Hunting High School

Chapter 280 Meowing

The bloody talisman grazed Yi Lianna's shoulder, jumped over the big toad squatting behind her, and hit the midair.


It seems that the sound of the silver bottle being broken and the ice melting first resounds in this Minor World. In the midair behind Satogua, the round golden full moon was blasted with a bowl-sized gap by the talisman, like a round cake being bitten by someone. The dense black cracks are like spider webs, spreading around that gap as the center.


Accompanied by the fine crackling sound, the moonlight trembled violently, and even the color became a little more illusory. Satogua's figure also swayed. The black cat looked for the right moment, suddenly exerted force with both paws, and pressed down with a roar.

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The dust was flying, and the magic power was overflowing. The secret realm Minor World groaned in pain under the impact of the black cat and Satogua. The black cat man stood up, his paws pressed down, with a ferocious expression; while the big toad kept squatting on the spot, motionless, even willing to open one eye, and the other was always in a half-closed state , but with the black cat exerting strength, a few more tentacles rose behind him.

The extra tentacles were not aimed at the black cat.

Instead, he aimed at the witch who was half squatting at the feet of the black cat, carrying a shotgun.

After Jiang Yu shot the blood rune bullet in Beretta's double barrel, he received a special 'invitation' from the Outer God. Several thick tentacles popped out from behind Satogua, roared, and lashed at the witch heavily. At the same time, the shattered pieces of the silver moon turned into sharp blades that fell from the sky and fell directly on top of the witch's head. In addition, Satogua's half-closed eyeball widened on purpose, and gave the witch a stare.

Frenzied mental attacks, tentacles pounced, sharp blades fell from the sky, all these different attacks had the same target, all of them were the witch who held a gun and squatted at the black cat's feet.

The black cat opened its eyes wide, and its growl became louder, but he only had two front paws that could use force, and they were both caught by Satogua's tentacles at the moment.


An amber in the bead string on Jiang Yu's wrist shattered silently. A four-leaf clover solidified in the amber flew up without any wind. A leaf supported the whistling tentacles, and a leaf blocked After the silver blade fell from the sky, a leaf turned into a green halo, neutralizing the spiritual attack of the Outer God, and the last leaf fell on the Beretta double-barreled shotgun.

The four-leaf clover represents luck in traditional magic.

And the four-leaf clover frozen in Amber is a lucky charm given to Jiang Yu by the elders of the Jiang family. It can avoid bad luck to the greatest extent and bring luck-if the bad luck is too strong, it can also turn into powerful magic to prevent the bad luck from happening.

Right now, the bad luck brought by Satogua is beyond the range that can be avoided by lucky magic.

So Amber shattered, releasing the powerful magic solidified on the four-leaf clover.

Tentacles, silver blades, and eyes exuding a frenzied aura disappeared silently in the secret realm Minor World amidst and under the four-leaf clover blades.

For the remaining leaf that fell on the Beretta double-barreled shotgun, the blue magic light flashed, and the rune and formation on the gun, which was on the verge of collapse due to shooting the blood rune bullet, returned to its original state bit by bit.

Jiang Yu didn't seem to notice the scene of the close call at all, still squatting on the ground, carrying the long shotgun on his shoulder, aiming at Satogua's body, and pulling the trigger several times in a row.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!"

The ordinary Suppressing Evil Talisman fell on the body of the Outer God, but it didn't cause any ripples, and had little effect. Zheng Qing even suspected that those bullets didn't even scratch the oily skin on Satogua's body.


Jiang Yu let out a long breath, stood up, put away the shotgun, and took out a slightly thinner Dharma book from her handbag. The Dharma book is black, sealed with gold thread, and has a leather buckle. There is not a rune or a motto written on it, which looks rather inconspicuous.

But when the witch removed the clasp and opened the book, a frightening wave of magic rippled from the book, causing the black cat and Satogua to look sideways at the same time.

After Jiang Yu opened the Dharma book, he did not recite the mantra, but put his hand into the Dharma book and slowly pulled it out.

In a moment, an old lady slowly walked out of the Dharma book, holding the witch's hand. The old lady looked very old, with silver hair and kind eyes, wearing an ancient but very plain black robe, leaning on a dragon-headed cane, and wearing a wizard hat with a wide brim and a pointed top.

It's just that compared with the other wizards present, the figure of the old man seemed a little illusory. According to Zheng Qing's judgment, the old man should be just a projection left by the elder Jiang Yu.

"Outer God?" The old man's voice was not high, but it was heard clearly in the ears of every wizard at the scene. Her tone was a little surprised and a little dissatisfied: "Why is there such a ghost in the school?"

Her answer was eyeball after eyeball.

As soon as the old man appeared, Satogua, who had been squatting all this time, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and a pair of huge bat-wing ears popped out from the back of his head—then the black cat noticed that the person in front of him Big toads have ears—and then the pustules on Satogua's body burst one by one, splashing out foul-smelling green juice, and at the same time, golden eyes squeezed out from behind the pustules.

As if in the blink of an eye, Satogua put on a cloak full of eyeballs.

Those golden eyeballs were half-closed, Gululu turned around, and after a while, they all looked at the old lady floating in mid-air. Their eyes are cold and indifferent, condescending, and different starry skies seem to be reflected in their eyes.

The black cat just looked at it, and the corners of its eyes burst, and two streams of scarlet blood flowed out. At the same time, the mist-like 'skin' on its body violently rioted like a boiling oil pan dripping into water. The black cat could clearly feel that every bone and every piece of flesh in his body began to 'rebel', scrambling to throw himself in the direction of Satogua.


A sharp meow pierced the sky.

A golden meteor with a flash of fire broke through the shackles of the rules, crashed into the Minor World, and hit the black cat directly on the head.


It was like an enhanced version of the brain popping, which made the black cat burst into tears, and also suppressed all the rebellious flesh and bones in his body.

If it wasn't for the two paws being restricted by the big toad opposite, the black cat would definitely be screaming on the spot with its head in its arms at this moment.

"Damn it!"

The furious voice of the yellow raccoon rang in the ears of the black cat, and his head was buzzing: "Calm your mind, learn to control yourself! Don't blow up the whole school!"

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