Hunting High School

Chapter 274 Black Goat Cub

In the early morning, Linzhong Lake is full of humidity.

Outside a gazebo on the promenade around the lake, a blurry crack suddenly appeared above the green grass, and golden and black rays of light shone through the crack.


It was as if the sound of rags being torn, accompanied by the faint sound of thunder, came from the crack, dissipated into the air, and disappeared in an instant. The low shrubs and blades of grass among the lawns on the slope lowered their bodies and lowered their heads, as if they were humbly welcoming.


A cloud of foul-smelling green slime rolled out of the crack and fell on the lawn, causing weeds to grow wildly. The dark green leaves on the bushes seemed to be blessed by Druidt's activation spell in an instant, turning into It became big mouths singing hymns, babbling and singing hymns that no one could understand in unison:

"sll'ha nilgh'ri-nyt shogg ooboshu..." (The servant of all invites the kingdom of darkness to come...)

"l'ebumna syha'h n'ghft" (In eternity and darkness of the abyss)

"y'ai 'ng'ngah" (I call upon Him)

"y'hah" (Amen)

The sound is messy but has an unusual resonance, as if hundreds of radios with bad signals are turned on at the same time, and it is like the buzzing and wow wah wah wah wah wow brought out by a strong wind passing through the forest. It is low and weird , It's disgusting to hear.

"Ah Choo!"

A young black goat sneezed, struggled from the green slime, and got up. This action is very difficult for it. Not because it broke its leg when it fell through that chasm in mid-air, but because it has a bit more legs now.

In addition to the original four legs, many black lamb legs of different lengths protruded from under its belly, rib sides, behind its buttocks, and under its neck. They were kicking and kicking randomly, trying to step on the ground .

In addition, there were many swirling marks on the originally shiny black fur of the little black goat. Those marks were bulging, wriggling, and constantly changing in shape, but when you look closely, they look like curled up on the nearby bushes. The leaves—the mouths that the leaves turned into were always humming and singing praises.

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"Crack!" "Crack!"

There were sticky popping sounds one after another, like mud bubbles being punctured in a swamp. A strip of pitch-black tentacles protruded from the black swirl marks of the sheepskin, stretched and waved in all directions.

Up to now, the original appearance of the little black goat is completely invisible.

It has turned into an existence similar to an upgraded banyan tree-short head, dozens of air-root-like legs, a big mouth all over the body, and black tentacles that are active around like Medusa's hair.

To use the words in wizarding textbooks, this is a 'degenerate piece of meat'.

Green mucus dripped from the mouth of the 'meat', flowed onto those legs, and slowly seeped in along the pitch-black fur. The 'little black goat' that had fallen into a piece of meat waved its sticky tentacles and circled on the empty slope, while adapting to the extra legs, while making a blank 'bleat' sound.

Yes, it bleats despite being reduced to a lump of meat.

It seems that this will make it feel safer - this is not the sound that a real 'Black Goat of the Forest' should make. But the instinct from the depths of the starry sky told it that in this place, if a 'black goat cub' behaved less like a real black goat, it would die very quickly.

After bleating for a while, it suddenly stopped, turned sideways and listened carefully.

Across the thick bushes and the not-so-wide forest, it clearly heard the noisy sound waves not far away, mixed with water vapor, coming wave after wave.

Faintly, it heard a voice calling 'Nicholas'.

The dependent breathed a sigh of relief.

The abnormal fluctuation of the space channel just after landing made it almost think that he had landed in the wrong place. But right now, those voices calling 'Nicholas' mixed with malicious and fanatical thoughts can't be wrong.

"It's just a little bit off, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Thinking in his heart, the favored person walked towards the place where the sound waves rolled with dozens of cheerful hooves. While walking, it slowly raised its head , puffed up his chest, spread his tentacles, and tried to create the aura that a true favored person should have.

Although it also felt that the real name of the 'Black Goat of the Forest' shouted by those prayers in the distance seemed not entirely correct, but the abundant magical energy in the air and the seductive atmosphere blowing around quickly made this creature wandering in the starry sky all year round. The 'idea' in the depths gave up the intention of further thinking.

In other words, it didn't think seriously about it:

"This is not the first time those believers have called my name wrong."

"What does that matter?"

"It's fine if you want it..."

"I am the favored person of the Mother God, and I should protect the glory of the Mother God."

"Let me answer your prayers!"

In the mud behind it, there was a lush bush and the hoofprints of goats. There were hundreds of hoofprints, all green, with foul-smelling slime attached to them.



"Nicholas, you are just a bastard who has tarnished the blood of the Oswald family! How dare you challenge the glory of the nobles under the moon?!"

"Nicholas! The guy whose surname is not even recognized by Oswald! His name and our surname appear on the same list, which is really the depravity of the entire wizarding world!"

"Look at the stupid look on Nicholas!"

"You can only accept it passively, and you will not actively tap your own ability. Even if you have Talent, it is a waste. The descendants of magicians really can't get rid of their stupidity that goes deep into the soul."

"... Nicholas!"


On the shore of Linzhong Lake, all kinds of provocative and cursing voices, accompanied by the name of 'Nicholas', poured out from the mouths of the white robes and poured into the crowd of voices.

The 3a club was originally a club composed of the most fanatical blood supremacists of the Alpha Academy. For these paranoid people, being beaten by a bastard on the head is simply more disgusting than feeding them shit.

They were of one mind in attacking Nicholas.

On the opposite side, the camp of students from Jiuyou College seemed a little loose. Most of them were called to join in the fun by their companions, and there was almost no figure of Nicholas. Even if someone stood between the white robe and Nicholas, it was just for the sake of not letting the other party be too presumptuous in the academy.

What's more, Nicholas's performance in an interview with the Beta Town Post some time ago made many Jiuyou students feel gloating at the moment-look, this is the fate of traitors!

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