Hunting High School

Chapter Fourteen Hugging The Thighs, It's Comfortable, Not Shabby

During the winter vacation, Zheng Qing, Xiao Xiao and others came to the Kini Cabin to do tasks. Kerma once told several young wizards solemnly that they needed their help to complete a "sex magic".

Sim Fatty was looking forward to it for a while.

As subsequent events proved, the so-called 'sex magic' was nothing more than a means by the owner of the kiny cabin to moleste a few poor young men. Their real task is to sell coolies, draw formations, talismans and prepare potions.

Right now, the Great Wizard of Korma used this excuse again, and in front of other girls.

When Zheng Qing was embarrassed, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart—could he look so stupid that he would fall into the same pit twice?

"You must think I'm joking, don't you?" The owner of the Kini Cabin blew on the long hair hanging down his forehead, and showed a charming smile at the boy: "This time it's true... even if you're not Lei Zhe, I I also agree to let you be my boyfriend."

Zheng Qing took a mouthful of the green bee and did not swallow it down. Holding the cup, she coughed violently.

He really couldn't stand such plausible words.

"Stop joking with him," Jiang Yu cast a reproachful look at Korma, then glared at the young public servant, and reminded, "When are you going to listen to the chat? Have you forgotten the purpose of our coming here?" ?”

Zheng Qing suddenly came to his senses and put down the wine glass in his hand.

"Nicholas, do you know him?" He coughed, and tried to say in a more serious tone: "It's the student in our class who repeated twice...Nicholas Green Oswald. Yesterday he was ticking by Linzhong Lake. Lost the blood of 'Oswald'."

"I've heard about it too." Korma nodded: "Didn't Lei Zhe and Augustus fight on the east side of the town because of this incident, destroying half of the street? The newspapers uploaded the rumors..."

"The Great Sage!" A witch with blond curly hair poked her head out from between the railings on the second floor, interrupting the 'harmonious' and heated conversation downstairs—— Zheng Qing noticed that the witch's cheeks were also Hanging a lock of silver hair, as if this has become a new fashion in the North District - the witch shouted anxiously:

"That idiot in Enoch just tried to use a very complicated spell. The magic power required by the book was too much, and it almost took half of his life away... Now the wrinkles on his face are heavier than Shar Pei dogs! Breathing It's very weak...everyone can't help it."

"Don't use that name anymore!" Kerma glared at the curly-haired witch angrily, and raised her voice slightly: "There is a bottle of Amber light soaked in sand and insects on the bottom shelf of the wine cabinet, and the bottle is wrapped in gray deerskin. Replace the wine into another bottle, take out those sand worms, and grind them into powder... I will deal with the rest when I go up!"

"Okay, great sage!" The blond curly-haired witch shrank her head back quickly, and soon, through the crack of the door that was not closed tightly, there were noisy voices and chaotic footsteps from upstairs.

Colmar looked at the two guests apologetically.

"Thank you, great sage!" The young Gong Feisheng looked at the owner of the kini hut, and said solemnly: "The business is important..."

"Don't use that address." Kerma raised her hand, and Zheng Qing shrank her head back in fright, thinking that she was going to beat herself, but the witch just raised her hand and pressed her forehead: "Why are you messing around together?"

"This is not nonsense." Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing, but quickly pursed her lips and corrected her appearance: "This is the call of the North District... It is the voice of the wizards of the North District."

Wizards of the North.

Although Jiang Yu has used this term before, in such a context, hearing this term again still makes Korma lose his mind for a moment.

A smile slowly formed on the corner of her mouth.

"If you don't mind, can you wait for a little while?" The owner of the Kini Cabin sighed deeply and came back to his senses: "...they are like a group of children who just got a new toy."

"I have half a Kabbalah leaf here, maybe it can help you." Jiang Yu took out a book from his pocket, and stuffed a bookmark-shaped leaf into Kerma's hand.

The owner of the kini hut hesitated for a second, with a warm smile on his face: "This is really a great help...Okay, okay, I won't rob your little boyfriend."

As she said that, she glanced at the bewildered public fee student, and said: "When you see the thigh, hug it, hug it tightly... Hug the thigh, it's comfortable, not shabby."

Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth, subconsciously glanced at the thigh of the new great wizard, and then immediately retracted his gaze. He really didn't know what expression to use to deal with this senior's strange brain circuit.

However, he vaguely understood that the 'thigh' that Korma mentioned should refer to Jiang Yu—the Kabbalah leaf, which he had read in the potion textbook, was a magical plant rich in vitality, which was very rare. Zheng Qing once saw someone buying this kind of leaf at a high price in a wandering wizard's bar, but no one responded to the bid until nearly 50 jade coins, which shows its preciousness and rarity.

It seems that there is nothing inappropriate for the squad leader Jiang to use this precious leaf as a bookmark, saying that she is a thigh.

But right now, he cares more about what Kerma said earlier.

I never heard that Jiang Yu has a boyfriend? Zheng Qingnahan was thinking about every suspicious wizard around Jiang Yu, completely oblivious to the slightly embarrassed expression of the witch next to him.


It turns out that Korma was right about her newly empowered wizards of the North. That is a group of bear kids who just got new toys.

Every ten minutes, there will always be new magical accidents: either two wizards accidentally broke their partner's leg while practicing magic battles, or a wizard who is not familiar with magic was hung in the air by the vines he summoned In it, there are exploding cauldrons, screaming mandellas, and divination crystal balls that turn into glowing lights.

Zheng Qing couldn't understand at all, how those wizards in the North District could make an ordinary crystal ball sparkle with so many colors.

In the North District in the past, magicians would never cause so much trouble, but for the North District now, the community-level changes brought about by magic far exceed the influence that a transformation or divination should have. .

But generally speaking, most of the current accidents are caused by the strong curiosity and desire to explore of the wizards in the North District. Of course, more accidents come from their stupid lack of systematic education.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

The originally simple consultation continued intermittently in this stupid atmosphere, and it lasted for an afternoon.

When Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu went back home, a golden moon had already risen outside the window—unsurprisingly, the two missed the regular class meeting tonight. Fortunately, Jiang Yu was the class monitor and had the right to Give them both a suitable leave of absence.

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