Hunting High School

Chapter 278 Seeking The Way

"Hey Hey."

Weird and sharp laughter echoed throughout the Minor World, the torn gap in the space hadn't completely healed, the golden net and sparks were still faintly visible, and the toad sitting in the center of the magic circle had its mouth drooping. With a blue-black tongue, his bulging eyes were half-closed, staring at the direction where the touch of gold was. His voice was the same as his tongue, full of sticky and lazy taste, which made people feel itchy all over. a feeling of:

"Hey...the ewe has landed in the 'correct' need to speed up a bit."

After saying these words, one of his eyeballs 'gurgled', turned back to the front, and landed on the two witches in front of him. Kerma's eyes turned white, and there were a few strands of pale white in her hair at some point. Her whole body was like a drug that had been boiled off its sugar coating, exuding a bitter aura from the inside out. Yi Lianna was still holding the silver knife in one hand, and half of her body was covered with bright red sheep's blood, which contrasted with her wine-red wavy long hair, revealing a strange beauty.

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Toad's other eyeball grunted and turned in another direction, aiming at a witch outside the magic circle and the black cat beside her.

To be precise, his attention was mainly on the black cat.

"As a reward for ushering... to come... Now, state your wish, wizard."

Toad muttered a sticky voice, and his eyes showed cruelty and greed, but this did not mean that he would violate the rules set by the receiving magic circle. According to the rules, while receiving the corresponding sacrifices, he will also satisfy certain wishes of the priests.

"A great and hidden existence..."

"The gods wandering in the depths of the starry sky..."

"I'm here to offer my body, my soul, my everything..."

"Praying to you..."

"I pray for you, to guide the way forward for the magician..."

Kerma's voice was hoarse, but her tone became firmer. As a wizard who has reached the registration level, she already has enough insight, and she will not expect a limited contract to make an Outer God pay too much. Before being patient, I could sum up all her hopes in one concise sentence.

"You are not the 'black goat of the forest that breeds thousands of descendants'," a weak but very sure voice from the other side of Korma interrupted Korma, and cracks appeared on Elena's white mask , but her eyes were still awake. After hearing Kerma's prayer, she gritted her teeth and repeated, emphatically: "You are not the goddess of darkness and abundance!"

The huge toad looked down at the two witches, and didn't seem to intend to say its own name, but just said "hey", and let out a series of weird and harsh sneers.

Korma, who was prostrate on the ground, was silent for a moment, without raising his head, he just raised the copper plate in his hand a little higher, and the 'jelly' stained with spiritual blood in the plate squirmed wildly, changing into various shapes, But it has never been finalized, like an ooze monster.

The witch repeated the previous prayer in a dry but firm voice:

"A great and hidden existence..."

"The gods wandering in the depths of the starry sky..."

"I'm here to offer my body, my soul, my everything..."

"Praying to you..."

"I pray for you, to guide the way forward for the magician..."


"Hey, hey... What a greedy and lovely mushroom." Toad's laughter was mixed with an indistinct sound, which made it very difficult for the witch who was trying to hear his words. His parables are also very strange and creepy:

"You offer sacrifices and pursue desires...hehe..."

"Life, wealth, fame, power... hehe..."

"Other mushrooms are very greedy, but have very low requirements..."

"Your greed is small, but your demands are huge... Hehe."

"Pray for a group of desperate people..."

Different voices intertwined, as if dozens of people spoke at the same time, but they reverberated and merged into one, which made people feel chest tightness and heart palpitations.

Toad looked into the eyes of the witch below him, raised his eyelids slightly, and let the gaze flow out of the eye slits more, as if he wanted to see more clearly, to see clearly what kind of soul is so greedy in front of him .

Kerma's body trembled slightly under the gaze of the outer god, but the copper plate she held in her hand remained motionless, and she lifted it higher and higher. Elena was horrified to find that Kerma's arms had completely broken free from the restraints of the joints, controlled by a distorted force, and lifted upwards.

She wanted to scream, but found that only the thoughts in her head were still flowing slowly all over her body.

"The sacrifice... accepted."

"The way you asked for..."

"Give you…"

The toad's blue-black tongue shot out like a spring, and it was heavily imprinted on the forehead of the witch's soul, leaving a black mark that snaked like a tadpole.

The spirit of the witch went into a trance for a moment.

A magnificent voice echoed in her spiritual world:

"... There are many roads of Transcendent power... You don't have to follow the widest river all the time... Sometimes, narrow and winding roads are the right 'roads'..."

" sacrificing in exchange for the power to cast spells..."

"...that's a fair deal..."

"It's also an ancient power."

At the same time, an irresistible force spread out from the void, firmly bound the witch's soul and body, and began to drag her into the depths of the void.

The witch suddenly opened her eyes wide, with a hint of panic and anger in her eyes: "I haven't left a way for them yet! You can't take me away!! You violated Sacred's contract!!!"

The huge toad squatted under the shadow of the ornate arch, its eyes narrowed again at some point, staring at the witch full of playfulness and boredom:

"Hey, hey... There is no Sacred in the contract."

"The road has been given to you..."

"Appetizers are over."

Before the words fell, the originally quiet magic circle trembled violently, the surrounding air trembled, and the entire Minor World trembled together. The sun and the moon hang upside down, the forest stands upside down in the void, the sun buries into the earth, and the moon shines bright yellow, obediently hanging behind the big toad, replacing the collapsed arched door.

Like an eyeball, it supervises everything in this world.

After finishing the 'work' he was summoned to, the uninvited guest finally got rid of the shackles of the magic circle above the rules, and gained room for further activities.

Always staring at the other eyeball of the witch and the black cat outside the formation, slowly and laboriously raised the heavy eyelids, and slowly opened them wide, like a smaller moon, exuding a luster that chilled everyone's hearts.

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