Hunting High School

Chapter 283 Blank Land

"...Concentrate your spirit..."


The voice of the yellow raccoon seemed to be sounding from an extremely distant place, and Zheng Qing couldn't hear it clearly. He didn't want to hear it either. Because he has a bit of a headache now, as if a bomb was stuffed in his head and exploded. Even thoughts were blown to pieces.

He shook his head and slowly got up.

The memory in his mind was a little broken, he vaguely remembered that an outer god whose real name was Satogua came to the Minor World, and there was a battle between him and him. As for why the Outer God came, it was because Senior Sister Kerma wanted to open up the wizarding path for magicians through magic rituals.

I should persuade my senior sister to give up that delusion earlier, the wizard kneaded the corners of his brows, trying to relieve the waves of pain from his forehead, and at the same time complained from the bottom of his heart, and Elena, who is usually very smart, How could you fool around with Korma on this kind of matter...

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Thinking of Elena, the boy's hands pinching the corners of his brows immediately settled in place.

Because a horrifying picture appeared in his mind-Kerma's figure was blurred, being pulled into the abyss by the force of the void; the gypsy witch turned into a small tree, from top to bottom , there is only one head left, and she can still distinguish her appearance.

The boy got up in panic and looked around.

There was nothing around, nothing.

There are no small trees and beautiful snakes entrenched on them, no seniors who are about to fall into the abyss, no giant toads, no silver-haired old ladies, no yellow raccoons, and no sun and moon of Minor World.


Then he raised his hands, and his ten fingers looked a little translucent in this white world.

It wasn't until then that he realized that he had lifted the Transfiguration at some point and regained his status as a wizard.

"This is where?!"

Just as the boy had this question in his heart, a loud and clear voice echoed over this blank space: "Where is this?!"

"This is the place where matter and mind meet, where Death watches, and where the soul rests." A familiar voice came from above Zheng Qing's head, seeming very happy: "Of course, I prefer to call this place the 'Blank Land' '."

Zheng Qing raised his head abruptly, nearly breaking his neck.

Not far above his head, Mr. Wu was sitting on a comfortable soft chair, holding a hard-cover book in his hand, and seemed to be reading with relish. There is also a small coffee table by his hand, with a plate of dried fruit and a pot of hot tea on it.

Pearl-colored mist slowly emerged from the teapot's mouth, and disappeared into the white background of the world in a blink of an eye.

"Sir?" This word just surfaced in Zheng Qing's heart, and before he could open his mouth, that clear and loud voice began to echo over this blank space: "Sir?"

"It's me." Mr. Wu took off his black-framed round glasses, smiled and waved at the wizard.

Then the soft chair under him and the small coffee table beside him slowly descended with his movements, until they landed opposite to the young wizard, saving him the trouble of keeping his neck up.

"Who is peeping into my heart?" The clear and loud voice accurately repeated the question in the wizard's heart, making him forget to greet Mr. Wu for a moment:



"...What the hell?" The boy frantically looked up, down, left, and right, while the clear and loud voice kept repeating every thought that came to his mind: "...only sound, no picture? It's okay, if I come up with any weird thoughts, I won't lose face in front of my husband..."

"Damn it... Mister already knows!"

"Mmp... wants to kill... Ma Dan..."

"Magic, I need a magic to protect my soul...Let me think about it, Ge Zhitanxi, no, this is a binding curse...I am a horse, no...July Fire...September Sushuang...Human At the beginning, nature is kind... What the hell am I thinking about now... It would be great if I had Xiao Xiao's notebook... Concentrate, concentrate..."

"This is a good place to play truth or dare, no one will tell lies in this kind of place... Concentrate, concentrate..."

"Shangmeiwuwu... No, under the Hengmen, it's okay to be a household... Not right, this is an advanced spell opened by Alahoo Cave... Don't shake or move, don't shake (nǎn) don't move, yes, calm down first , need to calm down now."

"Don't shake and don't move, don't shake (nǎn) and don't move!"

"Yu Yisi!"

"My heart is full of peace!"

"Softness is not rude, rigidity is not spitting; not afraid of force, majesty is strength!"

After adding several spells of defensive spirit to his body one after another, the voice that had been echoing above the blank land finally gradually quieted down. This made the wizard breathe a sigh of relief.

"Is it fun?"

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Wu did not interrupt the wizard's mental activities, but watched with great interest as he frantically cast magic on his body.

It wasn't until the clear and loud voice completely disappeared that the gentleman asked with a smile, "How do you feel now?"

"It's okay..." The boy answered the husband's question cautiously, and at the same time couldn't help but ask: "Where is this place... I mean, why am I here? Is this a convalescent area of ​​the school hospital? Satogu Did Ya get beaten away? Everyone... is everyone okay?"

He didn't dare to ask that worrying name.

"It's good to be young, always full of vitality." Mr. Wu sighed with nostalgia, reached out and picked up a peanut from the saucer on the small coffee table, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed: "Take your time, one by one Ask, take your time."

Zheng Qing was so preoccupied with the questions just now that he didn't even notice that his husband was eating.

"What the hell happened before?"

"...What happened, I think you are more qualified to answer this question than I am." The gentleman raised his eyebrows and closed the hard-shell book in his hand: "You opened the star gate and let two Outer Gods break into Buji Island. Then he tried his best to stop it... From the perspective of a bystander, it is so contradictory."

"Everyone...are you safe?" the boy asked in a low voice.

"You won't know until you go out by yourself."

"Get out? Oh, ok, I'm going out now..." Zheng Qing's mind was in a mess, and the question was a bit confused: "How can I get out, can I get out now? Why am I here? How did I get here?"

"Well, how did you come here? It involves a very complicated process... To use professional words to describe it, it is because of the rampant magic power that leads to violent riots in dimensions, and the spirit cannot control matter, so that a large amount of magic power is released in a very short time and a very limited space. Matter and energy, triggering a violent tide of magic power... During this process, because the spirit collapses before the matter, it will enter the blank land according to the general protective principle..."

Zheng Qing was dizzy after listening to what he said, unable to grasp the main point at all.

He had to raise his hand to interrupt Mr.'s eloquent description, and asked weakly: "Can you... explain it a little simpler?"

Mr. Wu raised his eyelids and stared at him for a while, then finally replied:

"Simply put, you blew up."

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