Hunting High School

Chapter 22 Out Of Control

When Alban reached out to grab Oleg's arm, Oleg also kindly helped him.

In his opinion, Alban's current situation should be the legendary "magic backlash"-although the magicians in the North District don't have much ability to cast magic, they still enjoy talking about magic-related concepts and never get tired of it.

According to the rumors in the North District, after a wizard fails to cast a spell, he will be backlashed by magic power. If it is light, it may be exhausted and sweaty, and if it is serious, it may even be life-threatening.

So when Albon turned pale and took a small step towards Retreat, Oleg stretched out his own arm very loyally.

Brothers fought against the wall to defend against their insults.

Oleg originally wanted to play a joke on Albon, laughing at him for dangling with a bottle full of half a bottle, daring to scare people on the street without fully mastering the spell.

But before the joke came out, he was keenly aware of the abnormality.

Albon's grip on his arm was too strong.

It's almost like crushing his arm bones!

"Help me," Albon murmured, his voice seemed to be whispering, making it hard to hear: "Help me, help everyone, help the North District... I can't do it alone."

"What are you talking about?" Oleg grinned and gasped, "Where did you get so much energy!"

Then he saw Alban turn his head, his eyes were red, and he looked at him frantically.

"Just this time," Albon's eyes were filled with pleading, fierceness, and guilt: "Just this time."

He repeated this sentence, and the black curse mark on his forehead suddenly lit up, like a huge vortex, enveloping the figures of the two people. In the depths of the vortex, countless souls could be seen faintly struggling, and the end of history could be heard. There was a howling sound.

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Oleg's expression twisted from a smile to shock, then anger, and finally panic.

He opened his mouth wide, as if he wanted to say something, but the effect of the spell seal far exceeded the upper limit that a magician could resist. In just an instant, maybe even less time, this tall and well-built North District wharf boss was swallowed by the huge vortex.

The skin and flesh all over his body changed from smooth to shriveled, and his whole body shrank into a ball like a dried fruit.

Until the end, there was no shriveled fruit left. The powerful devouring and transforming ability of the curse seal was like a huge millstone, grinding the shriveled fruit bit by bit and breaking it into powder.


The cold wind from the street corner blew past, and the puff of white powder was rolled into the air, and it was like the snow before the beginning of summer, the wind whimpered, and the snowflakes were bleak.

Zheng Qing and Jiang Yu stared at the scene in shock, speechless.

The sudden scene in front of them completely surpassed the imagination of the two young wizards.

Isn't it just a small street conflict?

How could it develop to this point!

The jugglers watching from the shadows on both sides of the street were obviously easier to accept this cruel reality than the two young students from the First University, and it was easier to recover from this tragedy.

Quietly, the magicians in the shadows receded like a tide. The feeling of being voyeurized that Zheng Qing had always been on his back also disappeared at the same time.

"You, what did you do?!" The young public fee student opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to make a sound, and roared in a dry tone: "What did you do!!"

"It was all forced by you." Albang's Dharma book was shining brightly, and his face was full of tears and smiles, which was very ugly: "...It was all forced by you, and it has always been forced by you..."

"He's bewildered, ignore him." Jiang Yu grabbed Zheng Qing's arm, stopped him from moving forward, and dragged him back, while saying in a low voice, "Let's go back to the Kini cabin first."

As if to explain her words, the thin mage from the North District in the center of the opposite street suddenly raised his head, his eyes turned white, and he bent his head back forcefully, making one suspect that he wanted to break Own's spine .

His arms were slightly stretched open, like bird's wings, and his fingers were curled up, unable to hold or unfold. The dilapidated Dharma book that was originally held in his hand finally got rid of the shackles of his fingers, and fell silently to the ground.


The dull landing sound was like a starting gun.

Gunshots, darkness fell.

The little mushroom figurines that filled the streets before were like snowmen washed by boiling water, and they turned into wisps of dim light in the blink of an eye, sinking into the decaying streets of the North District of Beta Town.

Night once again shrouded the world, except for the faintly glowing book in Jiang Yu's hand, only the wizard from the North District still had a faint light emitting from his body, allowing people to see its outline clearly.

yes it does.

Zheng Qing will never admit that the 'existence' opposite is still a conscious wizard.

The young public finance student watched helplessly as the wizard from the North District slowly floated into the air. Dozens of black phantoms of tentacles waving frantically appeared in the void behind him. Above the tentacles was a huge black cloud-like From time to time, the big mouth dripping with mucus and saliva can be seen looming in the distorted background.

This crazy and distorted power, Zheng Qing just experienced it personally yesterday.

So is Jiang Yu.

"External God!"

"It's an Outer God!"

The two spoke at the same time, their voices full of bitterness.

"Let me block it, you go to Senior Sister Kerma for help!" Jiang Yu threw Zheng Qing back and said without looking back: "You don't have a book or a talisman gun, so it's useless to stay here .”

The words are right and reasonable.

But Zheng Qing had no way to abandon the witch and flee to a safe place by himself, nor could he watch the witch stand in front of him, shielding himself from the wind and rain.

This has nothing to do with the analysis of pros and cons, it's just the dignity of a boy.

"Yesterday, I blew up, so I left you there." The boy said softly, and walked to Jiang Yu's side again: "I will never leave you today...before I blow up."

Perhaps thinking his words were very interesting, Jiang Yu let out a strange sob.

After you say something nice, always do something about it.

Although Zheng Qing mustered up his courage, he didn't intend to use his head to fight the projection of the alien god—although he still couldn't figure out how a little wizard in the North District provoked such a terrifying thing, but now he is not thinking about it. When this kind of thing happens.

In a panic, he reached into the gray cloth bag, touched something like a cardboard, felt the magic power flowing from it, and subconsciously pulled it out—the boy thought it was something he had forgotten in his bag. a talisman.

After taking it out, he realized that it was the red card tablet.

It is a tablet with the word "Wu" written on it, which is usually used by Zheng Qing to improve the success rate of drawing symbols. Of course, because of the taboo, he hardly used this tablet after he went to college. The last time I used it, I was wandering last year, to draw a talisman for Li Meng. Jiang Yu was also present at that time.

Seeing Zheng Qing take out this tablet, the witch was a little discouraged.

She originally thought that boys could come up with more powerful things.

For example, the fur of a certain yellow beaver.

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