Hunting High School

Chapter 293: The Story Of Griffin Titan

The era of Griffin's adventures also belonged to the era when classical magic prevailed.

At that time, wizards all learned such a theorem - mass is directly proportional to energy, the greater the mass, the greater the energy. Starting from this theorem, in turn, will greater energy result in greater mass?

In other words, titans have great power. If you have great power, will you become a titan? There is no doubt that huge strength can definitely support a huge body.

Starting from this idea, Griffin set up a series of experimental plans according to the traditional way of wizards.

The first problem that these programs need to solve is how to increase strength.

The method is very simple, one word, eat.

So the desperate wizard began to eat like crazy. From eating three to five grains of rice a day, to thirty or fifty grains a day, to three to five hundred grains, to three to five thousand grains, and finally he will eat a granary of the titans in a day.

His appetite grew, but his size never grew.

Until one day, when Griffin was walking on the streets of the titan world, he found that the world that once terrified him had turned into a loose, paper-like world.

Every step he takes, his legs and feet will step on deep space folds in the titan world. The stone slabs under their feet looked like bean dregs, and the ferocious faces of the titans looked extraordinarily funny at this time.

Griffin knew that his strength had grown to the limit.

But he's not a titan yet.

What troubled him now was not how to survive in this dangerous world, but the process of a wizard struggling to solve a very interesting experimental subject.

'I'm just a very strong ant, still meaningless to this titan world. '

So he began to think hard about Meditation again, how to transform strength into physique.

Until one day, when he saw the big pot used for steaming rice in titan, he suddenly realized: "What limits me is not my thinking, but my capacity!"

He opened his eyes, walked out, and said as he walked:

'I want to see the world with the eyes of a titan, I want to smell the world with the nose of a titan, and I want to taste the world with the mouth of a titan. '

‘I want to listen to the world with the ears of a titan, I want to think about the world with the brain of a titan, I want to embrace the world with open arms of a titan, I want to take the steps of a titan, and measure the world with the footprints of a titan. '

Every time he said a word, every step he took, his stature doubled in size.

After this passage, Wizard Griffin has become a real titan with a height of 100 meters.

He looked around, stunned for a moment, and finally burst out laughing: "I always thought that this world of titans restricted me, that I couldn't survive, and I couldn't die if I wanted to die." But I didn't expect to limit own from beginning to end to be myself. '"

The story ends here.

The gentleman glanced sideways at the young wizard and asked, "Have you learned anything from this story?"

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Zheng Qing pondered for a moment, then tentatively said: "The size of the heart is the size of the world?"

The husband did not deny it, but simply commented: "This world has never lacked ambitious people, but this world is always so small."

Zheng Qing changed his train of thought, simulating the train of thought of Zhang Jixin, who is most similar to Wizard Griffin, and replied: "Appetite and strength are directly proportional. If you want to become powerful, you must know how to eat."

The gentleman glanced at the young wizard quite unexpectedly, then raised his hand and pressed twice on his head.

"It's not bad," he blinked in confusion. "Your answer makes me think that the explosion blew your mind out."

Where did the spirit body get its brain from? The young wizard rubbed the back of his head, muttering, and finally gave up thinking, and poured out all the analysis he could think of:

"Ants are trivial to a titan."

"Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. For wizards, accumulation is very important..."

"Only by learning to look at problems with the eyes of a titan and think about the world with a titan's thinking, can it be possible to become a real titan..."

"This world is full of titans, don't let your own power turn you into ants."

The husband nodded repeatedly, but when he finally commented, he just smacked his lips: "The words are a bit rough, but they make sense. It's just that there is a strong smell of chicken soup inside and outside the words. After careful scrutiny, it is always It feels empty."

"I have always felt that the education method of Jiuyou College pays too much attention to thinking. At any time, speculation and practice are interactive and integrated content. You can't say wrong about these ideas, but they all ignore an important point."

"Think and do."

"Just like Wizard Griffin, if you want to get out of trouble, you have to become a titan; if you want to become a titan, you have to start eating, gaining strength, and adjusting your own worldview and outlook on life...the latter is in your long wizarding career Very important."

"A correct understanding of the world and life can support us to break through all shackles, get out of falsehood, and achieve ourselves."

"And in this blank land, if we want to go out, we need to find out the 'road' here, and then go out along the 'road'. Where is the road? The road is under our feet."

Zheng Qing lowered his head and found that at some point, a gleaming gravel path appeared under his and his husband's feet, winding and extending into the distance.

These gravels, the size of rice grains, shone with a clear luster in this white world.

Zheng Qing always felt that they looked familiar.

"These are..." He hesitated, wanting to bend down to pick up some sand, but he couldn't bend down because he was dragging his arms.

"That's right, they are sandworm eggs." The gentleman confirmed the boy's guess with a gentle tone: "But you need to be careful, don't let it touch your skin casually, it will make you fall into a situation like that of Satogua." Sacred's laziness'...I heard that these little things made a lot of trouble at school last semester?"

"Bring us a lot of jade coins, too." Zheng Qing's eyes sparkled as he looked at the sand bug eggs under his feet.

"You are still young, so you don't need these life-extending things." Mr. can always easily capture the thoughts passing through the boys' minds: "A real wizard needs to learn 'restraint', and don't be greedy unless necessary. Grabbing and gifts are The eternal topic between nature and wizards... the concepts related to time are very heavy concepts, and carrying too heavy a burden will make you unable to leave the blank space."

"But don't feel discouraged. Every wizard who breaks into this blank space and escapes successfully will have a bit of sand bug eggs on his 'body'—just like the pollen on the body of a bee after gathering honey—very little Some people know that the sand time worms that plagued the wizarding world for a long time were first born in this blank place; few people know that it is also wizards who brought these 'false super-dimensional creatures' into the wizarding world."

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