Hunting High School

Chapter 31 Gifts

The sudden and brief destruction that happened in the northern part of Beta Town did not cause any ripples on the campus of First University.

On the one hand, the investigators from Trident Sword or the school work committee did not show up at the scene of the accident; on the other hand, the favored ones who lived in the ivory tower rarely set their sights on the magic depression.

Of course, the more important reason is that before other people noticed the 'little' accident, the yellow raccoon had pulled out Mr. Wu's projection from the void, and turned back the time by a few minutes with Zheng Qing's silver pocket watch .

This kind of backtracking is a 'selective backtracking'. Mister just restored the street to its original state. The few magicians who died and the vague shadow of the outer god did not come back to life with Mr.'s magic.

Every time Zheng Qing thinks about it, Zheng Qing always has a burning feeling in his heart.

This feeling became very clear when I walked in Jiuyou Academy on Monday morning.

Because he felt that he was extremely hypocritical.

He could run around for the life and death of a few elves, but he didn't feel any grief after the dead magicians in front of him—so much so that he wondered if Mr. did something wrong when he repaired his body .

It's just that after adjusting the time, the husband left without giving the boy more opportunities to ask questions.

This made him even more frustrated.

"It's not your fault," Jiang Yu comforted the boys in a low voice before leaving last night: "When they used sacrifice magic, they had already accepted the possible consequences... Any sacrifice has a price."

This bit of consolation is like the only plum left in the desert when hungry and thirsty, which keeps the mouth of the young public servant salivating, so that he does not lose his life under the attack of heat and thirst.

Therefore, in the Charms class on Monday morning, the first time he saw Jiang Yu, a bright smile appeared on Zheng Qing's face, as if relieved from a heavy burden. This smiling face puzzled the witch a little.

"Is my hairstyle ridiculous today?" She touched her bun, turned her head and asked Li Meng in a low voice.

Today, Jiang Yu didn't simply loose her long hair like in the past, but spent a little time combing a variant crown braid—a hairstyle with shawls on both sides and a circle of crown braids in the middle of the hair.

This hairstyle is delicate and pure, and it perfectly sets off her delicate makeup and fair neck. In order to fix the hairstyle, she also wore an olive branch headband, which added a bit of agility.

"Extremely beautiful." Li Meng complimented, and then asked in a flattering tone: "Cousin...can you really be more flexible? I promise to complete the homework this afternoon!"

Jiang Yu glanced at the little witch and told her the answer with his eyes.

Li Meng flipped through the textbook "Standard Spells: First Year University" dejectedly, and began to mutter to preview the content of today's upcoming lecture. Because the hand holding the quill was too hard, I accidentally poked a few small holes in the textbook.

Zheng Qing also poked a few small holes in the paper.

It's just that those holes were not poked out in the textbook, but in the Dharma book he borrowed temporarily.

Because the own dharma book was sealed by the 'belt', and the preparatory dharma book was also destroyed during the transcription that night, Zheng Qing was surprised to find that he had no dharma books to use before the charm class on Monday morning.

He had to temporarily borrow a public law book from the library to use.

As we all know, compared with "private customization", another meaning of "public product" is "poor quality" and "shoddy production". Such as private hospitals and public hospitals, private high schools and public high schools, private security and usss, and so on.

The same is true of the public law book in Zheng Qing's hands.

The cover of yellow buckskin is covered with stains, and it is hard to tell whether it is the stain of dragon blood ink or a mouthful of phlegm left by a Kappa; Writing, of course, leaves several disturbing holes.

like now.

Zheng Qing held the cheap shorthand pen bought from Green's Grocery Store, looked at the scratched pages of the Dharma book, and turned to look at Xiao Xiao with some uncertainty: "Do you think the library will let me pay for it?" ? This Dharma was already very brittle."

Xiao Xiao was working on a report, when he heard this, he glanced at the Dharma book in the hands of the young public finance student.

"How fresh," he replied in a flat tone, "I never heard that if a hole is accidentally poked in a book in the library, people will be compensated. You just need to pick around five o'clock in the afternoon, when the library is the busiest time to return the book , nobody checks page by page.”

This answer is not reassuring.

On the contrary, it made Zheng Qing feel the hypocrisy of own more and more.

"I've never been a good student," he said to himself, as if it would make him feel better.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Yeguo Reading! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here]

Then he looked at the report in Xiao Xiao's hand again.

"What are you writing?" He was a little curious: "I see you have been writing all morning..."

"The meeting report at the noon meeting! Don't tell me you forgot that the Forgiveness Knights will have a meeting at noon today!" Xiao Xiao replied a little irritable: "Also... if you still remember that you are the leader of the Knights It is my responsibility to write this kind of thing myself!"

A flattering smile appeared on the face of the young public-funded student, and he quietly opened his own textbook, pretending to be obsessed with studying—although he was a little ashamed, but this kind of copywriting work, the entire knight group, including the forgiveness hunting team, knew it well The announcement was handed over to Dr. Xiao Da. He is no exception.

With the doctor's reminder, it only took Zheng Qing five minutes to settle his lunch at noon, and he returned to dormitory 403 early.

Even so, he was almost in last place.

Even Shi Yuan little monk came earlier than him.

The initiator of the meeting was Lin Guo, but before the meeting started, everyone had other topics to discuss.

For example, congratulations to Senior Sister Kerma for becoming a Great Wizard—this news is still only spread in a small range, but being low-key doesn’t mean it can be ignored. Any wizard who knows this good news should express accordingly.

The simplest, send a gift.

"Senior Kerma was very interested in the talisman I drew last time, so I plan to give her a special talisman." Zheng Qing quickly decided on his own gift—what he didn't tell his friends was that he What I intend to give to Korma is a blood talisman.

Mr. once warned him severely that he needs to control the number and frequency of using the blood talisman.

"I remember that there is a dried dragon head at home, the head of a Romanian fire dragon. It is estimated to be three hundred years old." Dylan didn't sleep today, but was debating what kind of gift he should give to the great wizard: "...if she It would have been nice to advance earlier, there was a fan made of Qingluan tail feathers at home, but it was given to Miss Su earlier."

"Li Meng said that she baked a box of ginger biscuits herself." Xin Fatty scratched her nostrils with a quill, rolled her eyes and said, "I also want to give that simple gift..."

"You can prepare a can of auxin," Xiao Xiao suggested, "I heard that there is a great demand for amphibians such as frogs in the northern district recently, and the auxin must not be enough."

"Frogs ripened by hormones lack the thickness of time." Zheng Qing euphemistically reminded: "Professor Li talked about this concept in the Potions class...the frogs collected by the Kini House are used in magic rituals."

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