Hunting High School

Chapter 37 Lixia

Tuesday, May 5th.

Solar terms, Lixia.

Yi, marriage, alliance, consecration, sacrifice, seeking medical treatment;

Avoid, emigrate, move into a house, build a house, build a horse.

When Zheng Qing was a child, he didn't know what kind of horse "Jiama" was. He always felt that the word "Jia" was faked from the word "Jia", and "Jiama" was much easier to understand—avoid "Jiama", which means On this day, you should stay at home honestly and don't go out for a stroll casually.

This misunderstanding was not resolved until I grew up and knew that "building a horse" is to build a house and put beams on it. But at the same time, Zheng Qing became more and more speechless towards the old Huang Li. Just like today's taboo, it is superfluous to add a "horse" to a house that has already been built.

Having said that, there is no shortage of such 'overwhelming' things in Life.

For example, after Lei Zhe and Augustus destroyed half a street in Beta Town, the management committee of the town seriously sent them a lawyer's letter and punishment results; for example, after Zheng Qing injured Soprano, the student union held a hearing Yes; for another example, on Tuesday, the school temporarily issued a notice announcing that the Silent Forest was as silent as ever, and the northern area of ​​Beta Town was as safe as ever.

It looked like a bad farce.

But every actor in the play acted very seriously, as if what they said and what they did were all essential.

Faintly, Zheng Qing had a deeper understanding of 'order'.

Today is Tuesday.

In the afternoon there is an astronomy class.

As the rotating chairperson of the professors' joint meeting in May of the First University, Professor Emma is more responsible than Professor Yao, and therefore much busier. So it is inevitable to relax a little bit about teaching.

According to the students in the magic text class in the morning, Professor Emma even forgot to give them homework after class.

That sounds like great news.

Zheng Qing sincerely hopes that Tianwen Class 08-1 will also have such good luck—for this reason, he would rather do something that seems a bit "overwhelming", divination.

The divination of the young wizards will not change the minds of the great wizards, but it can prepare these young people mentally.

Of course, Zheng Qing didn't plan to do it himself because of his poor divination skills. Professional things should always be handled by professionals. For example, dispensing medicine to Xin Fatty, hunting team training to Elder, and chanting scriptures to little monk.

It is absolutely correct to hand over the matter of divination to Dr. Xiao Da.

The cold spring is gone, and the hot summer is coming. The temperature in this season is just like the emotions of seventeen or eighteen-year-old young people, sensitive and changeable. It is often a bit cool in the morning, and people who are hot in the afternoon are itchy all over.

After coming out of the self-study room, Zheng Qing walked around the campus with a brand-new standard Dharma book in his arms.

The original custom-made dharma book at Xiayuan Shusi was sealed by the master because it recorded the forbidden mantra's "hand gesture". In the words of my husband, 'When it's time to open it, you can open it naturally'.

This sounds like nonsense.

But a gentleman is a gentleman after all, even if they talk nonsense, the students can only obediently write it down in their notes and listen to the instructions honestly.

Back in dormitory 403, just as he opened the door, a puff of heavy smoke rushed towards him, choking the young public student to tears and coughing again and again, and he was a little confused for a moment.

"What happened? Is it a fire? Do you want to report to the school!" The young public servant screamed: "Is everyone still alive?"

"I'm dying." Dylan's feeble voice came from inside the coffin, and it sounded a bit muffled.

This made Zheng Qing feel a little relieved.

Since Mr. Vampire Werewolf was still in the mood to put the lid on the coffin, it meant that things hadn't gotten any worse, and Dylan didn't need to run away with the coffin on his shoulders.

"You are not alive." Xin Fatty habitually yelled at Dylan, and then screamed: "... Tuantuan! You scratched my face! This is just a bubble of a bubble head curse, not glass ball!"

There were also a few angry cat meows mixed in with the smoke.

Zheng Qing felt more at ease.

"What happened? Did someone do magic experiments in the dormitory?" He asked sharply with the majesty that a public-funded student should have.

It is strictly forbidden for students to do magic experiments in the school dormitory. Violators will be punished by school regulations.

Zheng Qing also had a 'detention in school' on his body. He didn't want his backyard to catch fire at this juncture.

"No, ahem, no experiment...just an accident."

Dr. Xiao Da's explanation came out of the smoke with a coughing sound, and he seemed a little out of breath: "...I just tried the traditional gypsy divination method... Obviously, when the wizard uses this divination , prone to magic allergies."

Zheng Qing narrowed his eyes, held his breath, and walked through the thick smoke.

Xiao Xiao was sitting cross-legged in front of a small brass basin, with all kinds of weird magic materials placed on the left and right—dry moss, red mushrooms with silvery white spots, dried reindeer cartilage, owl's eyeballs, and a few pieces Steaming ice.

Zheng Qing doubts whether those white translucent solids are real ice cubes, because he has never seen a wizard throw ice cubes into the white flame, and the flame burns more intensely.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources, and read aloud with many timbres, yeguoyuedu Android and Apple are all available. 】

At this moment, Xiao Xiao was using a slender bone suspected to be an animal rib to fiddle with the flame in the copper basin. Did he grab a little material around him and throw it in, letting the black, gray, blue and white smoke flow from the copper basin? Basins overflowed and filled the entire dormitory.

"What are you looking at?" Zheng Qing noticed that Xiao Xiao was staring intently at the cloud of smoke in front of him, and couldn't help asking.

"You should drink some of this before watching." Fatty Xin handed a wooden cup to Zheng Qing, which was filled with a suspicious light yellow liquid, which was still faintly steaming—— Zheng Qing looked at Fatty with an undisguised malicious smile , very politely and politely declined:

"Thanks, my divination skills are poor, so I don't need to bother."

Fatty couldn't hide the disappointment on his face.

"So, what do you want to see?" Zheng Qing changed the way of asking, and looked at Xiao Xiao again - he didn't have much time to ink with the doctor here, he still had business to ask.

But Xiao Xiao's answer forced him to shut up.

"Looking for the sheep, Linguo's black goat... I have used the tortoise shell, the crystal ball, and the tarot cards, but there is no clue. The effect of the line map is not even as good as that of the grass."

Dr. Xiao Da's tone was a little sad, but his eyes were still glued to the smoke, he just murmured and explained: "Of course, besides looking for sheep, I also want to see if I can graduate from school safely... The kind with missing parts."

Zheng Qing's complexion suddenly darkened.

Undoubtedly, Dr. Xiao Da meant something.

"I've been protesting all morning," Dylan poked his head out of the coffin, his eyes were red. I don't know if it's because of staying up late, or because of the smoke—or because the vampire's anger has accumulated to the extreme. :

"But it's useless... You are the head of 403, you should do something."

The last sentence he said to Zheng Qing.

Only then did Zheng Qing realize that he was still the head of dormitory 403. He hadn't performed relevant duties for a long time, and he didn't realize what he should do for a while—the sanitation, cleaning and other tasks that were usually in charge of the head of the house had long been disposed of by the group of elves he raised.

"Well, doctor, you can't light a fire in the dormitory." He shook his head, trying to make Own's tone a little gentler: "Everyone is responsible for a good dormitory environment... You've turned this place into a wild place."

"The field is not as good as it!" Dylan yelled, slapping the coffin below him: "I can still watch the stars and breathe fresh air in the it possible here?"

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