Hunting High School

Chapter 300: An Account

Catherine Stewart stood in the crowd, her heart trembling slightly. Her mind went blank. Even if you have made all the mental preparations, when it is your turn to own, this feeling is still hopeless.

Her father broke his leg in the Forest of Silence some time ago, and her mother was earning a hundred paper boxes for a copper at the Northside Wharf. She also had two young Little Brothers, who were counting on her to bring some Take the leftovers home.

"Catherine's family needs her more, let me go." A male juggler who had a crush on a girl in gray robe stood up and said tremblingly, "I still have a big brother at home, he can take care of my parents."

The gray-robed female juggler, that is, Catherine, looked at the rash young man gratefully and helplessly.

"It's not up to you to decide." Outside the circle, the owner of the Kini Cabin coldly and cruelly rejected the boy's request: "Every choice in the world has its own reasons. All we can do is to work hard after making a choice." do the best."

"It's okay, I can do it." Catherine took a deep breath and nodded to Korma.

Then she reached out and took off the headband from her hair, and threw it at the rash young man: "Colin, in case something happens, I hope you can..."

Having said that, she suddenly stopped talking, looked at the floor in a daze, and laughed dumbfoundedly.

"Help take care of my two Little Brothers," she finally said, "... three months, just take care of them for three months."

Three months later, my father's injured leg should have healed.

The girl thought silently, walked out of the crowd quietly, came to the owner of the Kini Cabin, raised her head, and looked at her bravely:

"I'm ready."

Behind her, came the neat and low prayers of her companions:

"May Merlin bless you, our sister."

Kerma held the prepared potion and signaled the others to leave the hall temporarily.

Until the last person left, the heavy wooden door was closed, completely isolating the noise and anger.

The sunlight can't penetrate the cloudy glass, and the fireflies are also resting. Although it is daytime, the room shows a strange darkness and silence.

Kerma looked at the female juggler kneeling in front of her, her lips moved slightly, and she said in a subtle and clear voice:

"Being born in the North District is our common sorrow. There are only two roads in front of you...or be abandoned by the world in obscurity, or change yourself according to the world."

"This is the consistent philosophy of Kini House."

"Now I need you to repeat it again and make sure that your heart agrees with this idea."

The female juggler in the gray robe repeated Korma's words in a low voice, and at the end, added: "...This is my true thought. If there is a chance in front of me to get rid of the status of a juggler, no matter what , I am willing to try. Give it a try, there is still a glimmer of hope in the future."

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Kerma stuffed the medicine bowl in her hand into the hands of the female juggler.

"It tastes a bit bitter." Catherine took the medicine bowl, drank it down, then smacked her lips, her face showed a bit of relief, and she also recovered a bit of her usual playfulness and boldness: "What kind of medicine is this? I feel my tongue It's getting a little numb..."

"Tranquilizer." Kerma glanced at the female juggler, raised her hand to disperse the tables, chairs and benches around her, then lay down on the ground, and began to seal the magic circle with her fingers on the hard oak floor.

While engraving, he explained without turning his head: "...The experiment directly acting on the soul is a very painful process. Reducing the strength of your struggle in the magic circle can maximize the success rate of the experiment."

"...the tongue is the first part to lose feeling, then the cheeks, neck, viscera, hands and feet...sight and hearing will be preserved, ensuring that you always obey the requirements of the magic ritual in your heart."

After sketching the general outline of the magic circle, Kerma wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned around and glanced at the own experiment assistant.

I saw the female juggler in a gray robe resting her head on her hands, kneeling quietly under the shadow of the bar, motionless.

Like a statue.



Nine have schools and dormitories.

403 dormitory.

The red sun was hanging in the sky, and the warm wind was blowing, entering the house along the narrow window slits.

There was no one in the dormitory, and it was quiet. The curtain of Dylan's bed was blown up by the wind, revealing the dark coffin inside, and there was a faint snoring sound from the coffin.

The fat cat was curled up on Xin Fatty's pillow, snoring, and the tip of its tail was slowly undulating in the breeze, looking very comfortable. A few elves slapped on its belly in all directions, wrapped their wings, and slept soundly together.

Suddenly, the warm wind subsided.

Tuantuan, who was dozing with his eyes closed, trembled his ears and raised half his eyelids.

Then it saw a familiar figure squatting on the edge of the desk not far away.

It's a yellow beaver.

It has a round face with golden pupils, gray fur, and a transparent ball floating on one side of the shoulder, within which there is a faint shadow of a small tree.

The fat cat, who has always been very upbeat, jumped up with his tail between his legs as soon as he caught sight of a visitor out of the corner of his eyes. The elves who had been hanging on it for a 'lunch break' rolled down in disarray and landed on Fatty's soft quilt. Although they didn't fall completely dizzy, they were interrupted from their nap, all angry stand up.

The fat cat quietly raised the tip of its tail, and stuffed it into the mouth of the elf with the loudest voice.

The yellow raccoon was condescending, watching every move of the fat cat, until the dormitory became quiet again, and then it asked in a rough voice: "Have you seen two mice? One is the size of a fist, like a volleyball; On the wooden chariot, with wrinkled face, breathless when speaking..."

Although this description is vague, it is very clear to those who know their identities.

Tuantuan sat up straight obediently, shaking his head with a rattle: "I haven't seen it before... I'm very obedient, and I've been staying in this dormitory all the time!"

While speaking, it also raised a paw, swearing fiercely, as if wishing to take out the own cat's heart and show it to the ancestor in front of it.

The elves were very amused to hear the two cats standing opposite each other and meowing at each other.

Some of them sensed the familiar scent of the newly arrived yellow raccoon, and bravely flew over, landed on the yellow raccoon, and helped it comb.

Tuantuan felt that Own was about to have a heart attack.

On the other hand, the old ancestor didn't seem to care about the actions of these elves. He just frowned and shook his ears, preventing an elf from rubbing its ears, and then nodded: "Got it... the next time I see that elf You two rats, remember to inform my uncle that I will peel off their rat skin... tree bark... skin!"

Before the words were finished, the raccoon flicked its tail, turned around and disappeared into the dormitory, leaving only intermittent reverberations in the air.

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