Tribe, Korma, who is the vice-chairman of the First University Student Union, didn't take them seriously at all. Even if the guest is the Elder of the murloc tribe, it has no deterrent effect on the witches—especially in the recent tense situation. The murloc tribe in Linzhong Lake was already struggling because of the discord with Jiuyou Academy. At this time, They are unlikely to have the courage to make things difficult for the vice-president of the First University Student Union.

Just as the witch's mind was turning, Andrew Taylor suddenly interrupted the wandering wizard's introduction and asked:

"Excuse me, sir."

"You just mentioned that the 'wreckage' is the descendant of Satogua in the depths of the Silent River two months ago... If the rumors are true, that descendant should be the one that Zheng Qing blew up, right? "

Kerma raised her eyebrows immediately.

Just now, I was only thinking about how to stand out from the crowd of competitors, but I ignored such crucial information, it's really damn. During the winter vacation, the news that Zheng Qing killed a monster in the Silent River once caused a sensation in the entire North District of Beta Town.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Because that monster has been entrenched at the mouth of the bay of the Silent River for many years, and every year there are magicians who go into the forest to collect magic materials and pass by the mouth of the bay and are swallowed by that monster. For the jugglers who grew up in the North District, that monster was more terrifying than Satan or Lucifer.

It’s just that on the one hand, Korma is not a real magician. On the other hand, too many things have happened inside and outside the school since the start of the school year. The daily work of the student union has made her dizzy. In addition, a long time has passed, And she has been so focused on building the magic circle recently that when the wandering wizard mentioned those key words, the witch didn't react immediately.

"I can't tell you the exact origin of this 'wreckage', I can only tell you that it's not so legal." The wandering wizard smiled lowly, and added: "Besides, I can also tell you that, except Except for this material in my hand, the other wrecks have already been sent to the black prison by the school."

Kerma couldn't help but sighed heavily from the bottom of her heart.

For a moment just now, she even felt that she could turn around and leave this depressing little room, and go to Zheng Qing to ask for a share of the wreckage. As the hunter who killed the monster, according to the convention, Zheng Qing should get his share of the spoils.

A wandering wizard wouldn't waste his reputation on such a trivial matter that could be verified at any time.

"Very good, since everyone has no other opinions, let's start the quotation." The wandering wizard stopped talking nonsense, raised the silver spoon again, and knocked on the glass wall of the wine glass. A white card and a white quill.

The four guests reached out their hands at the same time, and grabbed the card and the quill.



When Kerma stepped into the homeless bar, Zheng Qing was poking his head up and looking out through the glass window.

After eight o'clock in the evening, the sky was already dark, and the school's school-bred lanterns gathered in groups on withered branches and bare eaves corners, casting mottled milky white halos one after another.

The window where Zheng Qing is located is in a corner on the third floor of the Shushan Pavilion. On weekdays, Zheng Qing and Elena sit here and study together. But today for some reason, the gypsy witch didn't respond to the wizard's wink all day, and she didn't come here to do homework after class.

Not only that, but she also took away all the books that were usually placed on the table to occupy space.

This made Zheng Qing feel a little panicked.

He felt that Elena didn't seem to be ignoring him because the magic circle was going to activate this Saturday. Wizards in love are always very sensitive about such matters.

Originally, in the Fulu class in the afternoon, Zheng Qing planned to find a chance to chat with her. But the witch was in a hurry, and left the classroom almost following the footsteps of lecturer Zhang after class, so the wizard never found a suitable opportunity.

So after dinner, Zheng Qing didn't even go to d&k to check the accounts, and stayed in the library all the time. Although he was in a mess and couldn't see anything, he still insisted on staying in the Shushan Pavilion until it was completely dark.

The witch still did not appear.

Every five minutes, Zheng Qing couldn't help sticking his head out of the window and looking out, hoping to see that familiar figure. But he retracted his head in disappointment again and again.

Until the time after eight o'clock, Zheng Qing looked out again, but still did not see Yi Lianna coming to the Shushan Pavilion, but accidentally saw another familiar figure leaving the Shushan Pavilion.

It's Jiang Yu's cousin, Li Meng, the little spirit witch from Tianwen 08-1 class.

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