Hunting High School

Episode 3: The Story Of A Cat

Zheng Qing feels that she has gradually fallen in love with the feeling of being a cat.

Lying lazily under the warm sun, smelling the fragrance of green grass, chewing the honey juice dripping from flowers, snoring, feeling the beauty and comfort of life.

When I was hungry, I went to the cafeteria to brush a chicken leg; when I was thirsty, I slipped into the herb garden to lick the dew; when I was bored, I caught a mouse and beat it;

There is no burden of exams, no worries about homework, no need to worry about hunting team training, no need to run a small shop business. In my spare time, I play hamsters and occasionally pat the Kappa.

Of course, it would be great if the little white cat had a better temper.

Thinking of this, the black cat turned its head, glanced at the little white cat lying beside him, flicked its tail carefully, and slapped the little white cat's paw with the tip of its tail.

The little white cat raised one eyelid, glanced at the black cat, opened its mouth wide and let out a big yawn, revealing its white fangs.

The black cat froze, curled its own tail obediently, retracted its own half of the territory, raised its paws and looked at the lake in the distance indignantly, thinking viciously in its heart: After all, it is a wild cat. You have been educated, you obviously occupied my place to bask in the sun, and you still have a big temper, be careful that I will turn back into a wizard, come back with a book of magic, hang you between the branches with vines and beat you.

I think so, but the sun is so comfortable now, the comfortable black cat would rather make room for the little white cat in exchange for a moment of comfort.

They are now lying on a bench.

This bench is located at the end of the boulevard between the library and the back garden. Inside the bench, stands a thick split-leaf sycamore tree; outside the bench, there is a bluestone road. This bluestone road connects the dormitory mountain and the book mountain hall, then crosses the north shore of Linzhong Lake, and finally extends to the front of the teaching building.

Both sides of the road are mostly these very old plane trees - of course, some wizards like to call them French Parasol Tree or three-ball Parasol Tree - because this kind of tree often bears fruits the size of ping-pong balls, and the many-tailed trees in the school The squirrels like to use them as cannonballs and throw them around, which makes the students complain.

The school work committee couldn't arrange special wizards to fight against the little squirrels, so they simply posted a notice on the bulletin board, inviting cats, cats and dogs in the school who had spare time to patrol the boulevard to ensure that the squirrels didn't litter thing. Animals that receive tasks and perform well can get corresponding rewards.

The black cat thought that he had a lot of subordinates to dispatch, so he took this task. From time to time, a group of cats is sent to patrol this tree-lined road to drive away the squirrels that are scurrying around.

Today is the day of duty.

The lush branches criss-cross, covering the whole stone road in thick shade. Behind the Parasol Tree are neatly trimmed evergreens and lawns, and long wooden chairs are placed between the Parasol Trees.

These wooden chairs were originally a place for students to rest, but students walking on this tree-lined road either go to the teaching building for class, or go to the library to check information and do homework, and few people stop here to rest. It is convenient for the cats on duty. At this moment, there were dozens of benches on both sides of the road, and there were cats lying down and dozing everywhere, which caused the passing witches to stop one after another, and their meows kept coming and going.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

They are really stupid humans. The black cat shook its beard and sneered at the performance of those witches.

at this time.

Suddenly there was a scream from the students in the distance, which attracted the attention of the cats.

The black cat stood up and looked intently. It turned out that a wizard was wooing a witch, using magic to conjure up a gorgeous sea of ​​flowers. Behind the sea of ​​flowers, there was a misty mist of water vapor. Under the sunlight, a rainbow was like a rainbow. Standing like an arch over the heads of the wizard and wizard. Groups of elves in colorful clothes shuttled between the rainbow and the sea of ​​flowers, dancing gracefully. The blossoming trumpet flowers bulged their cheeks and played wonderful music.

It was the witch's friends who screamed.

A witch at this age probably likes romance.

Realizing it was the students messing around, the cats fell back into 'Sacred's Laziness'. The tense muscles on the black cat's back also loosened again, and it lay back on its original spot, continuing to lazily bask in the sun.

But, that rainbow is so beautiful.

It's really nice.

The black cat stared at the rainbow, watched, watched, and couldn't help snoring.

The little white cat next to it was a step ahead of it, watching the movement in the distance with envious eyes.

that's it.

The two cats lay side by side with their paws in their mouths, squinting their eyes, looking at the rainbow hanging on the lake, the sea of ​​flowers, and the dancing elves, purring happily.

Snore, snort.

Suddenly, the little white cat's purring stopped abruptly, and before the black cat could react, it felt a strong force coming from its waist, which Pei Ran could not resist.

He was kicked off the wooden chair by the little white cat.

When he got up from the ground with a disheveled face and looked again, the little white cat was still squinting and snoring, immersed in the light of the rainbow in the distance. It was as if the black cat fell down accidentally just now, and everything had nothing to do with her.

The black cat looked puzzled.

He was basking in the sun and snoring, and suddenly he was kicked out of bed by the cat. The cat can bear it, but the dog can't bear it! There is no law! Is there any law left? !

"Hiss... Really... Male cats don't fight with female cats!"

The black cat took a deep breath, raised its paws, and rubbed its chin on the stone with a thick pad of flesh, silently comforting itself, since it is a big cat, a big cat should have a bigger belly, and don’t be as narrow-minded as a small cat. .

Although in most situations, Ah Q's spiritual victory method is being criticized, but many times, people still like to use this method to obtain a little psychological comfort.

This is nature and has nothing to do with humans and cats.

The black cat originally wanted to leave and change to a quieter bench. But as far as the eye can see, the own bench is where the sun is warmest and the air is freshest. Moreover, there are as few as three or five cats on the other benches, and as many as a dozen cats crowded together, making people unable to bear to join in the fun after seeing them.

After wandering around several times, the black cat finally pinched its nose and sneaked back to the own chair when the little white cat was not paying attention.

Really, there is nothing worse in the world than this.

Just as the black cat was brewing up his mood and looking for an opportunity to snore again, there was a slight rustling sound in his ears. It tried to block the noise, but the rustling sound persisted in its cochlea.

Being a cat is also troublesome!

The black cat suddenly realized that - too good hearing is also a kind of trouble.

The rustling sound was still ringing in my ears, the black cat finally couldn't hold it back, turned its head, looked around, and finally saw a black hole the size of a fist emerging from the root of the phalanx tree next to it through the gap between the planks of the bench .

The rustling sound came from the black hole.

Not long after, two mice wearing vests got out of the hole.

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