Hunting High School

Chapter 291 Don’T Look Directly At God

There is no difference between up, down, left, and right in the blank land, and there is no change in the color of the sky when the sun rises and the moon sets.

In it, it is difficult to feel the passage of time.

Especially when someone in the chat keeps asking endless questions and the answerer has infinite patience. As long as curiosity remains, the process will not stop.

While the young wizard chick pecking rice nodded, the gentleman took out his pocket watch for the second time and glanced at the time.

When he looked up, the young wizard asked a new question:

"Sir, what exactly is an Outer God?"

As he spoke, he raised his eyelids a little, as if he wanted to take another look at the illusory starry sky above his head, but he immediately restrained the urge and forcibly lowered his eyelids: "I mean, they don't feel very good …When I saw their figures outside, I always felt an inexplicable sense of irritability in my heart."

"That's because you're standing too low." The husband's answer was very straightforward: "It's like when ordinary people look up at the starry sky in the dark, they will be anxious, flustered, and self-denying, feeling that life is short for decades. It is meaningless in front of the vast universe. Small individuals, huge stars, long distances and time all make people feel powerless...Many people will have a sense of "life is nothingness" because of this, and it will even lead to a serious view of the world. Collapsed with the outlook on life."

"The more 'knowledge' people have, the stronger this 'sense of nothingness' will be."

"If you ask an old farmer to look up at the stars, he will at most sigh that the weather will be fine tomorrow; but if you ask a well-educated philosopher to look up at the stars, he may go crazy... The more you know, the easier it is to go crazy."

"Wizards will have a similar synaesthesia when they look up at the starry sky. It's just that because they see more, the synesthesia they have is stronger. This feeling is described in theological terms, that is, 'cannot look directly at God'. "

What does this have to do with 'outer gods'? The young wizard muttered to himself.

Mr. seems to have heard his heart, and smiled: "The 'outer gods' you mentioned are also wizards, but they have broken away from the concept of ordinary wizards... Divided by modern ranks, most of the 'outer gods' ' are all between the 'legendary wizard' and the 'ancient wizard', above the legend, but not full of the ancient."

"Any road to transcendence is forged by the predecessors."

"The school now teaches you that the path of 'Registered Wizard-Great Wizard-Legendary Wizard-Ancient Wizard' is the broadest and most stable path among all known Transcendent paths."

"But this does not mean that there are no other Transcendent roads other than this one."

"For example, many great wizards who are unable to step into the legend will choose the good fortune' Transcendent race' achievement'ancestor' to achieve self-transcendence; there are also great wizards who will choose the path of 'becoming a god' by collecting beliefs and igniting divine fire; there are also great wizards who will Sign a contract with some ancient existence in the universe, become a 'generational practitioner', and break through the barrier with external force."

"The water may be deep or shallow, and the road may be straight or undulating, but as long as you can reach the other shore, it is enough for the seeker."

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"We couldn't have asked for more."

"Follow the broadest road. After becoming a legendary wizard, a wizard needs to collect enough information, constantly improve the concept of 'self', and let himself resonate with this universe. The more similar the better. This is a bit like we build a forbidden spell According to the previous work, select a large enough set, and then find the law to converge."

"The 'outer gods' are essentially a group of existences that have surpassed the legendary wizards, and their 'self-concept' continues to expand, but they cannot do subtraction to 'converge'. They have to abandon their physical bodies and escape into the depths of the starry sky."

"Maybe some people think they are a group of losers, but I don't think so. Different routes lead to the same goal, no one knows, after the self-concept expands infinitely, will it overlap with the current state of 'I'? Just like the origin of the universe Convergence is a forbidden curse, while divergence is a world."

"For an individual, forbidden spells seem to be easier to control than the world."

"But no one can judge whether the Forbidden Curse or the world is better... After all, they already belong to two different levels, and it is difficult to have a clear indicator for quantitative comparison."

"This is why you are more attractive to them, because your body contains a 'Forbidden Curse Seed', and you have a clear, complete and correct 'Convergence Path'..."

"But in today's battle, the 'Gauze Nicholas' who appeared behind the big toad didn't seem to be that interested in me." Compared with Gu Ya's turbulent and overflowing malice, the outer god who descended on the back of the kid seemed to completely ignore the existence of the black cat.

"It's Your Highness Satogua and Nicholas." The gentleman corrected: "Facing the starry sky, you need to maintain enough awe... As I said before, after the concept of 'self' expands infinitely, it is very likely that I have reached my current state. And the black goat of the forest, which has bred thousands of descendants, is one of the most powerful of the Outer Gods. She has probably seen the way of owning clearly, so naturally she will not be interested in your concept of restraint .”

"Compared to it, the younger and weaker the outer gods, the stronger their desire for you. Because their 'expansion' is still very slight, there is a great possibility to set foot on the widest road."

The young wizard sighed deeply.

"Living is really tiring." He said with emotion, "I never thought that I would become Tang Seng one day."

The gentleman chuckled twice: "Luck or misfortune always clings to each other. Just like in today's accident, the most unlucky one was Nicholas, who came here for the call, but suffered a powerful spell for no reason. That's why It’s like you dialed a random number to ask someone for help, and just as the other person stepped over the threshold, he was shot in the face and turned into pieces. But who can say that Nicholas has nothing to gain?”

"At least she has confirmed the coordinates of this world. Perhaps after a long time, we will be able to feel His gaze on this world."

The young wizard couldn't help shivering, and tried hard to erase the horrific images that appeared in his mind.

The gentleman stretched his waist, let out a long breath, and concluded: "This is a world full of order, and you are a fruit of order, and you have the power to break order."

"The most attractive thing in the world is the power that can break the rules. For mortals, this power represents money, power, and beauty. For wizards, this power is knowledge."

"Forbidden spells are knowledge that can subvert order, rewrite rules, and have unlimited content."

"Now that you have understood all this, from now on, you have to correct your mentality, adjust your state, and face the ubiquitous covets in the dark forest anytime, anywhere."

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