Hunting High School

Chapter 46: The Uses Of Light Bugs

A fat lampworm pulled its sharp mouthparts from the vine bark.

A wisp of bright red liquid slowly overflowed from the rattan's wound, and quickly condensed into a gel after meeting the air.

The fat firefly opened the carapace on its back, stretched out a pair of wings as thin as cicada's wings, and shook it vigorously.

Feeling its body float up lightly, it hummed a few more times in satisfaction.

The dragon blood vine under its feet can no longer provide it with enough vine juice, and it needs to start a new journey.

The tentacles found a strange smell in the humid air, and this breath made it fascinated.

Perhaps only a powerful lampworm like myself can feel that coveted call.

The fat lantern bug fluttered its wings and floated up from the dragon blood vine.

The weak companions around were still fascinated by sucking the bland liquid left in the cane, and they were very happy to see a strong competitor leave.

These idiots.

Humming like a mockery, the fat lanternfly left the vine that had been there almost all its life.

"In every group there are some mavericks."

"They are either lunatics or geniuses; or they are first practitioners or martyrs. Some may create history, such as the great president of our First University; some will become people's jokes after dinner... such as The editor-in-chief of Gentlemen and Ladies."

"No matter what, there's always something different about this firefly."

The wandering wizard smiled and raised the glass bottle in his hand. A firefly that was obviously much larger than the other companions was struggling in the honeypot.

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But this sweet trap is stickier than it expected.

When it struggles to pull out one thin foot from the honey, three more thin feet will sink deeper; when it sucks the sugar juice off the wings, it finds that the carapace is covered with thick spoils.

"Light bugs from different origins will have different characteristics."

"For example, the horny carapaces shed by Longshang light worms after autumn are good medicine for dispelling wind and relieving pain; the larvae of Amazon light worms soaked in water for more than three years can be used as bait for hunting demons...Many demons cannot distinguish between these larvae and What's the difference in the taste of wizard brains; and Pyrenees fire worms, soaked in brine and lightly fried in boiling oil, are a good snack."

Zheng Qing caught a glimpse of Xin Fatty's Adam's apple wriggling slightly.

He had never noticed before that this Fatty could still see Adam's apple!

The wandering wizard shook the glass bottle in his hand, and the viscous liquid rolled and surged from all directions, completely submerging the still struggling obese firefly.

"The bugs in my shop are from Suffolk."

"They are excellent neutralizers when concocting medicinal wine."

"Feed with the juice of Dracaena vine, brew in the royal jelly of green-tailed bees for thirty-six days, then soak in Amber light with Polygonum multiflorum, golden bamboo shoots, nutmeg, and toads, seal, avoid light, and bury in the shade After more than one year, you can get this kind of drink with gorgeous color and endless charm."

The wandering wizard raised the glass of transparent liquid in his hand, and raised his hand to several young wizards:

"It's a personal drink, and I call it 'Golden Days.'"

In his cup, those golden stars were still cruising like living creatures, bringing out thick ripples.

Zheng Qing looked at the honeypot in the hands of the wandering wizard.

In the jar, the fat firefly was sinking deeper into the honey.

Like a little bug trapped in Amber, struggling occasionally like getting an electric shock.

Its belly is still spraying silvery white afterglow, separated by orange sugar juice, like a sparkling diamond.

"Are you still going to be a maverick student?" The wandering wizard asked in a gentle tone after taking his time.

"No." Zheng Qing flatly refused, looking at the smile on the corner of the wandering wizard's mouth, he added: "I don't intend to think that I am very unique like this bug, but end up falling into a honeypot and owning it for the rest of my life All fall in."

The smile on the corner of the wandering wizard's mouth slowly faded.

He finally raised his head and straightened his wide hat brim, revealing a pair of dark eyes without a trace of white:

"Very sensible."

"But also very stupid."

"In my long life, if there is anything I have gained, it is indifference. If you want to live with compassion, you must be prepared to shed tears."

"When I was young, my biggest dream was to die and sit in the catacombs of the Capuchin Monastery, quietly waiting for the kingdom of heaven with other pious mummies. When I grew up, I walked a long way along the Nile, and those buried in the The mummies deep in the desert tell me that even the gods fall."

"The First University is not the Garden of Eden."

"This is the hunting ground of wizards."

The atmosphere in the private room was a bit depressing.

The lantern bugs lying on the dragon's blood vine were keenly aware of this, so they shrank their stomachs and restrained the scattered brilliance.

It was getting darker in the room.

"We really don't need those things that involve black witchcraft." Xiao Xiao said suddenly from the side.

He squatted in front of the glass coffee table, carefully looked at those small red lacquer boxes, raised his head, and looked at Zheng Qing: "You really don't need those black witchcraft...that will lower your status for nothing. But you shouldn't mind being here Bring some protective equipment to the school."

"In the wizarding world, amulets are never redundant." Zhang Jixin also added beside him.

His alcohol smell seemed to have dissipated a little, and his eyes no longer looked red.

Only his face remained the same, dazzling red.

Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Then choose an amulet."

Since both friends suggested this, it's best for me to accept it.

He is very self-aware, knowing that his understanding of the wizarding world is no different from that of a three-year-old child.

At times like this, it is very beneficial to properly listen to other people's advice.

"Me too!" Xin Fatty tried hard to swallow the snacks in his mouth, and raised his hands excitedly.

"Very wise," repeated the wandering wizard. He nodded in satisfaction, and waved away those sinister and frightening black witchcraft spells.

Only a row of body care products in pastel colors remained on the coffee table.

"This is a black donkey's hoof produced in Jiaozhou. It came from an old donkey who died at the age of 80. Of the four donkey hooves it donated, two were bought by Trident Sword, and one was taken away by the Su family in Qingqiu. It's gone." The wandering wizard pointed to the little dusty thing that looked like a wine cup in the vermilion lacquer box, and reminded: "If I were you, I would definitely choose it...As far as I know, among Sir Friedman's friends There is a third-year student named Jiang Jun, who has Hanba blood, and is a zombie who has just awakened."

There was an expression of disbelief on Zheng Qing's face: "There are still zombies in the school?"

"To be precise, they are zombie students. Since there can be vampires and werewolves, why can't there be zombies?" Zhang Jixin grabbed the black donkey's hoof, stuffed it into his arms, and patted Zheng Qing on the shoulder with a smile: "You said you would send us off gift, then I will choose this!"

Zheng Qing nodded dizzily, always feeling that something was wrong.

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