Hunting High School

Chapter 304: The Witness (Part 1)

Zheng Qing in the teapot didn't know much about the conversation outside the teapot.

He felt vaguely that someone was talking outside, but he couldn't hear clearly. From the moment he entered the teapot, he felt like he had entered a steamer, closed and stuffy, and the sound outside seemed as thin as a mosquito when it reached his ears through a thick quilt.

This kept his consciousness in a drowsy state.

But in this gloom, there are many light spots of different colors swaying and floating in the sea of ​​his consciousness, like anchor points one by one, pulling his consciousness so as not to completely sink into the unknown.

The young wizard touched one of the red dots curiously.

The red light spot is a bit thorny, and it feels like a needle tip.

A huge suction came from the light spot, and after the world spun, Zheng Qing stood in a red world.

The sky is red, the earth is red, the mountains, rivers, vegetation and rocks are all red. A small figure stood in the center of this red world, with his head raised and his arms outstretched, as if embracing the sky.

Noisy and chaotic murmurs echoed through the world, getting louder and harsher. Then the red cloud rolled and pressed down, like roaring waves, submerging the little figure.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the red world was shattered into fragments, and Zheng Qing's strand of consciousness also returned to groggy. The only sliver of clarity made him wake up—that red world was his dream, a place where he had dreamed many times.

With this awakening, the contents of other light spots can also be traced.

In those light spots, Zheng Qing saw himself being chased by the titan, fleeing desperately under the huge shadow; he saw himself being chased by wild dogs and running around, and he was bleeding from the thorns; he saw himself being swallowed by the red sea waves ; to see myself buried in a red avalanche. again and again.

A huge doubt arises from the bottom of his heart, why is the background color of his dreams always this disturbing color?

In addition to the red dots, there are also some golden dots.

Zheng Qing tried to touch one.

The golden light spot feels warm to the touch, as if touching the real world.

After the same whirlwind, it is a completely different world.

Zheng Qing returned to a dream of last summer: thin fog, a red plastic runway, soft music coming from the arm bag, and a black cat leading the way in front of him.

It was the process of taking the admissions exam in his dream.

From a third-party perspective, the young wizard watched him being led off the track by the black cat and brought into the examination room; he watched Senior Colmar smile and push himself into the black door; he watched himself burying his head in writing the paper—from a third-party perspective Only then did Zheng Qing realize how weird it was for him to sit in his seat and answer the paper honestly.

He bet that the school must have cast some kind of magic in the examination room, so that people can't help but answer when they pick up the paper.

The dream in the other golden light spot is almost the same as the first light spot, and it is all about the dream of that summer and that early morning.

It’s just that in the second golden light spot, the protagonist is no longer the running boy, but the black cat leading the way—the boy is talking with the old man, while the scalper is lying quietly, rolling down the mountain, becoming a runner the leader.

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Zheng Qing felt that his own brain was a little confused.

He doesn't remember the dream.

But he could easily tell that this dream was as real as the previous one. And this brought him even greater troubles: In other words, did he guide himself into the examination room and become a student of the first university?

According to the logic in the dream, Zheng Qing always felt that something was not quite right.

With doubts, he turned on the light spot of the third color. Those are some blue light spots, not many in number, and the distribution is very uneven. Some light spots are very large, while some light spots are extremely small and dim.

Touching it is like touching an ice cube, which makes people feel frozen from the inside out.

After spinning around, Zheng Qing saw the picture in the biggest and brightest blue light spot.

Under the dark night, the gurgling lake water lapped quietly against the shore. On the huge rockery, a white kitten meowed and played with a tall witch.

Zheng Qing saw another 'transparent' self.

He also saw a monster with a 'plain face, no brows or eyes'.

Forgotten memories unsealed.

The fear and anger at that time surged up like a tide, occupying every corner of the young wizard's thoughts. He remembered that this was the scene he dreamed about when he was doing the test in Professor Yao's office.

He felt his own thoughts trembling.

Countless perplexities and incomprehensions rolled and boiled in his thoughts, as if The next moment would burst his brain. He desperately needs some explanation, some evidence that can shake off some terrible thoughts in his heart.

The urgency was so strong that his drowsy feeling became much clearer.

He clearly heard the sound of the fire burning under the pot, the bubbling of the medicine in the pot, and the conversation between Mr. Huwai and the yellow beaver.

Then he heard a faint, thump, thump, throbbing sound.

is his heart.

His newborn, still growing heart.

From the moment he heard the sound of his heart beating, the sound of "plop" and "plop" became louder and louder, until finally, like the sound of thunder, the pot lid buzzed wildly.

"Okay," is the voice of the gentleman: "Get ready to open the pot...don't stand opposite the spout, be careful of being hit by the medicine gas inside."

"No one knows how to dodge better than me!" the yellow raccoon replied confidently.

Then Zheng Qing heard a loud bang, as if someone held a huge gong and beat it hard in his ear, which made him tremble from head to toe, his mind went blank, and his thoughts were completely broken.

When he came back to his senses, he was already wrapped in a blanket and shivering while sitting on the recliner of his husband.

It was already dark outside, and the light bulb was turned on in the store, falling on the boy, making him feel no warmth at all.

Zheng Qing opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't make a sound.

He looked at Mr. in horror.

"Don't rush, take your time." The gentleman held a cup of tea and handed it to the mouth of the young wizard: "Drink some tea first to warm up your body. Just came out of the pot...I mean the teapot, it might not be that warm. "

"Actually, he can change you to a bigger pot," Huanghuali said to the boy with certainty, "but he has always been so you know? During the time you were being boiled by him, he put me All the dried fish are given away!"

Zheng Qing twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a difficult smile.

Mr. Wu turned his head and looked at the yellow raccoon with a smile: "Since Zheng Zheng is awake...then it's hard work for you to make another trip and bring the little girl from the Jiang family."

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