Hunting High School

Chapter 266 The Upgraded Moon Phase

The two witches lined up with a black cat, standing at the entrance of the secret realm Minor World, silently watching the abnormality in the sky.

Originally, when the sun and the moon hung in the sky at the same time, the size and brightness of the moon was much stronger than the 'sun', and today it is even worse. The originally somewhat illusory moonlight became more solid; the moon phase, the size of a jade plate, also changed to the size of a wheel like an inflated balloon.

Just staring at it for a while, both the black cat and the witches felt spiritually empty and their minds were blank. For a moment, the black cat didn't want to do anything, only the huge moon was in his mind.

"I feel like I can see Jade Rabbit on the moon." The black cat raised its neck, staring at the shadow on the moon, its voice sounded a bit hollow: "Look at that black spot, does it look like a rabbit pounding medicine?" ?”

"Rabbit? No, it looks like a toad to me." The gypsy witch obviously disagreed with the black cat's point of view, and immediately refuted it. Her condition was slightly better than that of the black cat, and there was a bit of emotion in her voice.

The one in the best condition is naturally Korma. As the vice-chairman of the First University Student Union, she has already completed the advanced ceremony of registering a wizard. If it wasn't for accumulating more resources, the witch would have graduated from the First University long ago.


A crisp blasting sound exploded in the space of consciousness, accompanied by a lingering fragrance, which instantly woke up the black cat and the gypsy witch.

After regaining consciousness, the black cat saw that Korma had picked up earth and lit incense at some point, and lit a long and thin stick of incense in front of the three of them.

The pure white incense burns at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there are wisps of milky white smoke, and occasionally golden sparks explode when burning, and the sound is no different from the popping sound when it was awakened from the previous state. Two, the volume is just a little lower.

"Qiu Ruixiang, the best choice for calming the mind and regaining one's senses. Compared with talismans such as meditation talisman and pure heart talisman, the effect is milder, and compared with similar medicines, the side effects are smaller. It is most suitable for use when the mind is in a trance." Ke Ke Erma explained casually, while lowering her head to fiddle with a complex instrument similar to the combination of a Feng Shui compass and a pocket watch.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

The black cat's body suddenly swelled up and turned into a little leopard. The short hair on its neck was blown up, its ears were pricked up, its tail was tightly pressed between its thighs, and it looked like it was fully on guard.

"What happened? Why did the moon become so big? Is the secret realm world about to collapse?" Black Cat used three questions to describe his ignorance and tension at the moment. This made Colma, who had already given up hope on him, completely cut off the illusion in his mind.

No one paid any attention to the black cat's problem. Both witches are very busy now.

"The constant of the world has not changed, the tide of magic power fluctuates within a reliable range, the stability of the space is good, no virtual dimensional creatures have been found, the environment is suitable, the oxygen content in the air is high, but within the allowable range..." Kerma Holding a small black leather notebook, he recorded the data displayed on the instrument one by one, and compared it with the data obtained last time.

"The card face interacts positively and negatively, the chariot goes up, and the star card shines, indicating that today's ceremony is very likely to be successful. Black dogs and broken tree stumps appearing in the crystal ball... are ominous signs." Yi Lianna held the card in both hands. A crystal ball, surrounded by dozens of Tarot cards in the air, revolves around the witch like a satellite. She needs to predict and guide the team's next move.

The black cat looked to the left, then to the right, and suddenly felt that he was useless.

I want to look up at the moon in the sky, afraid that I will be dazzled by the moon again; I want to volunteer to explore the situation in all directions, but I feel a little risky. In this way, its paws stretched forward, then retracted, and stepped on the left and right. Soon plum blossoms appeared on the mud.

"Since the possibility of success is very high, why is it still unknown?" The black cat tried to show the existence of own.

"It depends on our choice." Elena's answer was very cryptic - this was in line with the speaking style of ordinary fortune-tellers, and the black cat muttered to itself.

"Do you need me to check around?" The black cat turned to look at Korma again, and suggested.

The quill held in the hand of the witch who was checking the world data paused, and she turned her head to look at Elena: "Haven't you come yet?"

"Estimated within three to five minutes." The gypsy witch replied.

"Then wait a little longer." These words were spoken by Korma to the black cat. She didn't explain what she was waiting for.

Listening to the two witches playing charades, the black cat felt an inexplicable sense of irritability in his heart. He swung his paw and slapped an oval-shaped pebble flying in front of him. The stone slid through the air in an elegant arc, and fell silently behind the bushes in the distance, without startling a single sparrow.

The world is still as dull as ever, the black cat thought silently, but couldn't help wondering what the conversation between the two witches meant just now, and what's the point of waiting a few minutes.

Soon, his confusion was resolved.

When the black cat silently counted to one hundred and ninety-one, that is, just over three minutes later, the magic barrier at the entrance of the secret realm Minor World behind him rippled slightly.

Soon, a figure passed through the barrier light film and appeared in front of the black cat amidst a wave of magic power.

It only took half a second for the black cat to judge the identity of the visitor from the familiar figure and familiar fragrance—even though she was wearing a red mask.

This made it grow its mouth involuntarily.

Just as shocked as him was Jiang Yu who had just entered Minor World.

"Why is he here?" Jiang Yu asked subconsciously, looking at the familiar black cat a few steps away, with a slightly shocked tone.

"Oh, him," the gypsy witch wearing a white mask looked away from the crystal ball, and chuckled, "Unlucky... He appeared at the wrong time, at the wrong place, and heard something that shouldn't be said. The conversations I heard can only be wrong in the end, and I participated in this wrong action.”

"You know him?" Kerma was keenly aware of the abnormality of the new witch, raised her eyebrows, and showed a strange look on her face.

The black cat immediately closed its mouth.

Jiang Yu also got rid of the surprise when she saw the black cat just now, and regained her composure. After hearing Korma's inquiry, she simply explained: "I saw this cat at school, and I heard it was a talking cat. Cats that grow in's amazing, so I'm impressed."

This explanation is not refined enough, but it is also reasonable.

Colmar quickly accepted this explanation.

It was Yi Lianna, who looked at the new witch, and then at the black cat squatting on the ground, not knowing how to place its paws and tail, with a look of deepness and inquiry on her face: "So, you have known this black cat for a long time. ?”

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